Author Topic: Why does predictions happen for some and not others?  (Read 5309 times)

Offline Cteebaby1

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Why does predictions happen for some and not others?
« on: September 29, 2019, 06:16:13 AM »
I hate getting on here and reading how timelines never ever transpire for people! I mean some users on here haven’t had a prediction pass in years. However, for me I’ve had many things manifest as far as predictions go so I wonder why that is? Certain readers get everything right down to the “T” but for others things are very wrong. It discourages me but like I said things transpire

Offline Sparkle002

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Re: Why does predictions happen for some and not others?
« Reply #1 on: September 29, 2019, 06:46:05 AM »
I hate getting on here and reading how timelines never ever transpire for people! I mean some users on here haven’t had a prediction pass in years. However, for me I’ve had many things manifest as far as predictions go so I wonder why that is? Certain readers get everything right down to the “T” but for others things are very wrong. It discourages me but like I said things transpire


I believe most things transpire for me for some strange reason compared to others on the board (and others I actually know)

Sometimes right down to the T as well.


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Re: Why does predictions happen for some and not others?
« Reply #2 on: September 29, 2019, 02:28:30 PM »
Most things transpired for me too but timelines are iffy.

Offline Star_01

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Re: Why does predictions happen for some and not others?
« Reply #3 on: September 29, 2019, 02:38:46 PM »
Anything non-love related has happened to me in timings or slightly out. Love related nothing's come to pass.


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Re: Why does predictions happen for some and not others?
« Reply #4 on: September 29, 2019, 02:51:14 PM »
I also think when you get readings on 'active' situations (i.e., people you interact with frequently and have a real ongoing thing with) the energy is much easier to read and predict?

Rather than say, getting readings and predictions about an ex who you haven't spoken to in months. Just my theory. I have also had lots of things come to pass...

I totally agree with you on this.  Right when the situation happened with my POI, the readings were much more detailed.  Now it’s been 5 months and it’s gotten very general.

Offline SarahM

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Re: Why does predictions happen for some and not others?
« Reply #5 on: September 29, 2019, 03:43:21 PM »
Anything non-love related has happened to me in timings or slightly out. Love related nothing's come to pass.

This!!! I always wondered why??

Offline bstalling

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Re: Why does predictions happen for some and not others?
« Reply #6 on: October 03, 2019, 01:34:12 AM »
Our lives vary, the readers used, what those readers actually picked up on accurately, accurate predictions taking years to happen....

Offline _sydney_vicious_

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Re: Why does predictions happen for some and not others?
« Reply #7 on: October 03, 2019, 05:58:33 AM »
Love related predictions always unfolded for me so that’s what I consult about the most. In regards to other parts of my life the predictions either never happened or were dead wrong. I guess the advisors I speak with specialize in love over other areas of life

Offline alphabetsoup

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Re: Why does predictions happen for some and not others?
« Reply #8 on: October 03, 2019, 01:42:42 PM »
95% of my predictions didn't manifest, but those 5 that did! Holy crap! It's such a rush to see that thing happen just as the reader described.  I always wonder why people who haven't had a prediction manifest would be here.  If I had no correct predictions it would be so simple to just stop.

Offline flora0250

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Re: Why does predictions happen for some and not others?
« Reply #9 on: October 03, 2019, 02:03:15 PM »
95% of my predictions didn't manifest, but those 5 that did! Holy crap! It's such a rush to see that thing happen just as the reader described.  I always wonder why people who haven't had a prediction manifest would be here.  If I had no correct predictions it would be so simple to just stop.

Just a comment on why I’ve hung around and why others may (although I’m still not getting readings now and haven’t for almost 2 months) ... for me it was getting some extremely specific things correct about past and present that could not have been known - were not general at all (I.e. my bosses name the profession of my father that passed, some other quirky things) - made me think that surely their predictions would therefore happen. It is hard to let that idea go for some I think - it was for me. Plus some predictions happened that I didn’t care about and made me think the ones I did care about would.

But for me, no, nothing I really was invested in and wanted to know about actually came to pass. Yet I guess.

