Author Topic: Break from readings - mindset shift that’s working...  (Read 2619 times)

Offline flora0250

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Break from readings - mindset shift that’s working...
« on: September 07, 2019, 01:31:10 AM »
I had one 5 minute free reading in the last 24 days. I just reached a point I was getting to slowly... and something within me has been like nahhhhh nope can’t do it. Cannot bring myself to do it. It has done no good in any way. My curiosity is saturated. I definitely think it’s at least possible that you do manifest some aspect of your own reality so it’s certainly not been helping matters for me to make calls about this guy. I don’t know. It’s not like I’m trying that hard like it’s a struggle it’s just that I’ve finally (mostly) lost interest in getting readings.

Even inquired to a new store front reader (would be new to me) and I’m just like okay but why? At best they will tell me some quirky thing that could be true and it will make me all crazy because I’ll be like ok now let me listen to what they say and believe it may happen and then get all weird about looking for things to see if they happen.

Or they won’t tune in it will be a cold reader or I will spill information unsolicited and I’ll then be confused if I can trust them blah blah blah.

The last ones I spoke with and all of whom I did really like even though I don’t know if their predictions will pass have been LifeMapper and Clairvoyant Danielle as well as Live the Light. All on Keen and 2 of 3 I barely read anything about on here but tried on a whim and was pretty shockingly surprised and impressed.

Who knows I only read with each once but that was really the last of my frequent readings. I will have to report back if they come to pass because it’s not until next year latest. So I may not bother to come back to report lol. Sorry but true.

Haven’t heard from my POI as just about everyone said I would. But cannot absolutely cannot shake the feeling I still may some time. Could be totally off base though who knows.

If anyone’s predictions really come about with him I’ll come back and report. But for now I will probably continue to lurk and read. I’ve contributed enough where I hope that’s okay at this point! Ha!

Still also recommend Skye and Mattie from CP as well as Psychic Shelly although none gave me any major predictions related to what I asked about my POI that happened. Extremely specific non related remote viewing things yes absolutely for Mattie and Psychic Shelly. Shelly a couple predictions but not related to the corresponding markers and not when it was important to what I was really wanting to know about. Lovely lady though and not sure the predictions won’t happen from her or Mattie but not as of yet and it’s been quite a long time. Skye was randomly right about at least one thing but she was wrong about others I think and what she was right about wasn’t really impactful to the situation as I had thought.

Truth is I think there are talented remote viewers out there and think that also they could be talented psychics but because of the free will factor that I don’t think really anyone can predict people’s behaviors.

People who report that a psychic has been regularly accurate for them I am now highly skeptical of no matter who the poster or who the psychic.

Wish you all the best and not really saying goodbye but don’t plan to posit much anymore unless I have something actually happen that’s of any importance.

Lots of love and hugs :)


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Re: Break from readings - mindset shift that’s working...
« Reply #1 on: September 07, 2019, 01:44:38 AM »
I had one 5 minute free reading in the last 24 days. I just reached a point I was getting to slowly... and something within me has been like nahhhhh nope can’t do it. Cannot bring myself to do it. It has done no good in any way. My curiosity is saturated. I definitely think it’s at least possible that you do manifest some aspect of your own reality so it’s certainly not been helping matters for me to make calls about this guy. I don’t know. It’s not like I’m trying that hard like it’s a struggle it’s just that I’ve finally (mostly) lost interest in getting readings.

Even inquired to a new store front reader (would be new to me) and I’m just like okay but why? At best they will tell me some quirky thing that could be true and it will make me all crazy because I’ll be like ok now let me listen to what they say and believe it may happen and then get all weird about looking for things to see if they happen.

Or they won’t tune in it will be a cold reader or I will spill information unsolicited and I’ll then be confused if I can trust them blah blah blah.

The last ones I spoke with and all of whom I did really like even though I don’t know if their predictions will pass have been LifeMapper and Clairvoyant Danielle as well as Live the Light. All on Keen and 2 of 3 I barely read anything about on here but tried on a whim and was pretty shockingly surprised and impressed.

Who knows I only read with each once but that was really the last of my frequent readings. I will have to report back if they come to pass because it’s not until next year latest. So I may not bother to come back to report lol. Sorry but true.

Haven’t heard from my POI as just about everyone said I would. But cannot absolutely cannot shake the feeling I still may some time. Could be totally off base though who knows.

If anyone’s predictions really come about with him I’ll come back and report. But for now I will probably continue to lurk and read. I’ve contributed enough where I hope that’s okay at this point! Ha!

Still also recommend Skye and Mattie from CP as well as Psychic Shelly although none gave me any major predictions related to what I asked about my POI that happened. Extremely specific non related remote viewing things yes absolutely for Mattie and Psychic Shelly. Shelly a couple predictions but not related to the corresponding markers and not when it was important to what I was really wanting to know about. Lovely lady though and not sure the predictions won’t happen from her or Mattie but not as of yet and it’s been quite a long time. Skye was randomly right about at least one thing but she was wrong about others I think and what she was right about wasn’t really impactful to the situation as I had thought.

