Author Topic: AstroSarah  (Read 76777 times)

Offline Amaranth

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Re: AstroSarah
« Reply #45 on: May 20, 2012, 04:08:34 AM »
I really liked Sarah's friendly, easy-going demeanor and that she kindly gives you more time on the phone than what you paid for, and she got one small prediction about my dog right ( of all things ) but I'll never read with her again due to the fact she reads this forum.  My very first call to her, she started off by saying: 'I'm just looking over my notes for you here and....' she repeated to me EXACTLY something I had written the day before on this forum WORD for WORD, like me talking about thinking the job I lost was lousy anyway, even if I sued for wrongful termination and etc.  I realized in that same post I had stupidly mentioned I had an appt. with Sarah and what day/time.  So all she had to do was look at her scheduler, and then connect it to my forum name, and she had all the back info she needed.  If she hadnt read for me before, why did she already have notes?

Nice lady.  She's easy to talk to and friendly.  But I think it's difficult for a reader to be objective when they have access to our personal stories.

Offline scorpiogirl

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Re: AstroSarah
« Reply #46 on: May 20, 2012, 04:20:42 AM »
I really liked Sarah's friendly, easy-going demeanor and that she kindly gives you more time on the phone than what you paid for, and she got one small prediction about my dog right ( of all things ) but I'll never read with her again due to the fact she reads this forum.  My very first call to her, she started off by saying: 'I'm just looking over my notes for you here and....' she repeated to me EXACTLY something I had written the day before on this forum WORD for WORD, like me talking about thinking the job I lost was lousy anyway, even if I sued for wrongful termination and etc.  I realized in that same post I had stupidly mentioned I had an appt. with Sarah and what day/time.  So all she had to do was look at her scheduler, and then connect it to my forum name, and she had all the back info she needed.  If she hadnt read for me before, why did she already have notes?

Nice lady.  She's easy to talk to and friendly.  But I think it's difficult for a reader to be objective when they have access to our personal stories.

I think she does too. You're right, easy to talk to and friendly but in my opinion not accurate.

Offline positivethoughts2

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Re: AstroSarah
« Reply #47 on: May 20, 2012, 11:10:34 AM »
I do think she is psychic. She knew how many kids I had and even knew I had a miscarriage. But as far as her future predictions, she did get some of it right but the timing was off. I highly doubt what she saw as the final outcome would ever happen and I don't think I would even want it to but who knows.

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Re: AstroSarah
« Reply #48 on: May 20, 2012, 06:34:17 PM »
Something else to consider and a few people here have already mentioned it.  Some readers work for some people and not others.  I'm not sure why that is, could be the timing of when we call but, my sister get's readings with a psychic that is up the street from our house that is not good for me but, extremely accurate for her. 

The one thing that bothers me about forums like these is that people always assume that a reader takes the time to read what is being said about them and use it in a reading but, it seems to me that would take a TON of time to go through posts and pick the right person and connect them to the person ordering a reading, unless you've created a forum name that is exactly the same as your user name on whatever' site your using.  I mean if you're doing that then if someone wanted to see if you've said anything then they sure could do so with ease.

I just think it's a bit speculative to assume someone is reading forum posts before doing a reading and making the connection to YOU specifically.  Seems a bit of a reach to me.  But when we don't have answers the only thing we can do is speculate. 

I'm starting to think that even if you have psychic ability, you need to be able to see things the way the person you are reading see's them because if you are just different people then how can you explain what you are seeing and feeling properly?  In a way that the person understands it. 

Didn't one of the universities do a test on psychic ability?  I thought someone was talking about that a few months ago about some test they did and learned about where psychic ability comes from and how each person views it differently.


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Re: AstroSarah
« Reply #49 on: May 20, 2012, 06:56:27 PM »
I think we all know that not everyone works for everyone. Were all on a board to compare psychic experiences. Some readers have great ability, some readers are not readers at all and other readers have ability, but use notes or string clients along in other ways. It is fairly easy for a reader to research themselves on here. Most threads have the psychic's name as a title.

Either Amaranth is liying about Astrosarah having notes on her before her first read or Astrosarah is unethical and reading posts for additional information about clients. I remember Vtech mentioning that he was blocked after posting about astrosarah on here. So, I'm leaning towards her reading posts.

