Author Topic: AstroSarah  (Read 76749 times)

Offline wishfulthinker

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Re: AstroSarah
« Reply #15 on: February 16, 2012, 02:49:17 PM »
Just curious - what brought you to our support group here?  I was reading through all of your posts and you are definitely and big Sarah fan.  I like her also - she gave me a very positive reading and saw very bright things for me.  I had posted earlier that she said she "didn't see any red flags" in my future.  Were you and your sister having issues with calling psychics too much?  I'm sorry, but I have had numerous psychics tell me that I am an empath also. So I guess I had my own "red flag" go up.
Hopefully you are here to give and receive support and not to promote a particular reader.  I would love to hear about your other experiences with readers from other sites.  You did mention a couple of others on here. 
I'm sorry if I'm out of line, but the people on this site are incredible and I feel very protective of them. :)

Offline Amaranth

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Re: AstroSarah
« Reply #16 on: February 16, 2012, 03:19:35 PM »
I am going to throw in my support for Sarah, too.  I have read with a lot of psychics, and being a natural-born Empath myself, I have had certain feelings about the outcome of my situation, which none of the others I have read with ( except for one other, Stella of HP ) have picked up on.  Sarah however, got straight to it, and gave the exact same outcome as all the others, but with the one small detail just about everyone else has been missing.

Not being combative at all.  I just felt so impressed by Sarah myself that I had to leave a good word on her.  I have read with other psychics that are really good and accurate as far as outcomes, but only a couple have included every single angle and twist.

It doesn't mean she'll connect with everyone and be good for everyone, and in fact, a good psychic will be honest and tell you when they don't, but I feel she is definitely the genuine article.  And I believe at her good prices, people can take the risk of at least giving her a try and judging for themselves :)
« Last Edit: February 16, 2012, 03:24:39 PM by Amaranth »

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Re: AstroSarah
« Reply #17 on: February 17, 2012, 12:14:15 AM »
Just curious - what brought you to our support group here?  I was reading through all of your posts and you are definitely and big Sarah fan.  I like her also - she gave me a very positive reading and saw very bright things for me.  I had posted earlier that she said she "didn't see any red flags" in my future.  Were you and your sister having issues with calling psychics too much?  I'm sorry, but I have had numerous psychics tell me that I am an empath also. So I guess I had my own "red flag" go up.
Hopefully you are here to give and receive support and not to promote a particular reader.  I would love to hear about your other experiences with readers from other sites.  You did mention a couple of others on here. 
I'm sorry if I'm out of line, but the people on this site are incredible and I feel very protective of them. :)

Actually that's a really good question because we were thinking the SAME thing about some of the posts we saw here.  It certainly seems that some people have 1 or 2 favorites that they can't seem to stop talking about.  But, we don't mind.  We thought that's what the review part of the site was about, or are we completely wrong here. 

Should we NOT share what predictions have come true? Or do you just have a problem with how we feel about how we have been treated by the men in our life?  Because it seems that right after we posted about my sisters IDIOT EX you decided to have something to say while claiming your an Empath protecting the Masses.

And I find it interesting considering he KNOWS she gets psychic readings and then you decide to pounce on us right after we post about what he just did to her.

We came here because a friend found the site looking for reviews on psychics and decided to join and post about a few psychics we've read with AND if we decide, we'll share more about our lives, HOWEVER, I've learned to NOT share too much about myself or my sister on the Internet or is that what your looking for????   My sister had some real problems not too long ago.  We wont go too far into detail over it but, lets just say she's still paying on it. 

And to answer you, yes you are out of line but, you know what, I've been out of line myself in the past and so has my sister and the rest of my family and friends so, I guess maybe it's just human nature to not be trusting of others. Glad you brought it up though, now maybe you should consider pointing that high powered EMPATHIC finger at, oh lets see, the other 30 some people here that have posted redundantly about their FAVORITE Psychic. 

