Author Topic: AstroSarah  (Read 75064 times)

Offline Faith

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Re: AstroSarah
« Reply #60 on: May 21, 2012, 04:39:01 AM »
Well, if that really happened it is really bad but it is worse to charge for a reading full of little details that we share here... she should think about her own actions and stop using this site as a "guide" to read clients. I dont know if somebody called her 10000 times or not but speaking about my own experience I called her once and i will never call her again..

Offline SomethingBetter

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Re: AstroSarah
« Reply #61 on: May 21, 2012, 04:49:59 AM »
I agree. If she's gleaning info off this board she is 100% wrong. Don't pad your readings if you're gifted. That goes for any reader and maybe it's time to make this board private.

That said, someone shouldn't be stalking a reader. And I believe it because of some of the ridiculous, bizarre and self entitled behavior I've seen from someone.

Two wrongs don't make a right. But the unstable caller is what is a sadder situation to me. A reader is getting info off of here? It sucks. But you live and you learn and you just never call that person again. Someone making up a bunch of usernames and bombarding someone with emails and phone calls is downright scary. And it's scary cause if they do it to one reader they'll do it to another reader. Or an innocent person on this forum.

Either way this whole situationis bizarre and lose/lose om each side.


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Visions by Annie
« Reply #62 on: May 21, 2012, 04:55:14 AM »
Wow, just read the blog and it confirmed some things for me. Honestly I think both parties are nuts. Here it is if anyone wants to read it
« Last Edit: May 21, 2012, 04:57:18 AM by loops77 »

Offline SomethingBetter

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Re: AstroSarah
« Reply #63 on: May 21, 2012, 05:00:59 AM »
Agreed loops. Nuts.


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Re: AstroSarah
« Reply #64 on: May 21, 2012, 05:27:30 AM »
I started reading this forum a while back and then joined when my regular go-to wasn't getting anything right.... I mean, nothing. I came on here for suggestions. I did find a good reader because of this board and the members here and I am grateful for that, I truly am. It is very possible some psychics visit this site and post under an alias but there are also people like me, who maybe want to consult a psychic to know what's next and to make more informed decisions. I used to call psychics to cope with problems but I don't do that anymore. I would call numerous psychics a week before. I would have a temporary happiness given to me for a per minute rate and it helped me sleep at night for a few days. I am not proud of that at all and I know looking back, I could have dealt with it differently. I go days, weeks, months without consulting psychics now. I have a new regular who is good for me and I still only call her about different things at different times. This is the thing, we all have been damaged, hurt and betrayed. We call psychics to get answers that the person or people who have hurt us won't give. We call to get hope that tomorrow will be better than today. I have seen people on this forum and even a recent post on this board saying people here are "unstable" or "they need help" but to me that is the pot calling the kettle black. I know there has been a lot of shade being thrown recently, it is almost crazy to me. We are here to give our experiences, who was accurate, who wasn't, etc... We are not here to promote one psychic like crazy and tear down every person who claims they didn't have a good reading with our favorite. We are not here to take low blows at others based on info they disclose to us. While you stand on your soapboxes preaching, remember, you're here for a reason too. You didn't just join this forum for fun. Be compassionate adn have a heart. We won't always agree, what's great for you can be awful for me. My goodness. This is so disheartening. This hate is so ugly. I think people are losing sight of the purpose this site serves. I truly will befriend anyone and share my story. I will give advice. I will do whatever I can to empower and encourage each and every one of you but please, can we PLEASE stop this hate? It is so ugly and disgusting. Agree to disagree and move on. I am praying for you all, truly, I am. I hope your predictions do come to pass, I hope you all find that missing piece that will make you happier. Just embrace the heartbreaking moments that will build your character and make you stronger later. Respect each other and be happy. My last thought on this rambled post is this. "Be mindful of what you say and do to others because you will see it again" Lots of love and positivity to you all.


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Re: AstroSarah
« Reply #65 on: May 21, 2012, 05:36:37 AM »
Nice post, hopelessaries.

But, sincerely, I'm not seeing a lot of hate here. Why does honestly discussing an issue have to be hate? Adults disagree all of the time. No biggie. This is a discussion board and we are all anonymous. Part of a discussion board is hashing things out and moving on.


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Re: AstroSarah
« Reply #66 on: May 21, 2012, 05:43:26 AM »
Several people have posted that they were attacked in the chatroom, others have had readers attacking via emails and blogs, etc.. Several people have said they were done posting here and/or done disclosing info. It is really just negative and ugly. That is just my opinion.

