I genuinely like her but Tarot is what limits her predictions imo. She was right on a lot of things- I posted about that already - but was totally off on two casual POIs for me. For example - she said one POI would come meet me before his travels and we’d have more great time
together then , but it never happened and he’s now 4000 miles away until April. We also stopped communicating once he left…
She also gave Capricorn timing in regards to my scholarship and it was spot on… also correct on others things about main POI and uni, which I described above. She’s legit..
Thank you for you review! So she’s like 50/50 for you if I understand. I’m confuse I tried Life advisor Ali too, Sweetorange and hilary80 and it’s all different predictions
It’s difficult, you never really receive the same predictions from multiple readers. I’d take what each of them have predicted for you and just take note on who ends up being correct