Offline Amaranth

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Re: AstroSarah
« Reply #18 on: February 17, 2012, 03:17:03 AM »
I don't want to seem combative by sticking myself into this- just want to diffuse the situation.  Animosity and distrus/calling out others on a forum where we constantly are having our energy read is a bad thing- negative energy of any kind can seriously impact the lives and outcomes of those on these boards.

I don't think FarfromHome is on an agenda here, or to misguide people to their favorite reader.  I believe I read one of their posts stating they and their sister have been reading with Sarah for something like 7 years?  That's a long time of psychic readings, and a long time for them to decide whether or not she works for them.  I'm sure everyone posts their reviews here with that small undertone of a disclaimer: 'Give him/her a try.  They work great for me- they MAY work for you.'

When people find something good in their lives, of course they want to share it with others- this may seem 'redundant' but it's only natural to consistently praise  something we feel works for us and want to share it with others coz they think it might be good for them, too.

Honestly it was because of FarfromHome's enthusiastic recommendation as well as how many years she's read with this psychic that convinced me to give Sarah a try- and I was really happy with the reading and I'm very grateful that FarfromHome and others come here to share her stories and experiences.  After all, we all come here to both give and receive support- so I think we should refrain from accusing people of hidden agendas when they are just trying to share :)

And FarfromHome, I hope you don't think everyone who comes here saying they are an Empath is being dishonest.  I think being Empathic is really easy for people to claim they are, coz a sad movie makes them cry or something- and it frustrates how many people run around claiming they are one when they have no idea how exhausting and truly mentally exhausting it is to be one, and how unglamorous it is to have 3 wild mood swings in the course of an hour, making everyone around you think you belong in a mental institution, lol.   

Anyway, stay positive everyone and support everyone here in our quests for better, more aware lives :)

Offline wishfulthinker

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Re: AstroSarah
« Reply #19 on: February 17, 2012, 04:41:34 AM »
Just curious - what brought you to our support group here?  I was reading through all of your posts and you are definitely and big Sarah fan.  I like her also - she gave me a very positive reading and saw very bright things for me.  I had posted earlier that she said she "didn't see any red flags" in my future.  Were you and your sister having issues with calling psychics too much?  I'm sorry, but I have had numerous psychics tell me that I am an empath also. So I guess I had my own "red flag" go up.
Hopefully you are here to give and receive support and not to promote a particular reader.  I would love to hear about your other experiences with readers from other sites.  You did mention a couple of others on here. 
I'm sorry if I'm out of line, but the people on this site are incredible and I feel very protective of them. :)

Actually that's a really good question because we were thinking the SAME thing about some of the posts we saw here.  It certainly seems that some people have 1 or 2 favorites that they can't seem to stop talking about.  But, we don't mind.  We thought that's what the review part of the site was about, or are we completely wrong here. 

Should we NOT share what predictions have come true? Or do you just have a problem with how we feel about how we have been treated by the men in our life?  Because it seems that right after we posted about my sisters IDIOT EX you decided to have something to say while claiming your an Empath protecting the Masses.

And I find it interesting considering he KNOWS she gets psychic readings and then you decide to pounce on us right after we post about what he just did to her.

We came here because a friend found the site looking for reviews on psychics and decided to join and post about a few psychics we've read with AND if we decide, we'll share more about our lives, HOWEVER, I've learned to NOT share too much about myself or my sister on the Internet or is that what your looking for????   My sister had some real problems not too long ago.  We wont go too far into detail over it but, lets just say she's still paying on it. 

