Author Topic: keen rating system  (Read 1951 times)


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keen rating system
« on: August 29, 2019, 04:52:54 PM »
I feel a lot of pressure to rate an advisor 5 stars even if i was not happy with the reading or feel like something is off.

Usually if i dont like the reading, i wont say anything or just something generic... and it is not fair to the customers actually but anyways these psychics will accuse you of only wanting fairytales or trying to hurt their business if you dont give them 5 stars.

Not cool and i am tired of a fcking psychic coming after me if i dont give them 5 stars.... Borderline harassment .....  Pisses me off. 

I am so close to just walking away from keen esp when most of their advice caused my relationship to end.  some are good but honestly... it is not worth it. 

Offline Cteebaby1

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Re: keen rating system
« Reply #1 on: August 29, 2019, 05:50:48 PM »
I feel a lot of pressure to rate an advisor 5 stars even if i was not happy with the reading or feel like something is off.

Usually if i dont like the reading, i wont say anything or just something generic... and it is not fair to the customers actually but anyways these psychics will accuse you of only wanting fairytales or trying to hurt their business if you dont give them 5 stars.

Not cool and i am tired of a fcking psychic coming after me if i dont give them 5 stars.... Borderline harassment .....  Pisses me off. 

I am so close to just walking away from keen esp when most of their advice caused my relationship to end.  some are good but honestly... it is not worth it.

That’s why I only go to the same people that are always right for me


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Re: keen rating system
« Reply #2 on: August 29, 2019, 06:41:36 PM »
how long have you been off of keen still  tired?

yah i see their side of it because it really affects their sales etc and they feel they are just giving the truth but why must the customer lie if they didnt feel comfortable with the reading. That is why psychic readings is a shit show because you cant really prove if the product is working or not lol  It could take months or years to see if they are wrong or right. 

I usually dont say anything if i dont like the reading though because they could be right etc but you never know... i only do it if i dont get a question answered etc.  And the messed up thing is that what works for many people wont work for you.

One psychic who is sooo popular said i will never see POI and some really extreme stuff. i freaked out because her ratings are amazing but she ended up being so wrong.  even if the news were really bad i just avoided rating her and moved on because she answered my question, whether i liked the answer or not

Offline SoulStar1111

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Re: keen rating system
« Reply #3 on: August 29, 2019, 10:41:43 PM »
WinterElf if an advisor harrases you for an honest rating or anything report them to Keen. You should provide honest feedback because people looking at possibly reading with that advisor read the feedback to determine if they should give them a go.
I agree with you though most get defensive when you question their crappy reading instead of acknowledging that they didn’t connect or where simply wrong.
I don’t care if an advisor blocks me after honest feedback if reading was badas I would never read with them again anyway. I know Keen delete some feedback too which pisses me off but they aren’t as bad as other sites i have used in the past.
I feel a lot of pressure to rate an advisor 5 stars even if i was not happy with the reading or feel like something is off.

Usually if i dont like the reading, i wont say anything or just something generic... and it is not fair to the customers actually but anyways these psychics will accuse you of only wanting fairytales or trying to hurt their business if you dont give them 5 stars.

Not cool and i am tired of a fcking psychic coming after me if i dont give them 5 stars.... Borderline harassment .....  Pisses me off. 

I am so close to just walking away from keen esp when most of their advice caused my relationship to end.  some are good but honestly... it is not worth it.

