Author Topic: MsLisaM  (Read 50280 times)

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Re: MsLisaM
« Reply #90 on: November 16, 2018, 09:53:51 PM »
Honestly, because feelings change almost daily, and one minute this person may love the hell out of you and be missing you but then a few weeks or a month or a few months later, their feelings are gone, I don't really benefit from empaths. I guess I enjoy them once a great while if I'm curious where their feelings are at in that moment, but overall I think it's a waste of money. Hell, even my feelings change almost daily because I'm confused right now.

I also don't think it's a good idea to be telling anyone what's best for them really. It's easy to sit back as an outsider and say "Oh he treats you like xyz and you just deserve so much better and the best thing for you is to move on." Because, maybe it isn't best for that person to move on right then. Maybe they NEED to stay in that same painful emotional space for however long in order to get out of it what was meant to get out of it. Maybe they are holding on because something inside them just "knows" that the situation will turn around at some point, maybe even years down the line. Maybe not everyone feels ok just going out on useless dates that you know will never turn into anything because you won't be able to invest your emotions and give your heart at that time cause it's somewhere else. Maybe "distractions" don't work for everyone.

Distractions don't work for me. I have to wait a long while until I'm over the pain, over the idea and hope that things will turn around etc. Just over every single piece of it..........and THEN I'm emotionally and mentally FREE to begin again. I think all of us call psychics for someone to talk to and help us through our pains during these times, even if that means telling us what we want to hear for a very very long time because as time goes on, our feelings typically naturally fade away or at least reduce and get to a bearable point where even if the situation didn't turn around, it wouldn't kill us anymore. There was a time when I really appreciate readers telling me what I wanted to hear because it helped me get through the day without crying and exhausting myself.

Now, I prefer and appreciate a reader that is just a straight shooter and will tell me no it isn't gonna happen or yeah it may happen but the cycle will repeat and you'll keep going through this for xyz amount of time. Just only telling me what they see will happen and no more fairytales. I don't like holding on longer than I feel I have too. So if someone just tells me......nope this is it.......then yeah it hurts like a bitch but I'll get over it in much less time than holding on for years down the line and then have to choke down the reality.

Also, I feel we are ALL intuitive and we "know" deep down when a thing is really over. As many break ups as I've had with this current person over the last 5 years.......this one feels very very different to me. It feels like the last one and I'm not sure if that's because it's me that is just so sick and tired and had enough or if it's him being tired and having enough and moving on or if it's a combination of both of us, but the moment he walked out of my house to relocate to the other state for the 5th time in 5 years, I just felt I'd either never see him again or it would be a VERY long time before I did again and I felt like this was the end of the road for us. At least, for now and for a while to come. What will happen in a year from now or even 6 months from now? I don't know but I just know that for's done and it has been done for several months now even though we still communicate here and there, that closeness that I once felt is no longer there and I don't think it is for him either. So you see, I do believe we ALL have that "knowing". Probably best to go with the "feel" of it but it's hard cause we don't want to accept certain things or we aren't ready to accept it. We all get through things in our own timing and no one should ever tell us when that time is or should be because we all process things differently. That's just my opinion.

I agree. My situation is similar to yours, I "know" in my gut that it's done. All of these readers say he'll come forward, but perhaps the catch will be that in a funny twist of fate he could come back once I've moved on.


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Re: MsLisaM
« Reply #91 on: November 16, 2018, 10:07:08 PM »
I'll say this Star1: There is something to the whole "moving on" thing and then they come back. Why? Because THAT'S the ONLY time they actually feel the energetic disconnect. Thoughts and emotions are energies and we all feel them which is why we can feel when a person's feelings changed or something is "off" with them etc. So when we break up, we can also "feel" when that person is distracted by a third party and then we start digging and find out we're right and it sucks.

However, THEY can also "feel" your energy holding on. So they never really "feel" the loss. Hence why we are told so often to move on etc. cause that's when they will feel the loss and that loss will either bring them back or help them to keep moving forward. It can go either way but it doesn't guarantee a return. It's just healthier for us in the end to do that but that isn't so easy to do when you really love someone. Even if they were a complete  jack ass, you still love them and you can't help it. Over time, those feelings may go away or at least decrease to the point where it no longer hurts to love them but now you love them and are happy for them with whoever they are with. I suck at explaining my thoughts. Lol. Sorry if I've caused any confusion.

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Re: MsLisaM
« Reply #92 on: November 16, 2018, 10:11:54 PM »
I'll say this Star1: There is something to the whole "moving on" thing and then they come back. Why? Because THAT'S the ONLY time they actually feel the energetic disconnect. Thoughts and emotions are energies and we all feel them which is why we can feel when a person's feelings changed or something is "off" with them etc. So when we break up, we can also "feel" when that person is distracted by a third party and then we start digging and find out we're right and it sucks.

However, THEY can also "feel" your energy holding on. So they never really "feel" the loss. Hence why we are told so often to move on etc. cause that's when they will feel the loss and that loss will either bring them back or help them to keep moving forward. It can go either way but it doesn't guarantee a return. It's just healthier for us in the end to do that but that isn't so easy to do when you really love someone. Even if they were a complete  jack ass, you still love them and you can't help it. Over time, those feelings may go away or at least decrease to the point where it no longer hurts to love them but now you love them and are happy for them with whoever they are with. I suck at explaining my thoughts. Lol. Sorry if I've caused any confusion.