And to answer you, yes you are out of line but, you know what, I've been out of line myself in the past and so has my sister and the rest of my family and friends so, I guess maybe it's just human nature to not be trusting of others. Glad you brought it up though, now maybe you should consider pointing that high powered EMPATHIC finger at, oh lets see, the other 30 some people here that have posted redundantly about their FAVORITE Psychic.
First off - I'm not an empath protecting the masses.  I never said I was an empath.  I said I have had many psychics tell me they pick up on this.  If I were, it would explain a lot of the things I have been through in my life.  Sometimes I am ultra sensitive to the moods of others around me.  It has been a very distracting thing in my life.  I don't think it was kind what this man did to your sister - I never indicated anything of this kind. 
You reacted in a very strong way to what I wrote.  If you look back over the old posts you will find that there has been some discussion/worry that some of the members here were really readers. There was an issue about the Raven/Avalon possible poser. I agree with you that there seems to be members posting continuously about the same handful of psychics.  I have read with some of them.  Some were good, some not so much.  It is always interesting how some connect with a particular reader but not others.  Also, if you read what I had written today, I have had a reading with Astro Sarah and it was a very good reading.  I will be a very happy woman if it comes true!  I was concerned because almost every thing you had posted was about Sarah.  Forgive me if I offended you, but I came to this site because I have a real problem with calling psychics.  It has effected my life in a very damaging way.  It is something I am trying to work through the best I can.  If I get a reading - I want to be able to take the advice and recommendations from the support system on here.  There are many people on here in the same place as me. :'( 

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Re: AstroSarah
« Reply #20 on: February 17, 2012, 12:26:02 PM »
@wishfulthinker   I'm sorry if I took everything and ran with it yesterday.  My sister is a VERY important person in my life.  We've been through so much together as a family and yesterday was absolutely horrible.  If I step back and out of the situation, we and you have something in common, we've learned that people aren't always what they claim to be..... That goes for Psychics and the MEN in our lives.

I actually had a bit of a giggle this morning over all of this.  Maybe you were picking up on our emotions yesterday because both of us were feeling like we were taken a few years ago when her ex was around and now he thinks he can just step back into the picture like my sister is that needy and desperate and in love with him, like he's the be all end all.

I did speak with her last night, Sarah, after emailing her about what happened with my sister and I talked to her for a little bit about what happened here and on FB yesterday too.  What she told us was that we shouldn't have responded to you the way we did, it didn't help us in any way to feel better by saying what we did here.  We should know better, we have been through quite a bit and it has changed us.  My sister spent quite a bit of money on psychics many years ago, this is why we live together today, it helps her to pay her bills and try to get this all paid off.  We still have a very long road ahead of us. 

We were sent to Sarah by our mother because of all the money my sister was spending.   Sarah is a different type of person, I guess thats the best way to put that.  We have read with a ton of other psychics, Sarah is the only one that we can contact, WITHOUT paying for another reading, to get help with initial questions we have asked her for help with.  It helps my sister especially because Sarah has been able to say things that we were thinking while we were thinking it, or threw out names or places or predictions that have actually come true, so my sister transferred her addiction I suppose you could say, over to her and Sarah helped her to stop going through a ton of psychics and she has read for us for Free 85% of the time.  The times that we pay for readings with her is when something new comes up for us (if you could only imagine how much money this has saved us). 

She told us a few years ago that there are places we can go to on the internet where we could talk to people that had things in common with us, especially with psychic addiction and spending too much money on it. She also pressed us to see our family doctor and be referred to a psychologist.  Yes, she has obviously worked for us and after what we've been through we appreciate it. 

I think all of this is psychological, something she told us a while ago is getting to know yourself before you start really questioning the actions or non-actions of other people because if you can't interact with yourself honestly and really get to know yourself then how can you ever expect to see other's for what and who they truly are.  She's always thrown things back at us, getting us to think, trying to draw our emotions away from what is negative.  And when she cries with us, we know it's sincere. 

She may not work for everyone but, I try to hold onto what she has told us because my family has gone from having a very serious situation financially to being almost in the clear. 

So again I just wanted you to know that I apologize for being so sharp and making assumptions.  I should know better by now after all that we have been through in my family.  I hope that we can become a support system for you and other's here.   Maybe this was a really good way for us to get to know each other a little better and show that we have a lot in common.

My heart felt, sincere, apology goes out to you and I hope that you too can find the same peace we are striving for in our home!

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Re: AstroSarah
« Reply #21 on: February 17, 2012, 09:54:27 PM »
She has great prices at her site. $35 for 15 mins, $65 for 30 mins. Though I decided not to call anyone now but I have started drooling after finding this :P.