« Last Edit: May 20, 2012, 07:06:16 PM by loops77 »

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Re: AstroSarah
« Reply #50 on: May 20, 2012, 07:24:45 PM »
I highly doubt that Amaranth is lying about sarah having notes but, I also know that Sarah doesn't keep notes on every reading she does so that to me says miscommunication there.  But you make a good point, the names are the titles of the posts so if they wanted to they could but, I know her personally, so I know for a FACT that she's not done anything like that. 

As a matter of fact, those types of statements are a Joke to anyone that actually knows her as a person and a professional.  And calling someone a liar or unethical while speculating is just rediculous.  Neither Amaranth or Sarah or Vtech have shown themselves to be bad people to me. 

Plus psychic readings can be so emotional and who better to blame if your life isn't going well then a psychic, a doctor, a friend or family member... I mean really, lets just pass the buck onto someone other than ourselves when life doesn't go the way we want it to go.  I've never had Sarah tell me something that was out of line, she's ALWAYS given more of herself than what was paid for and goes out of her way PERIOD for anyone that has contacted her.  So if you're looking for MORE than the more she already gave then that says quite a bit right there. 

And we know for a FACT that there are readers here that are knocking down other readers that have been spoken about. 

Still, you can tell whose a reader and whose a consumer looking for information.  I've found that just by speaking your opinion you can figure that one out. 

and to amaranth's post, i can't tell you how many times Sarah has come out and said what I was going to say before I said it, word for word.  She even says she can pick up on conversations, word for word, from the past at times.  So that doesn't say anything to me about her reading this forum, that's something she does. 

As a matter of fact, doesn't Cookie do the same thing?  So if a psychic picks up on something regarding your life and you've posted that in a forum on the internet then that psychic is unethical and reading your posts?? ROFL.  Ok, sure. 

If a psychic doesn't work for you then they don't work for you, there's nothing wrong with that but, calling them unethical and consumers liars, LOL, wow, that's like wow.  Sarah rocks and Amaranth doesn't like and Vtech probably did get blocked by the Keen system, I say good for you Vteck, save your money, keen is too expensive and their system stinks anyways, LOL.


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Re: AstroSarah
« Reply #51 on: May 20, 2012, 08:33:20 PM »
So is amaranth lying or not? You say you dont  think she is lying then you say that Astrosarah dosent keep notes on every call?

No psychic should be keeping notes on anything that a client has said, especially when they havent spoken to them before and are gleaning information from a forum. I think your personal relationship with her is blurring things for you. We get it, you like her and think she is on the up and up. But allow others to have an opinion on her as well.

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Re: AstroSarah
« Reply #52 on: May 20, 2012, 09:40:53 PM »
So is amaranth lying or not? You say you dont  think she is lying then you say that Astrosarah dosent keep notes on every call?

No psychic should be keeping notes on anything that a client has said, especially when they havent spoken to them before and are gleaning information from a forum. I think your personal relationship with her is blurring things for you. We get it, you like her and think she is on the up and up. But allow others to have an opinion on her as well.

First of all, my opinion is just that, an opinion. What's the problem, are you a psychic and using this site as a way to promote your business and your ticked off that we haven't called you?  Cause quite frankly, we and several others here happen to like a handful of psychics that if something they say comes true or we know that they have worked for us, we will share that information. 

Funny that our opinion is considered a problem when we were looking to HELP people on here.  I mean COME ON.  My personal relationship with Sarah wouldn't blurr anything for me but your attitude sure does put some things on these boards into perspective.  Considering we didn't attack anyone as you have just attacked us. 

AND if something was going on with Keen or one of the other sites that have psychics on them that was causing a problem I know that I would want to know about it.  Or at least know if anyone was having a similar problem as we were.


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Re: AstroSarah
« Reply #53 on: May 20, 2012, 09:56:04 PM »
Nothing you said makes any sense. I'm writing you off as an assitant or astrosarah herself.

