Author Topic: Mysticalcraft Arriana vs Zadalia  (Read 16141 times)


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Re: Mysticalcraft Arriana vs Zadalia
« Reply #15 on: September 30, 2019, 09:24:22 PM »
Thank you, Yaz. Your kind support for literally everyone on this platform shows the beauty, compassion and empathy for others, in your spirit, and I hope that you recognize that heart of gold of yours, just as we do. I'm grateful to have you here.

Thank you so much, Persimmon.  That really means so much to me.  :-)

Offline joyjoy

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Re: Mysticalcraft Arriana vs Zadalia
« Reply #16 on: October 01, 2019, 12:25:58 AM »
I don't know about Zadalia but I can tell you that Arriana was POSITIVE about a prediction or me last October.  We talked about it two or three times--I was traveling and hoping to see an old lover and we talked about just before I left.  Yes, he was going to see me.  We would have a great time.  He was nervous and excited--we might even have sex.  But, yes--it would be great.  A whole narrative!!

I NEVER FREAKING SAW HIM.  I landed.  Texted him and crickets--it's nearly a year later. Never will speak to him again.


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Re: Mysticalcraft Arriana vs Zadalia
« Reply #17 on: October 01, 2019, 01:11:43 AM »
I don't know about Zadalia but I can tell you that Arriana was POSITIVE about a prediction or me last October.  We talked about it two or three times--I was traveling and hoping to see an old lover and we talked about just before I left.  Yes, he was going to see me.  We would have a great time.  He was nervous and excited--we might even have sex.  But, yes--it would be great.  A whole narrative!!

I NEVER FREAKING SAW HIM.  I landed.  Texted him and crickets--it's nearly a year later. Never will speak to him again.

I’m so sorry, Joyjoy.  I truly feel your pain.  It seems as if a very similar situation is unfolding in my life right now.  Man, does it ever sting.

Offline Girly1998

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Re: Mysticalcraft Arriana vs Zadalia
« Reply #18 on: October 01, 2019, 01:44:42 AM »
I don't know about Zadalia but I can tell you that Arriana was POSITIVE about a prediction or me last October.  We talked about it two or three times--I was traveling and hoping to see an old lover and we talked about just before I left.  Yes, he was going to see me.  We would have a great time.  He was nervous and excited--we might even have sex.  But, yes--it would be great.  A whole narrative!!

I NEVER FREAKING SAW HIM.  I landed.  Texted him and crickets--it's nearly a year later. Never will speak to him again.

Woah, men really do suck.

Offline joyjoy

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Re: Mysticalcraft Arriana vs Zadalia
« Reply #19 on: October 01, 2019, 04:30:16 AM »
Don't feel bad for me...that trip yielded one of the best stories of my year and lead me to where I am now...come with me on my little international sl** journey, for just a moment....

I was pissed.  As I said, I had landed, texted this guy (who wasn't really an ex but just a guy from my past), and nothing.  I don't know what happened, but it doesn't matter.  However, I was jet lagged, tired, upset, starving and aggravated.  Plus, I had to go and spread the ashes of a very dear friend and I was all over the board emotionally.  I sat, holed up in my hotel room bathroom calling Keen about this guy and the predictions came through, one by one, that it was unlikely for me to see him.  I was pissed at Arriana, because she'd really worked me up to see this guy. I decided I wouldn't contact him again--and I never did (again, it's like exactly a year ago now).

The next day, after much driving, spreading the ashes, holding a baby lamb (which was a fantastic 5 euro investment--I highly recommend it), and getting back to my friend's house, I managed to hunt down another reader off Keen (who, don't even ask me who it is, because I will never recommend her again--story for another time), because I just felt like crap.  She talked me down and encouraged me to be open to an adventure waiting for me in another city.  So, the next day, again in my little French teeny car, I drive across this stunning country, my home away from home, and I spend the two hours in the car thinking about the sort of guy I want to meet, where we would meet (at a pub I like), but I threw in the added complication that he would have to stay at my hotel so I'd be able to track him down, if something happened.  For two hours, I concocted this whole evening--two details presented themselves to me--I knew he was British and in finance.  I don't particularly care for British men, so this wasn't part of the fantasy and I have a background in finance, but not really sure where these two details came from.  I sort of observed them, didn't know what to do with them, so just let them hang. 

