Some of them become so prideful and arrogant they really believe they are right and will be proven right, no matter what the client says. They literally shut out all possibility that they could be mistaken. The worst thing is when a reader is ego driven, even if they are gifted, they get major blind spots about their abilities and what they can or can't do.
That's my experience, too. I don't think I've ever met a reader who admitted that they got things wrong. They always blame timing, free will or they say I'm lying or don't know about something or whatever other reason. Some wouldn't let it go when I say nope, something doesn't connect with me. For example, same guy - one asked me if I were married or had a baby with him. I didn't. So then said he has a secret family and married elsewhere that I don't know about. That he was a con artist and it got really over the top to the point where I just hang up as it was like a film script.
I think the problem is, it's supposed to be entertainment purposes and people don't call up for entertainment often times, but the readers need to be careful and stick to those guidelines when handing out info. They make it seem so certain, the amount of times I've actually been promised and sworn he would be back, or he loves me or he has a secret family and wife. They say things like they'll quit their job and being a reader if they're wrong and because you're vulnerable you fall for it at the time and believe it all.
Readers very often make what they are saying gospel and if they said "he might still have feelings for you but I'm not God and I can't tell you for certain, you need to work out for yourself and add up your situation as this is for entertainment", people may begin to get dissatisfied and maybe not get so addicted as they would tire of hearing that. It's because readers string them along (sometimes unmeaningfully) that something will happen that they wait on it or timescales extend and they have to call up the reader for what's going on now kinda things.
I think it's very dangerous for a reader to say someone is cheating or whatever else along those lines because lots have been found to get even the present very wrong, they couldn't have gotten the present more opposite for me.
I find it funny how they say he may contact but free will he might change his mind, but then they never say they don't see him contacting but in his free will he may change his mind later down the line.