Offline Amaranth

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Re: AstroSarah
« Reply #67 on: May 21, 2012, 05:51:51 AM »
I started reading this forum a while back and then joined when my regular go-to wasn't getting anything right.... I mean, nothing. I came on here for suggestions. I did find a good reader because of this board and the members here and I am grateful for that, I truly am. It is very possible some psychics visit this site and post under an alias but there are also people like me, who maybe want to consult a psychic to know what's next and to make more informed decisions. I used to call psychics to cope with problems but I don't do that anymore. I would call numerous psychics a week before. I would have a temporary happiness given to me for a per minute rate and it helped me sleep at night for a few days. I am not proud of that at all and I know looking back, I could have dealt with it differently. I go days, weeks, months without consulting psychics now. I have a new regular who is good for me and I still only call her about different things at different times. This is the thing, we all have been damaged, hurt and betrayed. We call psychics to get answers that the person or people who have hurt us won't give. We call to get hope that tomorrow will be better than today. I have seen people on this forum and even a recent post on this board saying people here are "unstable" or "they need help" but to me that is the pot calling the kettle black. I know there has been a lot of shade being thrown recently, it is almost crazy to me. We are here to give our experiences, who was accurate, who wasn't, etc... We are not here to promote one psychic like crazy and tear down every person who claims they didn't have a good reading with our favorite. We are not here to take low blows at others based on info they disclose to us. While you stand on your soapboxes preaching, remember, you're here for a reason too. You didn't just join this forum for fun. Be compassionate adn have a heart. We won't always agree, what's great for you can be awful for me. My goodness. This is so disheartening. This hate is so ugly. I think people are losing sight of the purpose this site serves. I truly will befriend anyone and share my story. I will give advice. I will do whatever I can to empower and encourage each and every one of you but please, can we PLEASE stop this hate? It is so ugly and disgusting. Agree to disagree and move on. I am praying for you all, truly, I am. I hope your predictions do come to pass, I hope you all find that missing piece that will make you happier. Just embrace the heartbreaking moments that will build your character and make you stronger later. Respect each other and be happy. My last thought on this rambled post is this. "Be mindful of what you say and do to others because you will see it again" Lots of love and positivity to you all.

I believe you are refering to me when you say 'pot calling the kettle black'.  But I have never ONCE acted like I am above anyone else, or any different.  I probably share too much personal information about myself than I wouldn't normally, but it's because I'm trying to drive home the fact that I'm not perfect either, and that I have called psychics looking for answers that I felt I couldn't get anywhere else.  And yes, I do believe that some people who call psychics rely on them *too* heavily, and a lot of their animosity stems from being angry when something they believed so fervently didn't come true.  I don't see anything wrong in me pointing out the obvious.

I have sat here and watched a few 'attacks' on this forum in the past few weeks, and some of the attacks were so far out of left field and so random and overtly cruel ( chat room incident, the email to Synergy ) that yes, I believe only someone who is emotionally unbalanced would inflict such unkindness on another person for no good reason.  Is it so unfathomable that some people are so deeply hurting that they may need 'proffessional help'?  Is it rude of me to say so?  I don't think so. Especially since I haven't once named a person who 'needed help' nor have I stated to anyone 'you need help'.  I said my heart genuinely breaks for people in that position who might only be prolonging their pain with fairytale readings as opposed to getting some therapist type help.  In the end the therapist takes your money, too, but instead of telling you that your boyfriend/girlfriend is coming back to you, they will tell you what you need to know to strengthen your own spirit, whether this person comes back or not.  I see that as me caring and hurting for those who hurt so badly that they are in a self-destructive cycle.  But it seems you are seeing it as something I'm saying to just be nasty, and that doesn't sit well with me.

I don't appreciate being singled out as 'pot calling kettle black'.  I never had to post my personal details, but I did, in order to help explain why I have particular thought patterns, just as much as anyone has any particular thought patterns on psychic readings, or why things have happened in their life, and why they are clinging to something, or moving on.  It doesn't matter where exactly they are on their individual journey.  Thoughts and feelings will eventually change. 

I have done my due best to remain civil on this forum, even in the face of criticism, and have genuinely 'reminded' people to look at the bigger picture, and to focus on making themselves as happy and healthy by their own hand as possible.  I don't see anything wrong with that.

But if I'm just a 'hypocrit' or a 'liar', then go ahead and add me to the list of people not coming back here.  I'm in a place where I'm starting my life all over again, and I don't want to be in a place that drums up so much negativity.
« Last Edit: May 21, 2012, 06:02:44 AM by Amaranth »


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Re: AstroSarah
« Reply #68 on: May 21, 2012, 06:10:50 AM »
People, seriously. Lets stop all of the butt hurt. Rarely has anyone been attacked on this forum. Stop taking offense so easily on an anonymous board.

