Relationship Psychology Discussions > Connect With Others
Resourceful website on break up and getting back together
Hey guys I wanted to let everyone know of this great website that has helped me a lot in my breakups before I found this siste and psychics lol. The website is called (enotalone)and it also has a forum component to it as well as resourceful info and stories of getting back together, recovering from a breakup,dating,family etc
Thanks for sharing!!
People are so harsh on that forum lol
--- Quote from: Girly1998 on September 19, 2019, 06:24:37 PM ---People are so harsh on that forum lol
--- End quote ---
Harsh and hilarious! I like it! No fairytale bullshit over there.
I use to be on that forum a lot and the advice giving is very realistic and a lot of the times the advice are things that heartbroken people don’t want to hear like go no contact , move on and concentrate on yourself , worry about yourself . All this things ripple don’t want to hear but unfortunately it is true . I would say that forum really helped me move on from my ex it took me years to move on due to psychic readings and having hope and him giving me bread crumbs. I’m sure if I listened to the forum and just stuck to no contact I would have been over him within a year
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