Author Topic: Final Thoughts  (Read 6458 times)

Offline seastarlet

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Final Thoughts
« on: September 25, 2019, 04:05:27 PM »

Hi everyone,

I wanted to write here as I've officially closed my keen account (yay!), After months and months of binging, crying, confusion, literal torment, I'm here. I have to say that my last reading was with Leanne Halyburton (she's not on Keen but she's a really famous psychic who has a website of her own). She is absolutely amazing, I can say that she's 100% psychic. She may not be 100% correct, as no one is God, as she says herself, but she's really really talented. She knew things about me no one does, knew things about my POI who only he can know, and knew EXACTLY what was going on through my mind, what's going on in his mind, and what's the likely outcome. What I really liked about her is that she said that she can only tell me the likely outcome, as nothing is set in stone, and she told me he truly felt, and it just really resonated with me. I just knew what she was saying was right, even if it wasn't what I wanted to hear.
And honestly guys, I feel so free. Like I can finally breathe. Healing is a process, but I'm ready for it. Really. (Psychedelics also helped me with this realization but Leanne was the last hit on the nail).
That being said, some advisors DID point out that this would happen with me. That he'd reach out but I wouldn't be interested in him anymore.

So I thought I'd just give my final two cents on psychics that worked for me (they may or may not work for everyone. ALSO (and this is really important) that overall, I'd recommend you don't fall into the habit of using psychics, generally staying away from them is helpful because 98% of them will give you a false hope that would only break your heart, but IF you really want to approach one, consider the best empaths. No one, not even Cookie, or Kisha, or the best psychics in the world, is 100% on outcomes. Outcomes are limiting, they make you even more paranoid, and take the magic out of life. If you're looking for outcomes, (and I was too) then you'll find a thousand different ones and they all could happen. Instead, look for an empath. Someone who can nail what YOU'RE feeling, and someone who can nail what THEY'RE feeling. And from there ask yourself-- Do I want to be with a person who's this way? Someone who's manipulative, someone who picks up and drops things, I don't love that man. 

Leanne asked me to think about him realistically, to separate my feelings and attachment, and to see what I really love about him, what I respect about him. Is the hurt of losing his love making me sad or is it my own hurt of feeling rejected? (By the way, everyone should read this article-

Anyway. I hope that all of you heal too. I truly truly truly hope for all of you that regardless of whether or not he/she's coming back into your life you would be happy. "Just be happy with yourself," I said that to myself for months but I couldn't because I still held on to him, held on to the image I had made of him in my mind. If you need to talk to someone, I'm here. i really am, you can talk about anything, I'm truly, truly here for you if you need me (unlike those bullsh*@t psychics) I'm no psychic, but I can be your ally.

Here are some psychics that nailed it:

1. Advisor Neal: he never sold me any fairytales and knew exactly what was going on without me saying a thing. I really really trust him as an empath
2. Supernatural Intervention
3. Phoenix Rising
4. Mysticalcraft Arianna
5. Lily Cade
6: Queen of cups: she was right about contact but she wasn't direct and didn't really predict that nothing would transpire between us though she may have been polite.

and of course,

7. Leanne Halyburton (not on keen)

Famous advisors who didn't work for me:

1. Stephanie's guided tarot
2. PandoraP
3. Sacred Path
4. JUDI's inner light
5. Neptune Seer
6. Kent coffee psychic guy
7. Maxwell

And other famous psychics who weren't wrong but didn't blow me away:

1. Cookie
2. Kisha
3. Lisa Dianne

And that's all folks, remember I'm here if you want to talk.

Offline Rayban212

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Re: Final Thoughts
« Reply #1 on: September 25, 2019, 04:18:23 PM »
Hey that’s great! I closed mine about a week ago and although I have anxiety at times I’m trying to stop from getting readings.

Question the 6 psychics who said nailed it, did they say it wouldn’t work out?
Also did you read with yona ? Or just them

Offline Snow-white8

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Re: Final Thoughts
« Reply #2 on: September 25, 2019, 05:16:32 PM »
Such a warm and interesting post seastarlet! Thanks for sharing all of that, and for being so kind and generous to everyone here with your support..
Love this - "Outcomes are limiting, they make you even more paranoid, and take the magic out of life."
I'm curious, could you share more about how psychedelics helped you?

Offline seastarlet

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Re: Final Thoughts
« Reply #3 on: September 25, 2019, 05:31:45 PM »
Hey that’s great! I closed mine about a week ago and although I have anxiety at times I’m trying to stop from getting readings.

Question the 6 psychics who said nailed it, did they say it wouldn’t work out?
Also did you read with yona ? Or just them

They told me that there would be contact but he wasn't worth my time, they basically nailed his feelings for me and went into great depths of the situation, they were also helpful with their guidance, and saw me coming out of this. Hope this helps :)

Offline Rayban212

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Re: Final Thoughts
« Reply #4 on: September 25, 2019, 05:40:06 PM »
Thank you for answering me :)
How often did you speak with queen of cups and lily if I may ask ? Sorry last question lol

Offline seastarlet

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Re: Final Thoughts
« Reply #5 on: September 25, 2019, 05:50:52 PM »
I might message you - I could  use an Ally. I am trying to move beyond a rejection from a man I never intended to seek.  Hence never intended the rejection.  I saved that. link you sent- it. makes so much sense. The obsession.

Today is day 1.  No psychic. and retraining my mind to focus on other things.

I'm so sorry that happened, and I'll be happy to see you in my inbox :) best of luck! <3

Offline seastarlet

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Re: Final Thoughts
« Reply #6 on: September 25, 2019, 06:02:09 PM »
Such a warm and interesting post seastarlet! Thanks for sharing all of that, and for being so kind and generous to everyone here with your support..
Love this - "Outcomes are limiting, they make you even more paranoid, and take the magic out of life."
I'm curious, could you share more about how psychedelics helped you?

Hello, snow-white8 I'm glad you liked it. And of course, I'm here to help because honestly, I relate to so many of you on so many levels, it's crazy.
Psychedelics, boy I think I would make a different post about that but it's a good question. I use them moderately, and one mushroom trip recently just made me...happier. Not in a way that most of us are familiar with, it was more like- hey, there's a lot of shitty things going on in my life, and honestly my mental health is in shards right now lol, but you know what? at this moment, I feel good. I'm glad that I'm living through this, and maybe human beings aren't meant to be just one thing, like "happy", "sad". You could be happy, sad, anxious, excited all at the same time. So maybe I AM sad about my POI, but that's okay. It's all okay.
And the next day I dramatically deleted his photos permanently out of my phone.

Psychedelics do a lot of things to a lot of people, some people use it for fun, some people use it to learn. Mostly, you end up doing both. Unless you're anxious, and then you spiral out of control which is bad. But honestly, I don't have the right words to express what a strong and emotional trip feels like. I kept fading in and out of reality, everything buried inside me was coming out.

This doesn't always happen, psychedelics aren't a cure-for-all, but they can be used to open the realms of your mind. I've had trips before but not like that, so I'm not endorsing that they will solve your problems, but I'm indebted to these naturally-occurring substances as they've generally made me an open-minded person, and they're just. A lot of fun.  :P

Offline seastarlet

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Re: Final Thoughts
« Reply #7 on: September 25, 2019, 06:04:53 PM »
Thank you for answering me :)
How often did you speak with queen of cups and lily if I may ask ? Sorry last question lol

I spoke with QOC three times, and Lily Cade once. And no problem lol