Thanks for explaining to me. I haven't had any exes come back before, and I did have a period over summer where I moved on for a couple months (maybe not long enough) and I heard nothing. Maybe I'm the scarecrow ex that doesn't get contacted, lol. But I feel personally it's just coincidental that some women have exes contact them and others don't. I have more the guys who want casual hookups and keep trying their luck thinking I'll budge, lol. One guy contacted me this year after 2 and a half years of no contact to hook up when I always told him in the past that I never would ever have any interest in him multiple times... Crazy.  ???


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Re: MsLisaM
« Reply #93 on: November 16, 2018, 10:26:38 PM »
Star1: I'd say that's sort of like an ex coming back. Lol. Anyone from your past returning for something is them coming back. I think the reason some of us have exes that constantly come back is because we had a crap ton of karmic lessons to get from it. Perhaps you don't have those karmic lessons and better for you cause 9 times out of 10 even when an ex comes back years later, it still doesn't work and usually for the same reasons it didn't work the first time so now we just wasted MORE time on that person lol. It's a catch 22 really. :/

Offline star1

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Re: MsLisaM
« Reply #94 on: November 16, 2018, 10:36:26 PM »
Star1: I'd say that's sort of like an ex coming back. Lol. Anyone from your past returning for something is them coming back. I think the reason some of us have exes that constantly come back is because we had a crap ton of karmic lessons to get from it. Perhaps you don't have those karmic lessons and better for you cause 9 times out of 10 even when an ex comes back years later, it still doesn't work and usually for the same reasons it didn't work the first time so now we just wasted MORE time on that person lol. It's a catch 22 really. :/

But these guys weren't exes, they were friends or casual chats that wanted to get into bed with me and it wasn't going anywhere, haha. True exes I never have had come back. In my experience, the more drama and toxicity in the relationship, the less they come back. It's like in the end there's too much water under the bridge that it's completely done. I always thought that my ex before this one would resurface as he was a narc and came around when it suited him and didn't want me to move on, but didn't care for or want any relationship with me. Over a year he would contact me on and off trying to use me, and in the end I got fed up and walked away. He didn't come after me and I really couldn't care anymore.. He did me a favour!

I think it's different for everyone. One friend of mine seems to have all her exes come back to her, other friends (like me) never did, but I agree on your last part.. Usually exes don't come back for genuine reasons, lol. When people and readers write on here to let go of the POI and he'll come back, is the ex I'm speaking about. Not guys who keep trying it on with you on and off over time. They're just desperate men lol.
« Last Edit: November 16, 2018, 10:40:03 PM by star1 »


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Re: MsLisaM
« Reply #95 on: November 17, 2018, 12:12:38 AM »
Agreed @star1. I don't think theres any "pattern" to exes coming back...Ive had an ex that I dont want to come back, come back, I've also had exes that I don't want to come back that didn't come back. Ive had exes that I want to come back, come back, and exes that I wanted to come back, and didn't come back (one of them is happily married now and I doubt will ever "come back" in any way).

Everyones different.

Offline star1

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Re: MsLisaM
« Reply #96 on: November 17, 2018, 12:15:59 AM »
Agreed @star1. I don't think theres any "pattern" to exes coming back...Ive had an ex that I dont want to come back, come back, I've also had exes that I don't want to come back that didn't come back. Ive had exes that I want to come back, come back, and exes that I wanted to come back, and didn't come back (one of them is happily married now and I doubt will ever "come back" in any way).

Everyones different.

I agree. Men are.... Weird, lol  ;D

Offline Penelope

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Re: MsLisaM
« Reply #97 on: December 30, 2018, 03:03:35 PM »
Has anyone read with her recently?  Thoughts?

Offline ShootingStar

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Re: MsLisaM
« Reply #98 on: December 31, 2018, 01:01:51 AM »
I really enjoyed my phone call with her but unfortunately she was incorrect for me.

Offline sawthelight

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Re: MsLisaM
« Reply #99 on: December 31, 2018, 01:33:04 AM »
I really enjoyed my phone call with her but unfortunately she was incorrect for me.

I mean I read with her years ago and she was spot on about the situation. However I didn’t end up with him.

Offline Jili1945

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Re: MsLisaM
« Reply #100 on: January 21, 2019, 03:54:26 AM »
I recently had a reading with MsLisa and found her amazing in reading thoughts, feelings and current situation. She could connect quickly and picked up the 3rd party very well. She made a major prediction for me that if it happens, she is really really gifted. I'll be back to update if that happens.

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Re: MsLisaM
« Reply #101 on: January 23, 2019, 06:59:04 PM »
MsLisaM was someone who I believe is able to get into your POI's head, thoughts, feelings, and behavior extremely well, however, doesn't do well with predictions.

There was a time when I would heavily read with her because everything sounded very accurate, but unfortunately not a single prediction came to pass.

She does do a good job at making you feeling better thought, but not worth the price

I tend to agree. She was really good at explaining a persons patterns. She saw behavior from people that did eventually show itself. But she rarely hit hard predictions.

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Re: MsLisaM
« Reply #102 on: April 15, 2019, 01:33:42 AM »
Any update for MsLisaM?

Offline Cc2019

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Re: MsLisaM
« Reply #103 on: April 15, 2019, 04:32:02 PM »
She was wrong for me entirely. About everything  practically.
It’s really hard to validate anything she says and it felt like she was acting as my therapist and go in me advice as opposed to outcomes.
Sadly I wouldn’t read with her again but she’s very nice.

Offline Sweetsydney2000

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Re: MsLisaM
« Reply #104 on: April 15, 2019, 09:41:18 PM »
So you think I should maybe skip her if I’m looking for accurate predictions?

