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--- Quote from: sharon on January 23, 2023, 01:24:54 PM ---I read with Angelica I think 5 times. Only our last reading was completely off with everything, including the future. I asked about a friend I argued with and she said it will continue as always but the truth is it was our last conversation and the ending of our friendship. That was 2 years ago.

--- End quote ---

Sigh.  My free DM technically didn't come true....I had asked her if I'd be getting a job and when.  She saw a 90-day window and then put "....." - I interpreted that to mean five months.  Could be five seasons, I guess.

Still no job over here.  And I keep on trying to cut and paste to get it to "fit" those dots.

I had a reading with Angelica, not just she gave me a negative prediction, she also inserted her personal opinion that hurt my feelings. I asked her about contact and told her that this is a long distance thing. She said she does not see much change in behavior until end of the year which is fine, but also said that "if he was ready, people move mountains to get someone they wanna be with". Well I know this, we all know this, but the thing is we don't call in for the ones cross mountains that's why you have a job.

Note: Customer service fully refunded the reading. 

I just read with Angelica this morning for the first time. I asked about a guy I have a connection with. All I gave was his first name and she just went from there. I tend to trust these people MuCH more when they don’t ask me any questions and just start typing. That impressed me a lot about her because she nailed a lot of things straight away: we have a lot of attraction and chemistry. She did tell me he can be hot/cold and confusing which I see she’s said to others but it’s most definitely true in my case. She also said that his hot/cold behavior has a lot to do with him being hurt in the past. (Not knowing he was in a 9 year relationship prior to meeting me). She said I’m in for a roller coaster of ups and downs that will require a lot of patience from me, (several others have said the exact same). I felt she was non-judgmental and was both honest and also gave me hope and truth. I would talk to her again.

She is on my favs list..

I just had a great reading with Angelica she nailed my POI to a T and his behaviours. Not always what you want to hear but confirmed what I sort of thought myself. She give me a contact prediction for January, so guess anytime this month. Has anyone had an contact predictions from here come to pass?


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