Author Topic: AskShelley  (Read 4317 times)

Offline Lo12345

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« on: September 06, 2019, 11:09:44 AM »
Has anyone read with her? I kinda have the past week. Like her but last night something didn’t sit well it was one thing and the end of the reading I felt spiraled a little , It could be I don’t wanna hear it,  but it just felt off on a way of that make sense . Very nice lady don’t get me wrong. But overall thoughts and her accuracy especially on time frames and such.


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Re: AskShelley
« Reply #1 on: September 06, 2019, 12:19:13 PM »
Has anyone read with her? I kinda have the past week. Like her but last night something didn’t sit well it was one thing and the end of the reading I felt spiraled a little , It could be I don’t wanna hear it,  but it just felt off on a way of that make sense . Very nice lady don’t get me wrong. But overall thoughts and her accuracy especially on time frames and such.

I’ve read with Shelley.  I like her a lot.  Now, keep in mind that details can be tricky with cards.  For instance she said my POI was helping a pregnant person (never insinuating that it was his).  So I figured either his sister or sister in law was pregnant and I kept checking their social media pages, the Bump, etc. for info.  I got nothing.  Could it be someone else?  Sure. She didn’t specify who.  Or it could be his mom who recently had an ostomy bag surgically attached to her digestive tract (this could definitely look like a pregnant person).  As far as contact predictions, she wasn’t correct, but that’s simply bc as many other readers have said, the energy is there for us to connect, he’s just not ready.  I like Shelley for POI’s current feelings, what may be causing a delay, and general outcome.  For my situation, she and MysticalcraftArriana have very similar outcomes that are eerily consistent with each other.  I’d say that if something seems way off, it may be a misinterpretation.  Give it a few weeks and if it doesn’t clear up, give her a call back and ask her for more information on it.

Offline peppie

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Re: AskShelley
« Reply #2 on: September 07, 2019, 12:34:16 AM »
i called one day and she gave me a 100% positive reading. called back a week later, nothing had changed mind you, and she gave me a 100% negative reading. if you want to spend your money on that go ahead.


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Re: AskShelley
« Reply #3 on: September 07, 2019, 12:47:05 AM »
i called one day and she gave me a 100% positive reading. called back a week later, nothing had changed mind you, and she gave me a 100% negative reading. if you want to spend your money on that go ahead.

Peppie, was the actual outcome positive or negative?

Offline peppie

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Re: AskShelley
« Reply #4 on: September 07, 2019, 01:21:44 AM »
outcome: negative, noting again her read was 100% positive in the first read.


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Re: AskShelley
« Reply #5 on: September 07, 2019, 01:29:49 AM »
outcome: negative, noting again her read was 100% positive in the first read.

That’s definitely upsetting.  Both times I read with her she had the same outcome.  Second reading she was able to provide details on the reasons for an apparent delay. Her rationale for this delay matched up with quite a few, if not all, other readers. Not sure of the outcome of my situation just yet. It’s most likely going to be awhile before I know.  Anyone else try her out?

Offline peppie

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Re: AskShelley
« Reply #6 on: September 07, 2019, 02:04:15 AM »
i don't want to hurt shelley - she is very nice. but it happened three times. i gave her the benefit of the doubt twice. when you take people's money, you need to be mostly right.


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Re: AskShelley
« Reply #7 on: September 07, 2019, 02:09:37 AM »
i don't want to hurt shelley - she is very nice. but it happened three times. i gave her the benefit of the doubt twice. when you take people's money, you need to be mostly right.

Shelley is very nice and seems genuine.  If I were you, I’d feel the same way.  Did you bring it up to her ever or did you just leave it and move on?  If a reader is incorrect, I’m more inclined to leave it and move on from that specific reader.