Got to my hotel, showered, changed, went to my favorite pub, and sat there with my journal, a pint of my favorite beer and started writing (which is just my thing).  And, I hear this British voice ask me what I'm writing--and who even bothers to journal anymore.  I don't think much of it.  We have a drink, he looks at his watch, I ask him what he does (he works in finance); he says he has to meet his family, he reveals his age--SO SO MUCH younger than I--and then we figure out we are staying in the same hotel. He goes off to a family event; I go off to read about architecture and drink whisky.  We run into each other later at the hotel bar--and he asks for my number but my phone has died, so I don't bother giving it to him.  He leaves with his father, wishes me a good life and that's that.  As I stumbled down the stairs to the loo, I think about what my astrologer had said about me meeting a younger, foreign male, and I think about how he's just gone off drinking with his father and I don't know his last name and how life is fleeting and what a near adventure that was and how soon, I'll have to go home and move forward in life and get over my real POI at the time, and how fun it feels to be drunk and also just, a little wistful and lost. 

I come back up.  He's returned--we agree to meet at midnight.  More drinks at another pub, last name revealed, he made some wildly accurate guesses about me (where my sister lives, our fathers were sick with the same rare, fatal disease).  Left my hotel room at 330am.  And now, very rarely, I get a text from this guy on the other side of the pond.

HOWEVER, what I learned from this was manifesting.  And, a friend pointed out, after I returned home, that sometimes you start manifesting and the universe will whisper into your ear other details to incorporate (like the British and finance).  Fast forward to December, I was again on vacation and described my current POI in detail, who I wasn't with at the time and never imagined, in my wildest dreams that I ever would be with.  I wasn't able to confirm most details until April and still things have been coming to light in the last few weeks.

Moral of the story: think twice about wearing a bra out in Dublin if you want to get some action; stay open, responsibly, to the possibility that things could turn out better than you imagine; manifest--ask the universe for what you want.  It will help you fill in details.

« Last Edit: October 01, 2019, 04:35:20 AM by joyjoy »


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Re: Mysticalcraft Arriana vs Zadalia
« Reply #20 on: October 04, 2019, 10:20:26 PM »
Had my first reading with Zadalia this week, and I'm really not sure what to make of it. She's definitely a sweet lady like others have mentioned, and scheduling through her personal site was a breeze. When the reading ended, I kind of felt like a walking shrug emoji, and still do. It's going to be one of those that I'll just have to file away, and if anything ever changes, I'll come back to.

I can definitely say that her readings are those of an empath and she is very honest about not getting clear time frames. I feel that she is genuine, so if someone was thinking about consulting her, I would just say, yeah, give it a shot.

What do you think was the most confusing aspect of her reading?  Did she just sort of leave everything too open ended?

Offline Scorpio9227

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Re: Mysticalcraft Arriana vs Zadalia
« Reply #21 on: October 05, 2019, 03:41:26 AM »
I'm a huge fan of Arriana! Not only is she kind, but I've found her to be incredibly gifted, and most of all consistent. I know things change, but nothing irks me more than when I get a reading and then I call for an update a few weeks or month later and find out that the whole dang thing flipped upside-down. long story short, she saw his clinical depression before it hit, she saw exactly HOW we would get back together during two horrific months of struggle, she saw all the little details of how behavior, why he was acting a particular way, etc. I think for me her timing has been horrific, (when I would read with her regularly, then I kinda backed off for a couple of months and tried her again, and she was spot on) but her overall outcome (which I've come to realize is WAY more important than getting some measly contact prediction on point) has always remained consistent. she told me that she saw us moving in together and finding a place around April, she told me this at the beginning of summer and I thought that's crazy ill dump him first bc my lease is up the end of nov.. well, low and behold, I extended my lease six months so that we can move in together com June (and we have to find a place by April) so it looks like she's right again... I also appreciate that she can tell you bad news, she does it in a very kind and practical way, but she's very honest.


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Re: Mysticalcraft Arriana vs Zadalia
« Reply #22 on: October 05, 2019, 03:45:10 AM »
Had my first reading with Zadalia this week, and I'm really not sure what to make of it. She's definitely a sweet lady like others have mentioned, and scheduling through her personal site was a breeze. When the reading ended, I kind of felt like a walking shrug emoji, and still do. It's going to be one of those that I'll just have to file away, and if anything ever changes, I'll come back to.

