I know she may read this so it’s pointless, someone should try to make something up publicly and let’s see if she brings it up! I remember one reader asking for my full name and DOB, i never update my linked in profile, I asked her about relationship and she was talking about the job I do for a living and how I have a great job, she specifically mentioned the industry, guess what, if I were in that industry I wouldn’t have figured it out but because she thought she could cheat she was caught, she also mentioned how I have a lot of friends, at the time my Facebook followers were about 400 plus, unfortunately for her she was wrong, had only two friends. This is the reason why everyone should be cautious with someone of these readers
I just saw a meme in my social media feed that said “Life is short. Make sure you spend as much of it as possible on the internet arguing about politics.” And all I could think was .... “.... or psychics.”