Offline Girly1998

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Re: Why does predictions happen for some and not others?
« Reply #10 on: October 03, 2019, 04:54:45 PM »
Most predictions are based on current energies, thoughts feelings and intentions. If you and the other people involved are staying on a consistent path and following through on intentions, it's more likely they can predict what will happen.

On the other hand if the personalities involved are more changeable then some psychics may not be able to read deeply enough or see far enough ahead to predict those changes. Some psychics can only see the here and now and make predictions based off that.

And like flora said, if they are validating a lot of things for you, or getting some short-term or insignificant predictions right, it makes you think the bigger ones will happen.

Certain astrological influences could make it more difficult to get accurate predictions from a psychic, especially where Uranus is involved. Astrology can be used for predictions, but it is super important to rectify the birth time.

The short answer is that most psychics suck at giving predictions, most of the time, and if they get something right for you just consider yourself blessed.

I agree, I think they make the predictions on the present emotions, in hopes that they don’t change and the person actually acts on it. Some psychics get the past and present to a T but not so much on predictions unfortunately

Offline Star_01

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Re: Why does predictions happen for some and not others?
« Reply #11 on: October 03, 2019, 07:27:46 PM »
Most predictions are based on current energies, thoughts feelings and intentions. If you and the other people involved are staying on a consistent path and following through on intentions, it's more likely they can predict what will happen.

On the other hand if the personalities involved are more changeable then some psychics may not be able to read deeply enough or see far enough ahead to predict those changes. Some psychics can only see the here and now and make predictions based off that.

And like flora said, if they are validating a lot of things for you, or getting some short-term or insignificant predictions right, it makes you think the bigger ones will happen.

Certain astrological influences could make it more difficult to get accurate predictions from a psychic, especially where Uranus is involved. Astrology can be used for predictions, but it is super important to rectify the birth time.

The short answer is that most psychics suck at giving predictions, most of the time, and if they get something right for you just consider yourself blessed.

The problem is though, many of the people we are calling about are unstable or changeable, hence why we got addicted to psychics on them as we aren't getting closure or answers from the person themselves. In an ideal or more healthy situation, a couple would talk through things and not one person acting flaky or vanishing for months on end to then pop his head back up. Also if readings are so easily changeable, what is the point of them? Surely in most cases the reader just got things wrong or didn't see the whole picture.

Offline Loulou

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Re: Why does predictions happen for some and not others?
« Reply #12 on: October 08, 2019, 12:39:23 AM »

Amazing insight.  You are so spot on with
It.  Sometimes I’d read just to feel connected to my poi

The problem is though, many of the people we are calling about are unstable or changeable, hence why we got addicted to psychic readings on them as we aren't getting closure or answers from the person themselves. In an ideal or more healthy situation, a couple would talk through things and not one person acting flaky or vanishing for months on end to then pop his head back up. Also, if readings are so easily changeable, what is the point of them? Surely in most cases the reader just got things wrong or didn't see the whole picture.

Exactly. This is probably the best analysis that I've ever read.

Offline Sparkle002

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Re: Why does predictions happen for some and not others?
« Reply #13 on: October 08, 2019, 02:51:09 AM »
Most predictions are based on current energies, thoughts feelings and intentions. If you and the other people involved are staying on a consistent path and following through on intentions, it's more likely they can predict what will happen.

On the other hand if the personalities involved are more changeable then some psychics may not be able to read deeply enough or see far enough ahead to predict those changes. Some psychics can only see the here and now and make predictions based off that.

And like flora said, if they are validating a lot of things for you, or getting some short-term or insignificant predictions right, it makes you think the bigger ones will happen.

Certain astrological influences could make it more difficult to get accurate predictions from a psychic, especially where Uranus is involved. Astrology can be used for predictions, but it is super important to rectify the birth time.

The short answer is that most psychics suck at giving predictions, most of the time, and if they get something right for you just consider yourself blessed.

The problem is though, many of the people we are calling about are unstable or changeable, hence why we got addicted to psychics on them as we aren't getting closure or answers from the person themselves. In an ideal or more healthy situation, a couple would talk through things and not one person acting flaky or vanishing for months on end to then pop his head back up. Also if readings are so easily changeable, what is the point of them? Surely in most cases the reader just got things wrong or didn't see the whole picture.


