Author Topic: Psychic addiction support groups  (Read 21080 times)

Offline Eagertolearn

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Re: Psychic addiction support groups
« Reply #30 on: December 04, 2019, 03:30:26 PM »
Hi everybody,
     In the same boat. Need help with this addiction.  All do to anxiety after experiencing a loss of POI.  Would love to join support group.
Problem gets bad at night when alone.  Do try to stay busy during day performing at least 3 tasks and talking to a friend.  But the evenings are the worse , watch a movie, read a self help book, play solitaire on computer, and pray for STRENGTH and to let go of POI and addiction and this does help. But would love to join a support group.

Offline midwest60

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Re: Psychic addiction support groups
« Reply #31 on: December 05, 2019, 05:24:06 AM »
I have read a few posts regarding lack of ambition, drive, and overall dislike for many areas of life which leads to calling psychics. I too, have suffered from addiction....I think I spent close to $15K one year on psychics.

For those of you who have gone months or longer without calling, I applaud you. For those who have gone a week, I also applaud you. And for those who have only been able to get through one day without calling, I have faith that you can become like the other two groups and cut down on your calling.

I think many people have it order to cut back on something for yourself that will empower you and create positive change. One of the reason I used to call psychics was due to career issues. I was so bored with my job and never felt I would be promoted. I ended up reading all of the books by Barbara Sher on helping me identify what I truly wanted to do.  Barbara has a book called "I could do anything if only I knew what it was" that is a fun read. It really helped me restart my career and life.

Offline tshine17

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Re: Psychic addiction support groups
« Reply #32 on: December 09, 2019, 04:58:20 AM »
Dear Lord! I remember the days when I first met Keen. Just the design of the website is so demonically addictive. Im convinced some kind of spell has been cast on the site.

I believe it!!! Using Keen felt like it opened up a portal in my home to demons.

Do you mind expanding on this please? Just wondering what happened.

I feel like I’ve been noticing all these “signs” around me lately and I don’t know if it’s from a demon, the Universe or a God-wink. It’s scary to feel like you see things...and I’ve had a few psychics tell me that I am psychic...but you don’t really know who’s behind them.


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Re: Psychic addiction support groups
« Reply #33 on: December 09, 2019, 01:00:43 PM »
Good signs or bad signs?

Offline tshine17

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Re: Psychic addiction support groups
« Reply #34 on: December 09, 2019, 02:17:13 PM »
Good signs or bad signs?

Signs like...oh this is validating that a psychic was talking to my deceased family member. Sign that someone is thinking of me, etc. Not bad signs. Just signs confirming things.

Offline Carmicsa

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Re: Psychic addiction support groups
« Reply #35 on: December 09, 2019, 06:46:44 PM »
Hello all I’m new to this forum. It nice to see I’m not the only one that has a addiction to psychics. I’ve been able to cut back a ton. I tend to be an emotional/impulsive caller. I use to shop when I felt that way. I use psychic source and it seems like a lot of are frauds. They back peddle or give false hope. I don’t know who or what to believe.

Offline annathechica

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Re: Psychic addiction support groups
« Reply #36 on: December 13, 2019, 01:42:33 AM »
I would love and NEED a support group for this

I"ve replaced calling psychics with doing a new youtube video or LOA technique

candles, honey jars yada yada
STILL though I will call at least a couple times a week and have wasted so much money

Can someone create a phone tree, or separate Facebook group for those wanting to stop?
Being able to get accountability partners or something . I've spent thousands of dollars and most of it wasted.
 I can be "ok" now and then if life hits me with something I"m unsure of , I can relapse QUICK and burn up 100 dollars.
I am in Al Anon 12 step group but I dont mention my psychic calling there because they would be like "ummmmmmm???"

