Author Topic: Louisebell on keen  (Read 21769 times)

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Louisebell on keen
« on: January 29, 2012, 09:36:32 PM »
Has anyone else had a reading by louise bell on keen?


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Re: Louisebell on keen
« Reply #1 on: January 29, 2012, 10:18:32 PM »
I've never had a reading with her, and never ran across her listing, but i did do a quick look-up to check out her site, and I have to say I am always suspicious of readers who have 2 different listings - one for new clients, and a separate one for existing. just doesn't make sense to me - there's a reason they do that, not sure what it is though. Maybe a ploy to make them seem highly sought after?


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Re: Louisebell on keen
« Reply #2 on: January 29, 2012, 10:51:04 PM »
Yeah, me too - wishing i would have found this site sooner, and I can't let myself think of the literally thousands of dollars spent. But no more. Seriously - say that prayer I posted on this site. Prayer is what works for me, I realize that now. What I especially love about St. Terese' is she gives you validation - pray for what you want, ask specifically. I know some people don't believe the same things I do, but I personally would rather align myself with God than a psychic. I still get psychic 'cravings', and sometimes call a certain one when I have a crisis, who has been pretty good, but even she gets things wrong. And, like my user name says: Time Heals. And like I also said, though i may not have realized it at the time i went through bad stuff, something better ALWAYS came along. Before I got engaged, I was hung up on a different guy, and he dumped me and boy, did i think it was the end of the world, that i would never find love again. Well, I DID get someone so much better - better than I ever dreamed. So, I don't know what your situation is, but you never know what lies around the corner, and neither does a psychic most times.

LiveLoveLaugh: (love that handle by the way) just try it. Give it a chance & see. But like, don't ask for anything out of this world like, gee, please let me win a million in the lottery. Doesn't hurt to try, and prayer is always free. Remember - a Novena is 9 days. be specific in what you ask. let me know how you make out.

Did you really never get anything that you prayed for before?? Or maybe you got it, but not in a way you expected? Because that's happened to me - where I got what i wanted but not in the way i expected.
« Last Edit: January 29, 2012, 11:45:14 PM by TimeHeals »

Offline LiveLaughLove

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Re: Louisebell on keen
« Reply #3 on: January 29, 2012, 11:06:14 PM »

But does the prayer bring you what you want?
I too use to feel prayer was what I needed. I grew up going to church, went to private school and two were religious based etc and I never asked for things other than keeping me and my parents healthy and safe. So when i prayed for my situation and what not nothing ever happen...I felt like I never asked god for anything like so many people do because I felt that when I really needed something he won't answer because I ask for this and that all the time so imagine my disappointment....& what's funny is today my mom was watching Joel Stien or whatever his name is and he was saying ask in prayer and you will receive blah blah and all I could do was laugh because that's further from the truth.

Of course thats my opinion and not trying to offense anybody but that's my experiences. I heard about that prayer you posted on here but never used it so do the prayers get answered or is it one of those things "well only if it's meant to happen" crap?


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Re: Louisebell on keen
« Reply #4 on: January 29, 2012, 11:08:18 PM »
I will say this: during the period we were broken up, it was for about 1 1/2 or 2 months were broken up, and i was determined to just move past him, i spoke to a reader on keen named Lamplighter Jack - I don't usually call men, because I don't think men can be psychic (i don't know why, I guess Im sexist, lol) or at least as inaccurate as the women psychics. But anyway, he was cheap, and I'd spent so much money on keen, my credit card was way there, so i just needed a quick cheap 'fix'. Well, he said something 'significant' was going to happen between me and my guy, in June, and that it was something good, but he could not tell me what it was - just that he saw something good happening with us, and i was thinking 'no way, I'm totally done with him'. Well, that's when he asked me to marry him - out of the blue - came to my work - wanted to talk - and gave me my diamond engagement ring. Now, I don't know if that was just a fluke or what, but he was the only one who even came CLOSE to 'something significant' happening. After that, I don't think i called him again, or much of anyone again, until about september/oct/nov/dec of 2011 due to a tradedy i experienced.


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Re: Louisebell on keen
« Reply #5 on: January 29, 2012, 11:23:06 PM »
Oh, you don't offend me at all. I know religion can be a touchy subject, but I made a promise & I will fullfill and because I believe it can help others.  Ok, so God hears all of our prayers, but does not always answer them in the way WE want, but the way HE wants. And, if you look at another of my posts, about the previous guy and I was so heartbroken? Well I thank God that guy dumped me, because I ended up with someone so much better for me, but I didn't see it at the time. I am so glad i didn't wind up with that guy.

