Just came back to update on a couple readings I had with her in 2021-2022!
I bought two 12-month readings. They were general, looking all throughout love, career, and money.
She got a weird hit I thought wouldn't happen: three men wanted commitments simultaneously. She did specify that one was an ex, and the other was a new guy. She said I would have the option to take the ex back and felt I would end things with the new guys at some point. She was correct; we dated for around a year before I decided it wasn't working for me. The situation with my ex is... unconventional, but we're super close to this day and I'll be visiting his state soon.
She got something wrong that I was so sure would happen because of how specific she was. She volunteered contact predictions and timing related to career developments. Didn't pan out the way she said. Her "current situation" read was spot on though.
Overall she's a very kind and pleasant reader! I enjoyed my experiences with her.