I can definitely say that her readings are those of an empath and she is very honest about not getting clear time frames. I feel that she is genuine, so if someone was thinking about consulting her, I would just say, yeah, give it a shot.

What do you think was the most confusing aspect of her reading?  Did she just sort of leave everything too open ended?

She was straightforward in what she was getting, but I couldn't confirm anything. Maybe my doubts are just especially piqued at the moment, but it felt like a lot of the same vague, generalized "cold reading" tactics I've seen employed one time too many (i.e. he has fears, uncertainty about commitment, is inconsistent and goes hot/cold, has feelings but doesn't know what to do with them, does not understand real intimacy). I feel that could be said to roughly 95% of clients asking about a guy, and they'd have the client nodding their heads.

As the reading progressed, I did reveal some things about the past that absolutely surprised her (in other words, she had not picked up on, at all), and she also got a couple of things that she believed I had said, completely wrong. I went in open-minded, even expecting some bad news, but I left with a lot of doubt. She did say that she thinks I will get communication again, within a year's time, but that feels very unlikely (we're just about 2 years out from the time he ghosted). I also felt her trying to incorporate information and backstory that I shared into the reading, and that just exacerbates the doubt.

Again, I'm not saying she was right or wrong, but after an hour-long reading, I couldn't tell you whether I got anything real or not.

I hate doubt.  The longer it goes without communication, the more doubt creeps in.  Lately, pretty much every reader thinks that I work with the person I’m inquiring about or that we used to work together. This couldn’t be farther from the truth.   Sometimes I have no idea where they get this information from.  I’ll say that Zadalia seemed to connect very well and the information she provided was not similar to what she gave you.  So, there’s that! 😊


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Re: Mysticalcraft Arriana vs Zadalia
« Reply #23 on: October 05, 2019, 04:01:28 AM »
Had my first reading with Zadalia this week, and I'm really not sure what to make of it. She's definitely a sweet lady like others have mentioned, and scheduling through her personal site was a breeze. When the reading ended, I kind of felt like a walking shrug emoji, and still do. It's going to be one of those that I'll just have to file away, and if anything ever changes, I'll come back to.

I can definitely say that her readings are those of an empath and she is very honest about not getting clear time frames. I feel that she is genuine, so if someone was thinking about consulting her, I would just say, yeah, give it a shot.

What do you think was the most confusing aspect of her reading?  Did she just sort of leave everything too open ended?

She was straightforward in what she was getting, but I couldn't confirm anything. Maybe my doubts are just especially piqued at the moment, but it felt like a lot of the same vague, generalized "cold reading" tactics I've seen employed one time too many (i.e. he has fears, uncertainty about commitment, is inconsistent and goes hot/cold, has feelings but doesn't know what to do with them, does not understand real intimacy). I feel that could be said to roughly 95% of clients asking about a guy, and they'd have the client nodding their heads.

As the reading progressed, I did reveal some things about the past that absolutely surprised her (in other words, she had not picked up on, at all), and she also got a couple of things that she believed I had said, completely wrong. I went in open-minded, even expecting some bad news, but I left with a lot of doubt. She did say that she thinks I will get communication again, within a year's time, but that feels very unlikely (we're just about 2 years out from the time he ghosted). I also felt her trying to incorporate information and backstory that I shared into the reading, and that just exacerbates the doubt.

Again, I'm not saying she was right or wrong, but after an hour-long reading, I couldn't tell you whether I got anything real or not.

I hate doubt.  The longer it goes without communication, the more doubt creeps in.  Lately, pretty much every reader thinks that I work with the person I’m inquiring about or that we used to work together. This couldn’t be farther from the truth.   Sometimes I have no idea where they get this information from.  I’ll say that Zadalia seemed to connect very well and the information she provided was not similar to what she gave you.  So, there’s that! 😊

I think the world of you, Yaz. Please, please, please, don't allow the concerns about my experience chip away at your confidence. I want your very best outcome, I'm talking expectations exceeded and blown out of the ballpark, so if her reading left you feeling inspired and even empowered, I'm incredibly happy for you.