Offline Amaranth

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Re: AstroSarah
« Reply #69 on: May 21, 2012, 06:14:38 AM »
Sorry, but that part of the post was obviously directed at me.  I sat here quietly while people debated me being a 'liar' or not earlier and have been nothing but civil.  I'm tired and I'm done with the scrutiny today.


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Evil spirit/Readers
« Reply #70 on: May 21, 2012, 06:24:04 AM »
I think we have some Reader/Readers Evil/sick spirit hovering on our forum..Please whoever you are..leave this forum alone and the innocent people who are only there to  support one another mean no harm to your Sick spirit..AMEN

Offline sunandmoon

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Re: AstroSarah
« Reply #71 on: May 21, 2012, 11:00:40 AM »
Well, like I said, there are a few emotionally unbalanced people on this board.  It's pretty simple, actually- a lot of people who are addicted to calling psychics are clearly missing something in their life.  They are clinging desperately to damaged relationships that quite honestly, they are at fault for breaking in the first place.  It's very sad, actually, because their social and emotional difficulties that cost them their loved ones, translate over into how they deal with members of this forum, and yes.. the psychics they call.

Amaranth, just being honest here, but that's kind of a harsh statement. Especially if you are also one calling psychics. ie, my ex most likely has a PD (he's never been dx'd but he fits many traits) but what I do know is HE has sabotaged every r/s he's been in. He either drives someone away with his issues, or he fears things are getting too close and they will leave him, and then he does it first.

Not saying I didn't cling to a damaged r/s but to say that my social and emotional difficulties cost it - BS honey!
« Last Edit: May 21, 2012, 04:30:27 PM by sunandmoon »

Offline Synergy

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Re: Visions by Annie
« Reply #72 on: May 21, 2012, 11:16:46 AM »
Wow, just read the blog and it confirmed some things for me. Honestly I think both parties are nuts. Here it is if anyone wants to read it

I just checked this out. Wow, can we say bizarre??!! I joined this forum in an effort to find honest, accurate readers and recommend readers to others. The past few months here have been over the top ridiculous. Thanks to this forum I've actually found some amazing people who have gone through a psychic addiction similar to my own, but now I realize that there is some really strange behavior going on here. Unfortunately, I understand why many people no longer post here. I haven't had a reading in a week but even if I were to start getting readings, I know I wouldn't be as open here as I have been in the past. It's sad that this forum just isn't what it used to be.

Offline Faith

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Re: AstroSarah
« Reply #73 on: May 21, 2012, 11:47:01 AM »
Just to clarify, my posts are not full of hate nor are they trying to attack anyone. As a person that uses this site to find good readers according to others opinions I believe I had to let you all know about my experience since it was pretty obvious that she just repeated what i wrote here and I if you are truly gifted and proffessional you should not feel the need of reading about your clients first and to repeat what you read in their posts. I dont see the hate in my words, I am just disappointed. If you feel that giving an honest review and opinion means hate...i wouldnt like to be encourage to call a reader due to positive reviews and lack of negative ones just because everytime a person gives a bad review or share a bad experience it is taken as an act of hate or attack. This site was created because it is hard to find honest reviews and usually negative reviews are removed from other sites, so why do I feel that I have to think it twice before writing a negative review here in the future?

Offline NewHealthyStart

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Re: AstroSarah
« Reply #74 on: May 21, 2012, 12:06:22 PM »
Well I think that this thread was very helpful.  I can say now that I do NOT believe that Loops77 is a psychic pretending to be a member :)  I think yesterday was just a bad day alltogether.   I do not believe that Amaranth is lieing, I need to make sure AGAIN that no one thinks that because she was only expressing her opinion and that's the reason we all come here. 

On another note, I do NOT only post on Sarah and there is a damn good reason why I would say something if I felt someone was saying something that may not be 100% correct about her.  Only SOME people know what she did for my family years ago and that situation is one in which any one of you would support her. 

I will simply say that without my mother meeting Sarah years ago, we may not have her with us today.  You can call it what you want but, she proved herself to us and we do feel as though we owe her, although, she would not take credit for it.

There are about 3 other advisors that we would recommend and one of them is one that was discussed in the chat room lastnight. 

One other thing we learned from this forum is that I should never personally order an email reading from anyone, because I'm not that great at expressing what I'm trying to say in text, LOL.  Ughhh

Sorry guys, didn't mean to cause any issue but, I'm obviously not that good at expressing things in text. I completely did NOT mean to say anything negative, I was only trying to be helpful and instead it turned into a huge mess and I only made it worse by attacking back when I felt I was attacked.