Potpourri Boards > Addicted to Psychics

Psychic addiction support groups

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FWIW we tried this a few years ago - but with forums like this one that are so active, you need a critical mass for people to feel the support. Plus, getting live meeting times was tough when this forum pulls from people all over the world.

I will add this - when you create a support group with people who don't know how to run support groups or haven't yet successfully kicked an addiction, it's just kind of "the blind leading the blind" and - the group we started before, we all ended up doing exactly the same thing. We wanted to try to help each other out of it, but we also were dealing with our own struggles.

What I know now -

1) The biggest thing I will tell you is read up all you can on DISTRESS TOLERANCE. The "addiction" part of it is mainly when people can't tolerate feeling distressed about something. OMG, have to talk to someone, NOW. Etc.

2) The second thing, and someone touched on this, is to start tapping into your OWN divinity. We all HAVE it. So, if that means get some of your own cards, meditate, journal/free write and ask yourself questions and then just "write" and answer them (you'd be surprised what comes out, with prayer).

3) Try to start a new hobby of some kind to build your CONFIDENCE. Much of this can be traced back to low self-esteem. A subconscious belief (or conscious) that we don't truly believe that our lives will get better, so we have to have someone TELL us that XYZ thing will happen.

4) Unchecked depression/anxiety. Not on meds? Get an eval. It can change the way your mind functions drastically.

You don't really need a support group for calling psychics. I get it, we want to STOP. And there is a shame aspect involved in calling so it's not just like we can talk to anyone/everyone about it. But it's like a dealer, inevitably you hear about who gave a good reading to so and so and so you want to do it "as a last one". Even if you hold off. That's why unless you have someone running it, older folks/more people in the group who HAVE stopped for any period of time, - the dynamics of a group won't work.

What we usually truly need is a support group/self-discovery in the REASON we are calling - not just how we feel - but what the underlying thought pattern in that drives the feeling that leads us there, and how to stop or amend or heal THAT part.


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