Anyway, about the St. Terese' prayer, it is said that she takes your request to God Himself - presents roses to him, and he either says yes or no, so if you receive roses, you know your prayer has been answered - and you will get what you prayed for. I've used this prayer many times, for many years, ever since I first learned of it. In fact, I even chose her as my confirmation name because she's come thru for me so many times. sometimes I got confirmation, sometimes I did not. Sometimes when I got confirmation, I STILL didn';t believe I would get what I asked, but i did! And yes, of course there have been things I asked for that I did not get, did not get a rose. i.e. aforementioned previous boyfriend. So, though we may never always get what we 'think' we want, we will get an answer. Its better than asking the psychics, I believe.

There is another prayer called the Mother Theresa Emergency Novena (a Novena is to be said 9days, but this one is said 9 times in a row) It is called the Memorare Prayer. It is named after Mother Theresa of Calcutta, she used it often. I have not used it yet. But i do believe strongly in prayer.

And yes, you SHOULD pray for yourself. Its always good to pray for loved ones, but you need to pray for yourself as well.

Offline LiveLaughLove

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Re: Louisebell on keen
« Reply #6 on: January 30, 2012, 12:10:49 AM »
Well I don't feel that way about my ex. Till this day I still feel he is the man im suppose to be with. I've dated many guys long term and short term and nothing has made me feel like "man I'm so glad that I met this guy." not once. The guy im dating now I definitely like but I'm not looking back like oh he's the one,im glad me and my ex are through. But I see where you are coming from because I've been in a situation like that when I was in college...

But regardless it doesn't matter because I just read with Vicky joy on keen and she said that this new guy is just going to go back to ex and will just stop talking to me by April. And that mid feb is when she will be pushing her way in so I might start seeing changes...nevertheless I'm devastate and want to cry and then tell him I'm done. I don't want to invest any more time in him if that what's going to happen. I asked her well what should I do at this point? She said well you can't just go off a psychic reading you have to let the cards play out and shes right. Not one reading has been accurate for me in the last year so why should i believe her so essentially I have to wait until April until he kicks me to the crub basically. I asked him after the reading about his exs to get a feel of how he feels about it and he was like I don't date exs babe. So idk...Vicki also said that my ex will reach out in may around his bday and pull towards me in June. She picked up two KEY things about his life I knew about 100% so either she had a lucky guess or the cards were right. But even with that prediction I can't be happy because I was gettin use to this guy and I feel or guess felt like me and him had so much potential an though I love my ex and always will I am still open to meeting new people as I feel we have more than one soul mate and maybe my ex was my soul mate at that time. Plus ive been hearing since last April he was coming back so I take that crap with a grain of salt.

Anywho, I have my reading with peej tonight at 430( in 30 mins) and based on her site she tells you the message she's getting and asks for questions to be asked after everything is said on her end so I'm curious to hear what she says....I'll alsi use the prayer you gave :) should it be done at a specific time?

I'll keep everyone posted on me reading with peej:)


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Re: Louisebell on keen
« Reply #7 on: January 30, 2012, 03:17:04 AM »
No, doesn't need to be done at a specific time. There are variations of it that do say specific times, like there is one in another one of my prayer books that says it should be said by 11:00 am, followed by 5 Our Fathers, 5 Hail Mary's, and 5 Glory Be's, and on the fifth day, an extra set of the addditional three prayers. But that one 5 days only, which really isn't a Novena.  But I did the St. Terese' Prayer because of a VERY extremely difficult time my family is going through, and I received affirmation, but it won't REALLY be known to everyone for a few months what the outcome will be, but I know all will be okay, as I asked, I believe. 

I never hurts to try. And there are websites dedicated to Her, if you want to just look at what others say.

I hope you had a positive reading with the psychic you spoke with.

@kickingthehabit: yes, it is a beautiful prayer. It may also be said nine times right in a row. And if it was good enough for Mother Theresa, its sure good enough for me! I have it if i need it, and hope it works for you.

question: sometimes this forum does not allow me to post messages because a screen comes up and says something like I can't post because its been 500 seconds since my last post. ??? what's that about?? and what's the karma thing mean? sorry, still trying to figure this site out.
« Last Edit: January 30, 2012, 03:25:58 AM by TimeHeals »


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Re: Louisebell on keen
« Reply #8 on: January 30, 2012, 03:28:57 AM »
I agree with Jordie - don't live your life based on what a psychic says = just like those same psychics say, when their own predictions don't pan out, 'free will'. You cannot rely on what they say because they are wrong probably at least 80% of the time.
And Aries blocked me too, and I never read with her, so what kind of integrity is that???

