Metaphysical, Spiritual and Psychic Discussions > Bitwine

Leeloo's Esotericorner

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I could not find a thread on Leeloo - I did search and I could not find one so I am starting one here.

Many of her predictions for me have panned out but a couple have not come to pass - although, generally, what she has said would happen, has happened as she predicts. It is usually her contact predictions that are more off, but when it comes to how things will progress and what will happen next (besides contact), she is generally right.

In early March, she told me I would go on a date on March 28th with a guy who was really only a thought for me at the time. On March 28th, we made plans as a larger group to go see a movie -- and everyone stood us up on purpose -- and guess what, we did go on that date. Since then, things have happened more or less as she predicted -- again, contact seems to be her weakness but timeframes in general are a major strength.

Any other experiences?

If my guy can get a job within this month, all i could say is she is brilliant because it is not easy to predict that. End of this month i would know but previous prediction panned out as she told me.


--- Quote from: mayflower on August 03, 2019, 08:23:15 AM ---If my guy can get a job within this month, all i could say is she is brilliant because it is not easy to predict that. End of this month i would know but previous prediction panned out as she told me.

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Almost all of her predictions have panned out for me - even if the timing has been slightly wrong on a few occasions (not too many), things happen exactly as she says. One thing I remember, is she told me once, "You won't see each other tomorrow. It'll be Wednesday." I told her something like, "It can't be Wednesday because I have something else going on." Well, my other plans got canceled - and it was Wednesday.


--- Quote from: whatdoyoumean09 on August 03, 2019, 12:20:17 PM ---
--- Quote from: mayflower on August 03, 2019, 08:23:15 AM ---If my guy can get a job within this month, all i could say is she is brilliant because it is not easy to predict that. End of this month i would know but previous prediction panned out as she told me.

--- End quote ---

Almost all of her predictions have panned out for me - even if the timing has been slightly wrong on a few occasions (not too many), things happen exactly as she says. One thing I remember, is she told me once, "You won't see each other tomorrow. It'll be Wednesday." I told her something like, "It can't be Wednesday because I have something else going on." Well, my other plans got canceled - and it was Wednesday.

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Wow! I wish this time she will be correct again as my guy he is suffering his life now. :) If pass this situation, i will contact her again.


--- Quote from: persimmon on September 25, 2019, 07:40:54 AM ---Never understood the fuss people made over LeeLoo, she's an odd one. My first time reading with her was somewhere around September 2018. Predictions were such a mixed bag: communication may come, but it may not be what I'm hoping for in the end, but also said that the POI had feelings for me that are locked away in a dresser drawer. The only thing was strange and a bit vague. She didn't explain whether she was pulling cards or ascending in the spaceship for the "astral reading," but whatever, the timeline for the prediction wasn't until the new year anyway, so I had time. I decided to come back a few months later just to ask her to take a fresh look at things, and she agreed. Once the paid chat started, she immediately scolded me for not waiting until the first timeline prediction had passed, then pretty much regurgitated the same thing she had told me months prior (I think she pulled up the transcript). The timeline eventually passed, and she had said that I could use the Bitwine message system to update her without coming back for another paid reading, but she was so dismissive and condescending, and when I questioned what I felt was unlikely to happen, she just got rude and reverted to this "blame the client" stance. I didn't feel like I got a legitimate reading either time, so I put a service dispute through on PayPal to work this out with her. She got even more hostile, demanding that I cancel the dispute and claiming that she was a rare mystic, that I was trying to harm this rare mystic, and how dangerous this would be for me. I think she's a french fry short of a Happy Meal, to be honest. But her predictions definitely did not come to pass in the end. Never again.

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Omg this was your best review yet! 😂😂

You had me laughing so hard.  Thanks for chiming in on the the readers you tried.  I personally never tried her and now i won't for sure.


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