Is jmjaim0 Accurate and do Predictions pan out? I didn't realize that Ebay has Psychics. How good is she?
I saw your pm just now, Is this also with jmjaim0? I've gotten that before, too,

that her phone was dying lol, she is almost as flakey as Abundant Visions LMAO, but she worked for me, and overall
she was consistent with Yona, Kisha, and Gaylene's readings, she did come off as fairy tale-ishness at first like she told me she sees heart-to-heart with poi and him opening up, which did come true, although it did not become commitment as she saw, she is always more optimistic about whatever she sees.
but almost all the numbers she gave me have come to pass, but sometimes she thinks they are sooner than they actually were, like when she gave me 7 days, it ended up being JULY, which was a little more than 1 month from the reading.. smh