LOL.  I wish it did, dear Persimmon!  My person of inquiry is a funny guy that seemingly has dug his heels into the ground and refuses to allow any timing predictions to manifest.  This is something she picked up on.  My reading was not very inspiring, but I do believe accurate.  It wasn’t a bad reading or a good reading.  If anything, the romanticism of my situation that a few other readers painted, has evaporated for now and left me realizing that my person of inquiry is acting like a complete bonehead for reasons no one can truly decipher.  Stubborn ass Capricorn moon that he is. 


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Re: Mysticalcraft Arriana vs Zadalia
« Reply #24 on: October 05, 2019, 04:12:17 AM »
LOL.  I wish it did, dear Persimmon!  My person of inquiry is a funny guy that seemingly has dug his heels into the ground and refuses to allow any timing predictions to manifest.  This is something she picked up on.  My reading was not very inspiring, but I do believe accurate.  It wasn’t a bad reading or a good reading.  If anything, the romanticism of my situation that a few other readers painted, has evaporated for now and left me realizing that my person of inquiry is acting like a complete bonehead for reasons no one can truly decipher.  Stubborn ass Capricorn moon that he is.

Ugh, I'm sorry (though I can relate to that feeling of wondering what happened and why). I think I'm going to start a POI slapping service. Kicks in the pants would be an extra charge, of course.

I’d hire you to bop him upside the head.  Lol

Offline SarahM

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Re: Mysticalcraft Arriana vs Zadalia
« Reply #25 on: October 30, 2019, 06:06:28 PM »
I'm a huge fan of Arriana! Not only is she kind, but I've found her to be incredibly gifted, and most of all consistent. I know things change, but nothing irks me more than when I get a reading and then I call for an update a few weeks or month later and find out that the whole dang thing flipped upside-down. long story short, she saw his clinical depression before it hit, she saw exactly HOW we would get back together during two horrific months of struggle, she saw all the little details of how behavior, why he was acting a particular way, etc. I think for me her timing has been horrific, (when I would read with her regularly, then I kinda backed off for a couple of months and tried her again, and she was spot on) but her overall outcome (which I've come to realize is WAY more important than getting some measly contact prediction on point) has always remained consistent. she told me that she saw us moving in together and finding a place around April, she told me this at the beginning of summer and I thought that's crazy ill dump him first bc my lease is up the end of nov.. well, low and behold, I extended my lease six months so that we can move in together com June (and we have to find a place by April) so it looks like she's right again... I also appreciate that she can tell you bad news, she does it in a very kind and practical way, but she's very honest.

That's exactly what I love about Arriana! She is super consistent. She has never flip flopped unlike others & I know she doesn't remember me and gives me a fresh reading every time.

Offline Calleronhiatus

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Re: Mysticalcraft Arriana vs Zadalia
« Reply #26 on: August 11, 2020, 08:38:36 PM »
I'm trying to pick what will likely be my last reading for a long while (ps, don't mind me if I'm back here reviewing others, I have a long 3 year old list of psychics I've tried that I may post reviews on)  :-\

For those who have tried both, who would you say is your favorite as an empath/current?
And have any of their predictions come to pass, if they made any? How was their timing?

Thank you all  :)

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Re: Mysticalcraft Arriana vs Zadalia
« Reply #27 on: April 03, 2022, 03:41:34 AM »
Ariana was a great card reader with a complete inaccuracies
But descent and when I told her about her wrong predictions she apologized. She was fast in reading and explaining but nothing she said ever happened. At the time I was hoping to hear from my POI and for months she said he was busy with job and there was no one else and then I heard he got engaged.

Offline Yaris123

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Re: Mysticalcraft Arriana vs Zadalia
« Reply #28 on: April 03, 2022, 02:40:16 PM »
Ariana was a great card reader with a complete inaccuracies
But descent and when I told her about her wrong predictions she apologized. She was fast in reading and explaining but nothing she said ever happened. At the time I was hoping to hear from my POI and for months she said he was busy with job and there was no one else and then I heard he got engaged.
Same experience with Ariana. She kept saying poi was single and his only focus was work and money. I told her that I found out through social media that he was seeing someone and she told me that the third party must not be important in the bigger picture cause she doesn't come up in the cards LOL