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Re: AstroSarah
« Reply #22 on: February 24, 2012, 01:58:01 PM »
She has great prices at her site. $35 for 15 mins, $65 for 30 mins. Though I decided not to call anyone now but I have started drooling after finding this :P.

She used to be 25.00 for 15 minutes in the 90s.  A lot of the psychics from these sites have personal site's where they are a TON cheaper.  I think it depends on the service they are using for their business and what they charge them.
I can't wait to see pictures of her baby when born, i hope she shares them.


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Re: AstroSarah
« Reply #23 on: March 22, 2012, 05:48:14 PM »
I had a reading with AstroSarah after swearing that I would not read with any new readers again. She isnt a fairly tail kinda gal, although the reader that I use has never been that to me. I think I am just looking for an opposit of what my reader has told me and I got it in AstroSarah. She seems to talk about the persons character well ( I dont know if she was reading me or the person) however I felt she was wrong (Who knows maybe she is right but I tested her by asking her a question about someone that I already knew the answer to and she failed it. I then asked another question about a couple that I knew broke up 2 years ago and are now enemies, she told me that they are still together - this I know isnt correct because both are in different relationships and the girl just had a baby for another guy, so there is no way that they are still together). AstroSarah might work for others but I find her reading suspect because she failed to hone in on the correct answer twice, so I cant put weight on her reading that she gave me. I think she was tired, after having a baby or sick because I heard alot of heavy breathing, maybe allegies - I have decided that I wont call anymore readers no Matter what glowing reviews they get, some readers may connect well with some but not with all. I shall stick with Cookie and Sincerity. Although I think the best option is just to have faith in God and move on with your life.

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Re: AstroSarah
« Reply #24 on: March 29, 2012, 02:38:13 PM »
I've never known Sarah to read for 3rd parties and we've known her for years.  Questionable to me that she would even answer a question like that.  But, you should stick with who works for you most definitely, especially God.

Offline lotusflower

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Re: AstroSarah
« Reply #25 on: April 01, 2012, 12:58:19 AM »
Ok I read with Sarah Bina from her website.  First off, she blew me away on speaking to a person that has passed.  She told me names and events and more.  It was awesome.  But my friend that spoke to her didn't have the same experience.  Then later I started thinking.  Everything she said could have been taken out of that obituary because it had a lot of detail in it.  She had my name and address from paying on her site vs a site like keen.  She could have googled my name and city and it comes up right awaay.  Take away the talking to the passed person. She did get other things accurate that wasn't in there and she did seem genuine.  Her prediction was positive for me as well.  I really hope she didn't do that and I would feel a bit more at ease if she said all that if I read with her on like Keen. However if she didn't google me, she is very gifted and would recommend her in a heart beat.  If some of the predictions come to pass, I will eat my words about being skeptical and spread the word about her.  I really liked her personality and truly hope that she saw all of that.

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Re: AstroSarah
« Reply #26 on: April 03, 2012, 01:43:50 AM »
« Last Edit: August 26, 2012, 02:47:20 AM by Miracle »

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Re: AstroSarah
« Reply #27 on: April 06, 2012, 10:24:02 PM »
I really hope so.  She was amazing.  She knocked my socks off on what she said. I will definitely know for sure once some of the things she told me comes true.  She did seem genuine.  I would like to know how many people that read with her that her predictions came to pass. And I would like to know if she gave specific names of people without telling her.  I want to feel more at ease about the whole thing.  It did seem that the decease person was there and crystal clear.

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Re: AstroSarah
« Reply #28 on: April 06, 2012, 10:32:28 PM »
« Last Edit: August 26, 2012, 02:47:32 AM by Miracle »

Offline lotusflower

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Re: AstroSarah
« Reply #29 on: April 06, 2012, 10:53:01 PM »
During and after I spoke to her, I felt that we connected very well.  She told me not to get any more readings because I don't need them.  She knew that I've had several readings before her.  She also went over our time.  She is real generous and wants to help.  Sapphire and Sarah were my two favorites.  I just got a bit skeptical when I remembered that the obituary is in great detail.  She even gave me her personal email address if I needed her.  However I wrote it down wrong.  :-[