i have read with mslisam 2 times in the past month, one time over the phone (18mins) and one time over chat (5mins). the phone reading blew me away. she knew the person in question perfectly. she told me that i was on the right path with this guy, don't bring up anything about us or a relationship (because he's one of those that will have a nervous breakdown), keep establishing the trust with him...and, don't worry about him being with anyone else, because even though y'all aren't together, he's exclusive with you....
now, the chat didn't blow me away..but i will say that we only had 5 mins and i know they can't pick up on very much in that little amount of time...this time around she said, 'i know your situation is about letting him set the pace, but you need to start doing things different, and change the pattern. don't reach out to him anymore. let him feel the void and miss you and his behavior will change as well'. makes sense..BUT, it bothered me that she kind of changed what she said...i mean, the first time she did say, 'start pulling your energy back some, and he'll feel it and want to see you more'..but, this time she was like, 'don't reach out, let him do it'.....she did give me a prediction that we'd be together in a real relationship in march, so we'll see....
i do want to say that i trust her though... she knew my situation was behind closed doors and she said (without me saying anything), 'i know you're afraid he's just with you for sex. but, that's not the case. he is connected to you physically and emotionally..if he was only connected to you physically, i would tell you to end it now and run like hell'.... and, that's exactly why i was calling, to see if i needed to let it go!