Author Topic: Do you believe in “signs”  (Read 26956 times)

Offline Love2lovenj

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Re: Do you believe in “signs”
« Reply #30 on: November 24, 2019, 01:18:58 AM »
I can't imagine that you are asking a sign for yes or no to get direction that it would be from a demon.  That's just me.  I am hoping the universe won't steer me wrong and that's why i ask for a specific sign so i can't misinterpret it.

Offline tshine17

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Re: Do you believe in “signs”
« Reply #31 on: November 24, 2019, 02:40:01 AM »
I had a reading with someone who said that my grandmother was speaking to them. It sure didn’t sound like her, so a week later I asked for a sign confirming it was truly her. I asked for grasshoppers, thinking that is so outlandish that there’s no way it wouldn’t be a sign. A week later at a Halloween party I heard a song booming “grasshopper grasshopper!” I had chills because it was so spooky to me.


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Re: Do you believe in “signs”
« Reply #32 on: November 24, 2019, 02:44:15 AM »
I ask for signs, but I wonder where they come from. Do they always come from a good place? Or could they be from demons?
Where they come from varies from each person’s belief system I believe. Some believe it’s G-D or a higher power, some call it “divine”, some refer to it as the universe, or angels and spirit guides. 
I align with believing I am the creator of my reality, and whichever one of those mentioned above that I align with are there to guide me on my highest good, the key would be to be open. Before I resonated with this, I’ve had crazy experiences that made me believe in negative entities, where there is bad, there is good. What I like to do is protect my energy by envisioning myself protected by a white bubble every morning and evening.
I usually ask my spirit guides and angels everyday for any signs and guidance they believe I should be receiving. And let me tell you, they are usually on point with what they think I need to hear at that time.
Now, you can also ask for something specific, but the key is to be open and aware when you do. Today, I asked my spirit guides and angels for guidance by a certain time, and they did.

Offline Love2lovenj

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Re: Do you believe in “signs”
« Reply #33 on: November 26, 2019, 09:02:59 PM »
Pinkamena, so that i don't make the sign fit i ask the universe for something specific.   Why his name in relation to my clients.... well because it could be a month and not one single person with his name will cross my door and his name is pretty common.  Then when i ask for a sign and multiple people with his name come in back to back that is the universe screaming from the top of its lungs saying it ain't over.  That's just the way it works for me.  No point in asking for a sign and assuming every little thing is or isn't it.  When you ask for specifics and you get it i don't question it

Offline HornetKick

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Re: Do you believe in “signs”
« Reply #34 on: December 03, 2019, 05:21:43 PM »
By no means am I judging, but your poi blatantly ignored you and there is still hope he will come around? I'm not sure I understand what you're saying. Was this not the answer you were looking for?

Offline JAG20

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Re: Do you believe in “signs”
« Reply #35 on: December 04, 2019, 02:06:04 AM »
I've been getting signs from my ex, harmless things like her name popping up every where which isn't a common name cuz she is Mexican and the area I'm in it would be rare to show up so often. Things like her hobbies and the date we stopped talking with each other. I'm feeling silly like they're common coincidences but I'm unsure. A couple readers I talked to mention of manifesting and keeping positive but that's all something I haven't really experienced before.
Has any body had any luck with manifesting so far?

Offline Love2lovenj

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Re: Do you believe in “signs”
« Reply #36 on: December 04, 2019, 02:32:46 AM »
Jag don't laugh but i had found a YouTube video on how to manifest contact.  In it it tells you to visualize what the communication would be.  Well i did as the video said and visualized the text msg.  Well i then completely forgot about it and about a week or two later i got the text exactly as i pictured it.  Mind you we hadn't talked in 2 months prior to that.  I have no idea what the video was or i would have posted here.  So i think there is something to manifesting things into fruition.

Offline JAG20

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Re: Do you believe in “signs”
« Reply #37 on: December 04, 2019, 02:41:15 AM »
Jag don't laugh but i had found a YouTube video on how to manifest contact.  In it it tells you to visualize what the communication would be.  Well i did as the video said and visualized the text msg.  Well i then completely forgot about it and about a week or two later i got the text exactly as i pictured it.  Mind you we hadn't talked in 2 months prior to that.  I have no idea what the video was or i would have posted here.  So i think there is something to manifesting things into fruition.

That's pretty interesting love, I wish you had a link but I'll see if I can find it myself, if you remember it in the mean time please send it to me! It's all new to me, and I'm open for trying anything, but I'm glad the manifesting worked for you,  It gives me hope, lol

Offline Fidget1028

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Re: Do you believe in “signs”
« Reply #38 on: December 04, 2019, 02:43:07 AM »
Jag don't laugh but i had found a YouTube video on how to manifest contact.  In it it tells you to visualize what the communication would be.  Well i did as the video said and visualized the text msg.  Well i then completely forgot about it and about a week or two later i got the text exactly as i pictured it.  Mind you we hadn't talked in 2 months prior to that.  I have no idea what the video was or i would have posted here.  So i think there is something to manifesting things into fruition.