I often wonder if this is the reason why some predictions change from time to time.
I feel like unstable energies/situations = inconsistent predictions (love related).
I do understand (to a certain extent) why ppl would get disappointed  at changing predictions - because of the assumption that the reader “should” predict the “would be” outcome. At least that is what we expect.
But ya’ll - it doesn’t happen that way! I’ve only had a few readers predict the “outcome” of a situation - correctly...(I never read on outcomes as a result and the ones who were correct mentioned when I didn’t ask. Some of these were not just “you won’t be with him”
But specific ways on how it would end...)

Maybe that’s why i don’t get mad if the prediction changes on me (most times it doesn’t but several have but it was with some one who I was not in contact with for a while). I’m like oh well - with their shady ass 🙄. The thing is - a prediction is a POINT IN TIME . . . A SNAPSHOT. Doesn’t mean if they say “he will come forward and take you on a date, or go on a trip” because the next da my he could ghost your ass! And some times - a lot of the time readers don’t see that OTHER part #thenorthneverforgets

Offline Star_01

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Re: Why does predictions happen for some and not others?
« Reply #14 on: October 08, 2019, 11:16:35 AM »
Most predictions are based on current energies, thoughts feelings and intentions. If you and the other people involved are staying on a consistent path and following through on intentions, it's more likely they can predict what will happen.

On the other hand if the personalities involved are more changeable then some psychics may not be able to read deeply enough or see far enough ahead to predict those changes. Some psychics can only see the here and now and make predictions based off that.

And like flora said, if they are validating a lot of things for you, or getting some short-term or insignificant predictions right, it makes you think the bigger ones will happen.

Certain astrological influences could make it more difficult to get accurate predictions from a psychic, especially where Uranus is involved. Astrology can be used for predictions, but it is super important to rectify the birth time.

The short answer is that most psychics suck at giving predictions, most of the time, and if they get something right for you just consider yourself blessed.

The problem is though, many of the people we are calling about are unstable or changeable, hence why we got addicted to psychics on them as we aren't getting closure or answers from the person themselves. In an ideal or more healthy situation, a couple would talk through things and not one person acting flaky or vanishing for months on end to then pop his head back up. Also if readings are so easily changeable, what is the point of them? Surely in most cases the reader just got things wrong or didn't see the whole picture.


I often wonder if this is the reason why some predictions change from time to time.
I feel like unstable energies/situations = inconsistent predictions (love related).
I do understand (to a certain extent) why ppl would get disappointed  at changing predictions - because of the assumption that the reader “should” predict the “would be” outcome. At least that is what we expect.
But ya’ll - it doesn’t happen that way! I’ve only had a few readers predict the “outcome” of a situation - correctly...(I never read on outcomes as a result and the ones who were correct mentioned when I didn’t ask. Some of these were not just “you won’t be with him”
But specific ways on how it would end...)

Maybe that’s why i don’t get mad if the prediction changes on me (most times it doesn’t but several have but it was with some one who I was not in contact with for a while). I’m like oh well - with their shady ass 🙄. The thing is - a prediction is a POINT IN TIME . . . A SNAPSHOT. Doesn’t mean if they say “he will come forward and take you on a date, or go on a trip” because the next da my he could ghost your ass! And some times - a lot of the time readers don’t see that OTHER part #thenorthneverforgets

I quite agree that unstable people are really flaky and let you down, have up and down moods and generally are all over the place. But Idk. Personally in my experience if a guy really wants you around he will message you, he may not commit to meeting or piss you around but he can't keep away and they still have temptations to talk and message you deep down. I had a really really unstable guy still pop up a month later and apologise for getting mad and blocking me and admitted he isn't in the right place and it was getting too serious for him. He still is very unhappy and unstable, sadly.

I recently got involved with someone that I feel and an empath confirmed has feelings but basically got scared and is a commitmentphobe and I got closer than anybody ever has to him. The issue is I haven't heard from him in 5 months and I've never had an ex or someone really serious pop up later on. So I'm skeptical I'll hear from him again in all honesty and my logical side says well if you had feelings how could you keep away for so long and talk and mess around with other women.. But I do think that the guy had feelings at some point, just the way he acted was real shitty when I was the first person in his life to care and help him 🤷🏻‍♀️

