Yes this is her, and I have done both the email question and the 10 mins chat.
I think she's very good at remote viewing because she picked up details like poi's hair and eye color like Cookie does, but for much cheaper LOL,
and also she picked up color of my car and poi's car, and she also picked up a new love interest back in Jan., and how his eye color would be green, I didn't believe it at the time but I started dating someone in June whose eyes are
I have to give her props for that. Also she was correct on how poi's actions towards me would be throughout the months,
and on how things would progress slowly and I might lose interest, which turned out to be all true, and she definitely does NOT sugarcoat, when she told me she didn't see a relationship with poi anytime soon I refused to acknowledge it, but after more than 6 months since the first reading in Jan, it turned out to be true that poi and I never had any real progress....