That's pretty interesting love, I wish you had a link but I'll see if I can find it myself, if you remember it in the mean time please send it to me! It's all new to me, and I'm open for trying anything, but I'm glad the manifesting worked for you,  It gives me hope, lol

Was it Agnes Vivarelli? She does a lot of those.

Offline Aaron0326

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Re: Do you believe in “signs”
« Reply #39 on: January 08, 2020, 04:44:57 AM »
Yes, i do believe in signs. I get them all the time. Depends on what the topic is.  But i get them for both people and situations. but mostly people. For people it's usually things like they are thinking about me, which i later learn to be true. Or that i'll hear from them soon, or to not give up on them.  Its not something that i will go and look for, they just pop up right in front of me randomly.

But what do you consider as being a sign? You can pm me if you want. I believe in them but also I feel like it’s easy to make something fit as a sign when you want it to.

I knew some people in college who put up a huge sign on their second story balcony that said “this is the sign you’ve been looking for.”  That balcony faced a very heavy traffic road in the city.  I can only imagine how many people saw that sign and thought it could’ve been more significant than a few drunk college dudes trying screw with people in traffic.  No doubt a number of people asking for “signs” saw that and felt validated. My point is, we have no way of knowing the difference between something significant and a coincidence.  Our minds are powerful, we convince ourselves of tons of things on a regular basis simply out of unconscious bias.  Throw in emotional turmoil or strong desires and the prism through which we see reality begins to bend further. 
Not saying such things don’t exist, only that it’s always good to acknowledge our own ability to trick ourselves.

Offline tshine17

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Re: Do you believe in “signs”
« Reply #40 on: January 10, 2020, 07:16:16 PM »
I have to tell someone and my friends/family won’t understand.

Lately I’ve felt like I’ve been getting signs after I asked for them for confirmation. Anastasia and Karen Jo said that I am getting signs but that I should “test” them by asking again or being very specific. So, a few weeks ago I asked if my POI and I would get married in this lifetime. I asked for confirmation for “yes” with aardvarks, ants or antelopes within two weeks. Well, fast forward a week. My child and I were watching a kids show and ants were part of the plot. I thought, “Eh, could be a sign. But could be a huge coincidence.” After that show ended she asked if we could watch another show that I had recorded (we hadn’t watched any of these episodes before). I said yes and it became apparent that the entire episode was about insects. Specifically, the main characters had been turned into ANTS and that was the entire episode. I feel like it was God rolling his eyes at me like, “Ok, you think that’s a coincidence? Let me knock you over the head repeatedly with this hammer and maybe you’ll get a clue!”

I’m not putting my heart/soul into it but it’s kinda fun.

Offline HornetKick

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Re: Do you believe in “signs”
« Reply #41 on: January 10, 2020, 09:27:21 PM »
I've done that too, but married in this lifetime was too broad. That could be 10/20 years from now. Perhaps you should condense the time frame in your question?

Offline tshine17

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Re: Do you believe in “signs”
« Reply #42 on: January 10, 2020, 10:08:35 PM »
Thanks Hornet!

Offline JAG20

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Re: Do you believe in “signs”
« Reply #43 on: January 16, 2020, 11:26:33 AM »
Yes, i do believe in signs. I get them all the time. Depends on what the topic is.  But i get them for both people and situations. but mostly people. For people it's usually things like they are thinking about me, which i later learn to be true. Or that i'll hear from them soon, or to not give up on them.  Its not something that i will go and look for, they just pop up right in front of me randomly.

But what do you consider as being a sign? You can pm me if you want. I believe in them but also I feel like it’s easy to make something fit as a sign when you want it to.

I knew some people in college who put up a huge sign on their second story balcony that said “this is the sign you’ve been looking for.”  That balcony faced a very heavy traffic road in the city.  I can only imagine how many people saw that sign and thought it could’ve been more significant than a few drunk college dudes trying screw with people in traffic.  No doubt a number of people asking for “signs” saw that and felt validated. My point is, we have no way of knowing the difference between something significant and a coincidence.  Our minds are powerful, we convince ourselves of tons of things on a regular basis simply out of unconscious bias.  Throw in emotional turmoil or strong desires and the prism through which we see reality begins to bend further. 
Not saying such things don’t exist, only that it’s always good to acknowledge our own ability to trick ourselves.

Good point, sometimes it's easy to see something general and confuse it as a sign, it's good to keep an open mind and ask the universe for more proof cuz it's hard to tell whether a sign is genuine or pot luck sometimes

Offline Jenjen

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Re: Do you believe in “signs”
« Reply #44 on: January 16, 2020, 03:55:12 PM »
Signs I do believe in. But sometimes we focus on the signs we miss life that is happening now.

