Author Topic: Kisha's Career Prediction  (Read 6033 times)

Offline Jili1945

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Re: Kisha's Career Prediction
« Reply #15 on: September 20, 2019, 02:55:33 AM »
She accurately described who I'd be interviewing with and that happened and I got that job too. She said I see 4 so if it doesn't happen withing 4 weeks or will take four months. I had the interview on the fourth day of my reading and I'll be starting my new job on the fourth week of the reading. I might be looking into the no 4 too much but this is what happened.

Congrats on your new job Happyk! And sounds interesting that she can describe the interviewer look. She has given me some similar predictions and described the appearance of a person who gives me an offer in next months, however, I am not looking for a job at this moment. Time will tell if she is right.

Thanks, Jill!! Yea, sure told me I'd be interviewing with two men and that'd be the job offer I'd get and boom!! She also picked up on something I've been doing on the side...not exactly what but that I'm making some extra money

That's cool! thanks for sharing :)