Author Topic: Aries Intuition vs Yona  (Read 5714 times)

Offline Yaris123

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Aries Intuition vs Yona
« on: March 23, 2020, 12:05:59 PM »

Who do you think is more accurate? I had a reading with Yona a few days ago for the first time ever and her reading was totally different from Aries Intuition . I know both of them are pretty popular in this board but I was wondering who is more accurate when it comes to love predictions

Offline Esse

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Re: Aries Intuition vs Yona
« Reply #1 on: March 23, 2020, 01:21:13 PM »
Yona's timing is usually quite far ahead from what i've read

Offline user5942

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Re: Aries Intuition vs Yona
« Reply #2 on: March 23, 2020, 02:33:23 PM »
Kishas readings usually manifest for me, especially negative or career predictions

On the phone, she’s been equally as good for me as general email.

Yona has also gotten things specifically right, however, she downplays negative predictions and makes positive predictions a lot better or meaningful than they really are

So, both are accurate (for me anyway), and you have to take anyone’s timing with a grain of salt.

Kisha can see far out too, but Yona can see up to 10 years. Sometimes you don’t even realize her predictions passed because they were actually a lot more insignificant than she made them out to be


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Re: Aries Intuition vs Yona
« Reply #3 on: March 23, 2020, 03:07:19 PM »
I've been reading with Kiesha and Yona for four years and Yona is more accurate for me than Kiesha but Kiesha is still accurate. Currently my readings with Kiesha and Yona are the same but relationship wise its different. Yona said I will be balancing out my relationship with POI till June, Kiesha said POI will be limbo in the spring and warmer months and how he feels he can put a relationship on his plate but she said in the next couple of months I will have a relationship that is balanced. Kiesha said POI is not committing and Yona said POI is committing but there will be times where it feels like things are moving forwards then backwards. Yona gave me these predictions before I even got in contact with POI. Kiesha made her predictions about POI last month.

Kiesha has been accurate with negative love predictions and work for me in the past. Kiesha is not accurate with predictions about new love and sometimes work and outcomes.
For example: I see you meeting someone is the warmer months, I get an 8 so it will probably be august, he is semi tall, light skin probably biracial, He is younger than 30 and her will be helping you with something. Your working in a group. In real life August comes by and you still have not met anyone so you call Kie
sha. She says I see you meeting someone in the colder months closer to spring. In April, you realize you still have not met anyone you call her back. I see you meeting someone in 6, and the cycle continues and you eventually let go and stop calling about new love.

Yona's predictions and details are accurate. Yona is not accurate with certain things , she makes assumptions a lot and down plays things which effects the accuracy , she also guesses on timing , so her timing is not accurate. She mixes up energies sometimes.
For example Yona can say there will be a tower someone is backing off or telling you why they cant do something putting limitations to partnership. The cards they are telling the truth and  to give it a chance which makes me believe that the limitations are put on for a short while, for 2 weeks. (In real life) person is POI he is backing off saying he wants to see where things go, he is trying to figure out his life and what balance means to him. 5 months go by and POI has yet to discuss partnership , 6 months go by, 7 then 8. In this instance limitation is not a short while and not 2 weeks but instead half of a year.

Overall,I choose Yona she is more accurate for me and she sees further than Kiesha. Yona predicted me going back to school even before I thought about going back to school. I do hate that he down plays things. I go to Kiesha if I want more details and read on what's currently happening and why. Even though sometimes Kiesha can be negative and her timing too is not great. She can also be accurate. Yona has a hard time saying why something is happening she just repeats the same thing in a reading but in a different way so she is limited on details and information that she can give you. 

Offline Yaris123

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Re: Aries Intuition vs Yona
« Reply #4 on: March 23, 2020, 03:43:11 PM »
Thank you for all the replies. During the reading, she mentioned that I’m going to go through money pressures but she downplayed as nothing serious. Has she ever predicted that for you guys?

Offline user5942

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Re: Aries Intuition vs Yona
« Reply #5 on: March 23, 2020, 03:45:31 PM »
Yona hasn’t seen money issues for me

However she did give me a tower last reading in July.

She said it wouldn’t be the worst case scenario, and it was the worst case scenario lol

It was a living nightmare

Offline Yaris123

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Re: Aries Intuition vs Yona
« Reply #6 on: March 23, 2020, 03:54:32 PM »
She also predicted a tower for me and a wheel of fortune related to my job. Is wheel of fortune good? She made it sound good but now im concern as it seems that she downplays negative predictions.

Offline user5942

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Re: Aries Intuition vs Yona
« Reply #7 on: March 23, 2020, 04:05:56 PM »
I honestly don’t know haha

When I’ve had it in my readings, she’s described it as “things moving rapidly”

The predictions associated with that card haven’t happened yet

Offline kdspirited

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Re: Aries Intuition vs Yona
« Reply #8 on: March 23, 2020, 06:52:58 PM »
Yona predicted a tower for me last march in my first reading but she said its related to a very stubborn man and that he will try and explain things to me but he is not really listening and he will not apologize because he is not really sorry. But she said it wasnt the worse kind of Tower because I wlll recover from it fast and I will move on from it fast. I had a top up with her in October and this particular tower did not come up in that reading but shortly thereafter I was laid off from my job. The man was my boss and she was very accurate is describing him. He is a real narcissist who thinks he was dong this for my own good. She didn't mention anything about this being related to my job or that I would lose my job as a result of this Tower. Infact my career never came up as being an issue. And yes I did come to terms with it and walked away but I would not consider losing your livelihood not the worst kind of Tower. It is bad especially in a recession.

