Author Topic: The Vent: Calling for 12 Years Finally Stopped  (Read 6115 times)

Offline almondtree

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Re: The Vent: Calling for 12 Years Finally Stopped
« Reply #15 on: September 07, 2019, 04:35:54 PM »
bumping this up
thank you !!!  Otherwise I would have missed this one. I still have a long way to go because my last reading was 10 days ago. I started working toward my freedom and even it has only been 10 days, I could stop calling because of God. I have similar experiences with psychic readings. Something that was good at the beginning turned bad after I had readings. It happened not only once or twice but at least five times now. I didn’t realize it before but after I read some posts here, especially this one, I become sure. The last one was about a project I had been doing with someone and it went ok until  two weeks ago when I decided to ask how the outcome would be. The psychic I talked to said it would be good. And it was good for a while but suddenly  I was told to quit last Friday because the leader doesn’t believe that the outcome would be favorable for all of us. Out of sudden ! I am still hurting because I’ve put a lot of time and efforts for six months and once I wanted to quit, the leader said I should keep going. So why out of sudden he told me to stop? Before, I would go back to psychics to get advices. But I realize it must be the readings that actually have changed good to bad although for a while it looked like things were panning out like predicted. Like I said, I have only been free for 10 days. I will set my goal to be free for two years like the OP. In two years , I hope I could tell everyone how my life has changed . My addiction was about 10 years.
« Last Edit: September 08, 2019, 12:46:30 PM by almondtree »

Offline kdspirited

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Re: The Vent: Calling for 12 Years Finally Stopped
« Reply #16 on: September 07, 2019, 06:15:11 PM »
I stopped keen calling but called a storefront psychic in july. Since then I have been reading free hoping to never do this again.

Offline Truthseeker2019

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Re: The Vent: Calling for 12 Years Finally Stopped
« Reply #17 on: September 08, 2019, 02:18:47 PM »
Thank You Kbich2014 for sharing your story, I called psychics for 10 years on and off for various of reasons. I feel the same way You feel of letting Go and Letting God the Universe take over. ---------------->>>>>>>> I wrote 2 forums of this yesterday to help People. Psychics have been my self-medicating, Therapist/Counselors and Distant Friend at times and the experience has been not all bad but not all good. I remember Something whispering in my ear periodically throughout the year that told Me to leave psychic alone and trust in God and in Love didn't listen, once I felt depressed or desperate I'd go on a psychic inplusive binge. God Gave us all Free Will to make decisions and choices. ------------------------>>>>I can not say that Psychic influenced My life in a negative way today besides Financially and being distracted because there were times Psychic talking did help Me get through difficult times, I guess it's all about Your Experience and Point of Views. I think it is better to have 2 Trusted Accurate Psychics No more than 3 Psychics You talk to maybe 2 -3 times out of a year but still have standards, morals and common sense. Live Your life, when You are engaged and active in Life that's when Blessings Come

Offline Truthseeker2019

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Re: The Vent: Calling for 12 Years Finally Stopped
« Reply #18 on: September 08, 2019, 02:35:56 PM »
I would like to encourage Everyone to whine off of psychic have 1 or 2 psychics that are accurate and talk with them maybe once every 3-4 months (if needed) not all Psychics are Bad.....Psychics are Humans and can barely change there own circumstances They do not have the Power to influence Your life or Others unless You Believe that They Can. ..........------------>>> You have the Power, You make choices. I think The Universe is trying to teach us a lesson STOP EXTERNALIZING Your Power to Others, Stop Obessing over Things and People,  Stop Putting Your faith in Psychics, Psychologist, Therapist and Others. YOU know when Something isn't right, Relationships do not always work out sometimes it takes years to find Someone, My aunt Just got married for the 1st time and she is 65 Years old. Live Your Lifr and Let Love be Your Guide. ------‐------------->>>>>>>>>Thinking deeper now I think We are violating and insulting the Universe/God everytime We turn to others first. LOVE, PRAY, WRITE, LIGHT CANDLES AND FORGIVE

Offline Star_01

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Re: The Vent: Calling for 12 Years Finally Stopped
« Reply #19 on: September 08, 2019, 02:48:42 PM »
I think from my experience personally, very very few readers can see the true future and most only can see the now and possible pathways when it comes to love. Or they mistake symbols that they see and add 2 and 2 together and make 5. So the best thing is to have general readings, take them as entertainment like the disclosure says and not get addicted on a specific person because not one single reader came close but yet were the complete opposite. I have had some predictions happen in money, career and house move which gives me some faith in psychics lol but those same readers were in all honesty.. (crap) in terms of relationships and that's when they sucked for me.

Offline Cteebaby1

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Re: The Vent: Calling for 12 Years Finally Stopped
« Reply #20 on: September 08, 2019, 03:05:58 PM »
I think I’m easier to read. Most of my predictions really have come to fruition. I don’t get career readings much. Sometimes things end up playing out better than some say. I remember before I had my son one psychic even told me I had a baby boy around me & that it wouldn’t be with my then POI. It also randomly came up in my reading about him. Then a year and a half later it happened. For me the tarot readers are the ones who can get things more wrong imo