Offline Amaranth

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Re: AstroSarah
« Reply #54 on: May 20, 2012, 10:12:35 PM »
I can assure you all I am absolutely not lying.  I have absolutely nothing to gain by lying.  But what happened was more than a mere 'fluke'.  Sarah repeated 'my concerns' back to me in the EXACT order I had listed them in the post I had written less than 24 hrs before the reading, where I mentioned I had a reading with her the next morning.  I still remember her saying: '..and you're thinking about lawyers and suing your last employer for wrongful termination, but you would rather get money than your job back cause it was a lousy job anyway, there is a Pagan influencing your girlfriend...'  she rattled it off in one big paragraph instead of these things 'coming in to her' as we progressed- most things exactly word for word as they had written them.  I remember being so shocked as I recognized her speaking my own words.  It was obviously more than just 'amazing intuition'.  Anyone can look back on my previous posts and see what I had shared with everyone before I had my reading with her.

I'm not trying to badmouth Sarah at all.  Like I said, I still think she is very kindly and sincerely cares about the people she reads for.  And as I said, she DID get a prediction about my dog right.   I just can't read with her again because I'll be too conflicted on whether or not things I have written are greatly swaying her reading.

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Re: AstroSarah
« Reply #55 on: May 20, 2012, 10:16:22 PM »
Nothing you said makes any sense. I'm writing you off as an assitant or astrosarah herself.

Good you should do that, please do write me off and the numberous other's who have questioned who the HECK YOU are and the fact that you seem to post constantly here, like you're trying to lead people.  Must be rough being a psychic with a self image complex. 

And about Amaranth, as we said she wasn't lieing, that was her exact impression of what happened so those of you constantly trying to attack other's really should start to pay attention to what you're saying and doing cause you're proving that you're here for purposes other than what you claim.

We just don't think she would do something like that but it's also a great reason to NOT post personal information on the internet like this.

Offline Synergy

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Re: AstroSarah
« Reply #56 on: May 20, 2012, 11:13:06 PM »
2sisters, it seems to me like you always show up here with an argumentative intent. Some people do not trust certain readers. There's no need to refer to them as liars or to act as if you know for certain that they are wrong. I have had a couple readers tell me things that I know they read on this forum. Sarah is one of them. I've enjoyed reading with her in the past, but not only were her readings questionable, she was actually wrong.  I'm happy she works for you, but please stop attacking people on this forum.

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Re: AstroSarah
« Reply #57 on: May 20, 2012, 11:24:59 PM »
2sisters, it seems to me like you always show up here with an argumentative intent. Some people do not trust certain readers. There's no need to refer to them as liars or to act as if you know for certain that they are wrong. I have had a couple readers tell me things that I know they read on this forum. Sarah is one of them. I've enjoyed reading with her in the past, but not only were her readings questionable, she was actually wrong.  I'm happy she works for you, but please stop attacking people on this forum.

What the heck, I haven't attacked anyone.  I've been attacked and took recourse.  People are calling other's liars and there's no reason for example for amaranth to lie about the reading they received, it's their opinion so why would someone call them a liar on it?  Sorry but I support that.  I think that everyone here should be able to share their view and opinion and if you try to stop them then that's when I wonder if your a psychic pretending to be a member.

What is with everyone today, if you have a problem go elsewhere with it, don't take it out on me.


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Re: AstroSarah
« Reply #58 on: May 20, 2012, 11:36:41 PM »
Nothing you said makes any sense. I'm writing you off as an assitant or astrosarah herself.

Good you should do that, please do write me off and the numberous other's who have questioned who the HECK YOU are and the fact that you seem to post constantly here, like you're trying to lead people.  Must be rough being a psychic with a self image complex. 

And about Amaranth, as we said she wasn't lieing, that was her exact impression of what happened so those of you constantly trying to attack other's really should start to pay attention to what you're saying and doing cause you're proving that you're here for purposes other than what you claim.

We just don't think she would do something like that but it's also a great reason to NOT post personal information on the internet like this.

Name the numerous people who are questioning who I am. I would really like to know..since there are other posters that post way more than me.

Offline positivethoughts2

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Re: AstroSarah
« Reply #59 on: May 21, 2012, 02:17:54 AM »
I vote to end this thread of conversation. All in favor, stop responding...............any of our regulars who feel insulted by anything just try and ignore...............