Truth is I think there are talented remote viewers out there and think that also they could be talented psychics but because of the free will factor that I don’t think really anyone can predict people’s behaviors.

People who report that a psychic has been regularly accurate for them I am now highly skeptical of no matter who the poster or who the psychic.

Wish you all the best and not really saying goodbye but don’t plan to posit much anymore unless I have something actually happen that’s of any importance.

Lots of love and hugs :)

I was wondering what happened to you, Flora!! Glad that you took back your power and are doing well.  I’m beginning to wonder if getting excessive readings slows down destiny or messes with freewill.  I mean, all the time, money, and energy spent on a reading could keep you from being somewhere you are meant to be.  It’s like these readings stop  the flow of forward movement.  Shit, in the past few months with all these readings, I’ve noticed that my progress as a human being seems to be stalling.  Glad that you are free from this, Flora!

Offline Girly1998

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Re: Break from readings - mindset shift that’s working...
« Reply #2 on: September 07, 2019, 01:55:16 AM »

Truth is I think there are talented remote viewers out there and think that also they could be talented psychics but because of the free will factor that I don’t think really anyone can predict people’s behaviors

I agree with this - emotions and actions aren’t black and white. I’m sure we all have people that we think about from time to time and want to check in on but just don’t for whatever reason. Some people, especially men are just too prideful. At this point I really believe “psychics” are only empaths/remote viewers and they make their predictions based on the now.

I’m happy that you’re in a place where you don’t need readings!

Offline Sparkle002

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Re: Break from readings - mindset shift that’s working...
« Reply #3 on: September 07, 2019, 02:06:18 AM »

Truth is I think there are talented remote viewers out there and think that also they could be talented psychics but because of the free will factor that I don’t think really anyone can predict people’s behaviors

I agree with this - emotions and actions aren’t black and white. I’m sure we all have people that we think about from time to time and want to check in on but just don’t for whatever reason. Some people, especially men are just too prideful. At this point I really believe “psychics” are only empaths/remote viewers and they make their predictions based on the now.

I’m happy that you’re in a place where you don’t need readings!

This is an interesting observation! And it makes sense!

Offline Daisy573

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Re: Break from readings - mindset shift that’s working...
« Reply #4 on: September 07, 2019, 03:45:36 AM »
It's interesting reading other people's perspectives/experiences.  I'm also taking a break from readings and it feels good to do so.

I'm not skeptical of people who say a particular psychic has been regularly accurate for them.  I have a few who are for me BUT what I mean by accurate is not will I get contact, future predictions etc etc etc.  It's usually reading/deciphering intentions/motivations and helping to make sense of a current situation I am going through.  There are a lot of good empaths out there but not a lot of good accurate prediction makers which is why I usually take predictions with a grain of salt...

Offline kdspirited

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Re: Break from readings - mindset shift that’s working...
« Reply #5 on: September 07, 2019, 06:12:44 PM »
good for you Flora I am there as well. I havent had a reading in a while since July I have one with yona in October and thinking about cancelling. I dont believe there is any good that will come out of this. I fully agree that these psychics cannot predict the future or see it. They can do the present at best. Also people who have been out of touch with their POI's for a while are less likely to get accurate predictions then the ones that have been out of touch for a shorter duration. Anyway I wish you all the best Flora. Hope your dreams come true.

Offline SomethingBetter

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Re: Break from readings - mindset shift that’s working...
« Reply #6 on: September 08, 2019, 03:07:13 PM »
Thank You for Your post, I have been reading with Psychics on and off for 10 years for various of reasons, My experience hasn't been all bad nor all good. But now being a newbie on thepsychicreview I find Myself relating and reflecting on my life with and without psychics experience. I think Anything can be used for good or bad however I do not believe that Psychis have any Power to change Your life for both good or bad. You have the Power, You have Free Will, You made and make Choices. I think it is better to ONLY have 2 no more than 3  Accurate Trusted Psychics that You talk with only 3/4  times a year. Binging on Psychic beings impulsive with Psychics is not Healthy even if they are 100% Accurate. I do Believe that it insults the Universe/ God when We externalize our Power to others or When We put our Faith into Others whether it's POI, Psychics,  Therapist/Counselors etc instead of trusting God, Love, Common Sense, Morality, Standards and what is Good. ----------------->>>>>>>>I think We break the convenient of Life When hope , wish and put energies into obsessing over Someone's life. Listen When You start living Your life that is when Blessings come. Love, Forgive, and Let Go that's really Ll We have to do and Keep Going. What God has for You is for You.----------------------->>>>>> My Aunt Just got married at age 65 years old for the first time. WE BLOCK OURSELF BY WORRYING and wishing for Something that maybe Is not meant to be. ----------------------->>>>>*Also Other Countries do not have to pay expensive amounts to talk with Psychics or Spiritual Advisor and in Other Countries they are often more accurate -Something to think about.

I wish I could frame this post. It is the absolute truth.

I am moving from a more agnostic period in my life to one of believing in a higher being/perhaps moving to non-denominational Christianity. And I think everything you stated is something that I’m am trying to learn, accept and believe in my own life.

Thank you 🙏🏼