Offline LiveLaughLove

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Re: Louisebell on keen
« Reply #9 on: January 30, 2012, 03:57:26 AM »
Thanks guys :)

It definitely messed up my mood but I'm good now. I wasn't going to make any crazy moves but still it hurt because I like this new guy and yea she said my ex was going to reach out but how many times have I heard that? And I like this guy things are going so well and now he's going to be 2011 was horrible and 2012 started out well in a few areas of my life and meeting him was one of them.

But she herself said that I shouldn't just stop talking to him because she's psychic so I was like okay you're right! And when i asked about his last relationship and why they broke up he gave me a reason that was different than what Vicki joy said was the reason so guess that eases things.

Thanks again for your words though guys :))

Offline britbrat

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Re: Louisebell on keen
« Reply #10 on: January 20, 2017, 01:21:40 AM »
Has anyone read with her recently? I tried her in October she knew some details but her prediction never happen. She is a bit chatty as well.

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Re: Louisebell on keen
« Reply #11 on: January 20, 2017, 08:28:03 PM »
I haven't read with her since September of '15 but I used to a lot. She is *not* good with short-term predictions but in my case is with long-term. She was the only one to tell me, in the fall of '14, that my POI would not be ready for a full relationship until around 2017 and that does indeed appear to be the case.

I stopped reading with her because during a rupture with my POI, she told me she couldn't see him contacting me. He did three weeks later, as predicted by Gaylene most prominently, and that started us reconciling. She caused me a lot of pain with that wrong prediction. Also, she is rather Eeyor-ish and that can bring you down.

Offline Beesa

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Re: Louisebell on keen
« Reply #12 on: February 10, 2017, 12:55:52 AM »
I haven't read with her since September of '15 but I used to a lot. She is *not* good with short-term predictions but in my case is with long-term. She was the only one to tell me, in the fall of '14, that my POI would not be ready for a full relationship until around 2017 and that does indeed appear to be the case.

I stopped reading with her because during a rupture with my POI, she told me she couldn't see him contacting me. He did three weeks later, as predicted by Gaylene most prominently, and that started us reconciling. She caused me a lot of pain with that wrong prediction. Also, she is rather Eeyor-ish and that can bring you down.
Yeah she can be Eyorish and depressing for sure lol. She's good for longterm in some cases. If you're really upset about something though it seems to cloud her judgment or quality of the read. She lacks confidence I think, but she's super nice. She can see some stuff eerily accurate, it's incredible. But outcome can be hard  for her in the shorter term. I don't think she likes reading short-term. She also does NOT do general reads (i.e., What's up with my life or love life etc.), you need to be specific with her.

Offline Shayalay

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Re: Louisebell on keen
« Reply #13 on: February 10, 2017, 02:03:58 AM »
I haven't read with her since September of '15 but I used to a lot. She is *not* good with short-term predictions but in my case is with long-term. She was the only one to tell me, in the fall of '14, that my POI would not be ready for a full relationship until around 2017 and that does indeed appear to be the case.

I stopped reading with her because during a rupture with my POI, she told me she couldn't see him contacting me. He did three weeks later, as predicted by Gaylene most prominently, and that started us reconciling. She caused me a lot of pain with that wrong prediction. Also, she is rather Eeyor-ish and that can bring you down.
Yeah she can be Eyorish and depressing for sure lol. She's good for longterm in some cases. If you're really upset about something though it seems to cloud her judgment or quality of the read. She lacks confidence I think, but she's super nice. She can see some stuff eerily accurate, it's incredible. But outcome can be hard  for her in the shorter term. I don't think she likes reading short-term. She also does NOT do general reads (i.e., What's up with my life or love life etc.), you need to be specific with her.

You're exactly right, I've been thinking the same things and I think I might read with her again. She told me back in late '14 that my POI would not be ready for us to return fully to our old relationship until 2017. I was so upset at the time but it looks like she was right. She is good when you're upset; she told me once she's a grief counselor.

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Re: Louisebell on keen
« Reply #14 on: February 10, 2017, 02:08:06 AM »
Yes me.she was very matter of fact something about her picture is very eerie and gives me chills but business first.She did tell me my person of interest wouldn't be back that was 2016 and she  was right...still is he isn't back

