Author Topic: Michele Answer  (Read 5242 times)

Offline Lo12345

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Michele Answer
« on: September 17, 2019, 11:55:13 PM »
Thoughts? Read with her? Accuracy ?


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Re: Michele Answer
« Reply #1 on: September 18, 2019, 12:30:39 AM »
I read with her.  What she had to say was inline with what many other readers said.  As far as overall outcome, she said what she thought but then said it could go the other way based on surrounding cards.  Michele doesn’t keep you on the phone, she’s lickety split quick.  I can’t give a true account of her accuracy at this point in time because I have no idea how my situation will turn out.

Offline flora0250

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Re: Michele Answer
« Reply #2 on: September 18, 2019, 12:55:42 AM »
Thoughts? Read with her? Accuracy ?

She was not accurate for me regarding contact from my POI and she was short and to the point and really didn’t make any other predictions. This was more than nine months ago btw. So for me, she turned out to be wrong. She didn’t give me a positive picture by the way but said I would hear from him and never did.

Offline joyjoy

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Re: Michele Answer
« Reply #3 on: September 18, 2019, 01:30:56 AM »
I've been reading with Michele for months now--started some time last year.  I didn't like her at first, and then in October, I called her and her prediction was half right--my POI (a one night stand) didn't want more, but she didn't think I'd hear from him and then a few months later, I did out of the blue.   She told me I'd meet someone in November.

I called her again in the winter--the only guy I met in November was a guy in my new office who I developed a crush on but we couldn't seem more unlikely for each other, so I didn't think it was him.  From December until February, she kept telling me that he liked me but was waiting for a sign to make a move and I kept telling her that she was wrong.  She then predicted that I'd meet someone in March, and March was when he finally came forward and admitted that he had liked me all along.  She then told me I could meet someone in June and it was him again--this time, we started talking about our feelings for each other and our relationship became physical.  Now, she says October and I know it's him again--in some other advanced form.

She's made small predictions--things he would say--and she was right.  For example, he put a photograph I took on his phone as his wallpaper (I do photography on the side) and he just told me this 2 weeks ago via text--when I mentioned it to Michele, she said that he'd done that a long time ago and last week he confirmed that.  She's been off on small communication at times, but correctly predicted work things and obviously, love things.

I appreciate that she's no nonsense and I spoke to her on Sunday, when I was really upset, and after I'd had a long and expensive call with another reader and she answered my questions quickly and told me not to add money because she wouldn't talk to me longer because she didn't want me spending too much--she felt like she had to be ethical and then she emailed me to apologize for being short but said she just wanted me to be thoughtful about how much I spent. 

I've tried to stop calling Keen, but I ended up calling her tonight and she calmed me about something I was worried about--and I trust her, of course.  At this point, while I'm trying to curb my addiction to readings, she's one of the only ones I'll call because of her track record with me.  I just think she's great.