Offline Miss Philosopher

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Re: Aries Intuition vs Yona
« Reply #9 on: March 23, 2020, 07:14:49 PM »
I have my first reading with Yona scheduled for April 20th so I can't speak on her just yet. Kisha has been very accurate for me throughout the years with both positive and negative love life stuff. However, a few of her most recent readings haven't happened yet. Readings since Sept 2019, which is fine. I would like to note that sometimes Kisha sees YEARS down the road and she doesn't realize it. She says she only looks no further than 6 months out but I have seen many reviews of stuff she says that happens YEARS later. I'm not saying that's always the case because I'm sure she's just flat out wrong on some things, but, as others have said, we have to take timing with a grain of salt. I mean, Kisha described the same new person coming for me in April of 2018, October 2018, November 2018, January 2019, and again in February 2020. I still have not yet met this person but if he keeps showing up in my readings, then it's probably just a matter of time. She has always maintained it would be in the warmer months. She never did change that part of it.

I will come back here after I have my first reading with Yona and share the comparison. Good luck to you all!

Offline Luckystar

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Re: Aries Intuition vs Yona
« Reply #10 on: March 23, 2020, 11:13:45 PM »
Just curious if anyone asked one or both of them about the virus and/or what life looks like in upcoming months?

Offline Fidget1028

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Re: Aries Intuition vs Yona
« Reply #11 on: March 23, 2020, 11:55:00 PM »
Yona predicted a tower for me last march in my first reading but she said its related to a very stubborn man and that he will try and explain things to me but he is not really listening and he will not apologize because he is not really sorry. But she said it wasnt the worse kind of Tower because I wlll recover from it fast and I will move on from it fast. I had a top up with her in October and this particular tower did not come up in that reading but shortly thereafter I was laid off from my job. The man was my boss and she was very accurate is describing him. He is a real narcissist who thinks he was dong this for my own good. She didn't mention anything about this being related to my job or that I would lose my job as a result of this Tower. Infact my career never came up as being an issue. And yes I did come to terms with it and walked away but I would not consider losing your livelihood not the worst kind of Tower. It is bad especially in a recession.

Hey kd, I know you said she didn't mention it as job related, but did she say that the man was not a love interest? She's usually specific in my readings to say love or non love when it comes to men at least.

Offline kdspirited

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Re: Aries Intuition vs Yona
« Reply #12 on: March 24, 2020, 05:54:01 AM »
Yona predicted a tower for me last march in my first reading but she said its related to a very stubborn man and that he will try and explain things to me but he is not really listening and he will not apologize because he is not really sorry. But she said it wasnt the worse kind of Tower because I wlll recover from it fast and I will move on from it fast. I had a top up with her in October and this particular tower did not come up in that reading but shortly thereafter I was laid off from my job. The man was my boss and she was very accurate is describing him. He is a real narcissist who thinks he was dong this for my own good. She didn't mention anything about this being related to my job or that I would lose my job as a result of this Tower. Infact my career never came up as being an issue. And yes I did come to terms with it and walked away but I would not consider losing your livelihood not the worst kind of Tower. It is bad especially in a recession.

Hey kd, I know you said she didn't mention it as job related, but did she say that the man was not a love interest? She's usually specific in my readings to say love or non love when it comes to men at least.

Hi Fidget she didnt initially but when I pressed her about the stubborn man being a love interest she said no I dont see any love cards around him

Offline Jili1945

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Re: Aries Intuition vs Yona
« Reply #13 on: March 24, 2020, 07:31:48 AM »
Just curious if anyone asked one or both of them about the virus and/or what life looks like in upcoming months?

Kisha does not read on this topic. She has mentioned this on her email auto-reply recently.

Offline Fidget1028

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Re: Aries Intuition vs Yona
« Reply #14 on: March 24, 2020, 11:03:49 AM »
Yona predicted a tower for me last march in my first reading but she said its related to a very stubborn man and that he will try and explain things to me but he is not really listening and he will not apologize because he is not really sorry. But she said it wasnt the worse kind of Tower because I wlll recover from it fast and I will move on from it fast. I had a top up with her in October and this particular tower did not come up in that reading but shortly thereafter I was laid off from my job. The man was my boss and she was very accurate is describing him. He is a real narcissist who thinks he was dong this for my own good. She didn't mention anything about this being related to my job or that I would lose my job as a result of this Tower. Infact my career never came up as being an issue. And yes I did come to terms with it and walked away but I would not consider losing your livelihood not the worst kind of Tower. It is bad especially in a recession.

Hey kd, I know you said she didn't mention it as job related, but did she say that the man was not a love interest? She's usually specific in my readings to say love or non love when it comes to men at least.

Hi Fidget she didnt initially but when I pressed her about the stubborn man being a love interest she said no I dont see any love cards around him

Thanks kd.