IF anyone wants to be an accountability bud, PM me maybe we can text each other or something when we are "craving"

its nuts because I've never been addicted to anything else before in my life (not drugs or alcohol or gambling etc)


Offline Eagertolearn

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Re: Psychic addiction support groups
« Reply #37 on: December 14, 2019, 05:02:19 PM »
  Everybody in same boat one way or another.  Continually pray for strength and to let go of the issue.
Recommend the book Ghosted and Breadcrumbed  which gives the characteristics of emotionally unavailable men and their need to control. Lists all the red flags. Bought on Amazon.
Also, tried the queen of cups tarot you tube and helps curb it as well as playing solitaire online.
Forgive yourself for the lost money, it does no good to beat yourself up over it. You need love and positive
affirmations of self to go forward.  Meditation and prayer is the key!  Will give you strength. 2020 will be a year of great happiness, hope and self love.  Believe it and you can achieve it.

Offline midwest60

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Re: Psychic addiction support groups
« Reply #38 on: January 07, 2020, 01:10:16 PM »
In my dating days, (many moons ago), there was a great book called "He's Scared, She's Scared."  I see it's still available.  This is a book about passive aggressive relationships which helps the reader to identify relationships that are not going anywhere, why some men pull back, etc. Very good.

Offline Eagertolearn

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Re: Psychic addiction support groups
« Reply #39 on: April 25, 2021, 11:58:11 PM »
It was so helpful to read your posts about psychic addictions as i have the same problem. Anxiety builds up at night and try to distract but sometimes give in to the addiction.  I pray i can be free of this bad habit that is using up all my hard earn money. To ask the same questions over and over to the psychic who probably thinks i am really in bad shape.  WiSH there were a psychic addiction support group.  But i guess this forum is as close as you can get .  Probably need to see a therapist but now some of them are not taking insurance. but if i can not get a handle on this i will certainly pursue that avenue.  Staying busy is helpful it is just the nights that are rough.  Thanks so much for posting the article on closure and other topics you really helped me to see i do not need that.  I need to set a goal of no calls for 30 days and pray God give me the strength to stick to that goal.   God Bless you all for your help !

Offline sunshineluv7

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Re: Psychic addiction support groups
« Reply #40 on: April 29, 2021, 12:21:59 AM »
FWIW we tried this a few years ago - but with forums like this one that are so active, you need a critical mass for people to feel the support. Plus, getting live meeting times was tough when this forum pulls from people all over the world.

I will add this - when you create a support group with people who don't know how to run support groups or haven't yet successfully kicked an addiction, it's just kind of "the blind leading the blind" and - the group we started before, we all ended up doing exactly the same thing. We wanted to try to help each other out of it, but we also were dealing with our own struggles.

What I know now -

1) The biggest thing I will tell you is read up all you can on DISTRESS TOLERANCE. The "addiction" part of it is mainly when people can't tolerate feeling distressed about something. OMG, have to talk to someone, NOW. Etc.

2) The second thing, and someone touched on this, is to start tapping into your OWN divinity. We all HAVE it. So, if that means get some of your own cards, meditate, journal/free write and ask yourself questions and then just "write" and answer them (you'd be surprised what comes out, with prayer).

3) Try to start a new hobby of some kind to build your CONFIDENCE. Much of this can be traced back to low self-esteem. A subconscious belief (or conscious) that we don't truly believe that our lives will get better, so we have to have someone TELL us that XYZ thing will happen.

4) Unchecked depression/anxiety. Not on meds? Get an eval. It can change the way your mind functions drastically.

You don't really need a support group for calling psychics. I get it, we want to STOP. And there is a shame aspect involved in calling so it's not just like we can talk to anyone/everyone about it. But it's like a dealer, inevitably you hear about who gave a good reading to so and so and so you want to do it "as a last one". Even if you hold off. That's why unless you have someone running it, older folks/more people in the group who HAVE stopped for any period of time, - the dynamics of a group won't work.

What we usually truly need is a support group/self-discovery in the REASON we are calling - not just how we feel - but what the underlying thought pattern in that drives the feeling that leads us there, and how to stop or amend or heal THAT part.

« Last Edit: April 29, 2021, 12:50:12 AM by sunshineluv7 »