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My Vent!

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--- Quote from: LiveLaughLove on January 20, 2012, 04:16:08 AM ---Lmao he told me the same thing about my tires and fluid haha

--- End quote ---

That's funny - cuz you're women and stereotypically women do NOT do these things on a regular basis.

I had a psychic scam me once, I had sent her $70 for crystals and all that stuff (never got them of course). Well on the last call I had, she was trying to do the cleanse the money scam on me. When I told her she was full of it, she insisted if I did not do that, one of us would be in a terrible accident that night. She knew where I lived as I had sent her the $$ and it was easy for her to see we had bad rainstorms that night. Then she asked if either of us had a white, black or red car. Again, how common are those colors????? My ex and I both went out that night (different places) and no accidents or near misses on my end, no accidents on his end.

It's the law of averages I'm afraid.


Thank you for the wake up call... you were right!  The ball WAS in my court with regards to Chance.  In fact, I feel like I was being selfish and insensitive to him and all he's been through with the way I reacted to his upcoming deployment.  We talked for a while yesterday, and we both really do want the same thing.  We're still together and when he leaves, I'll Skype and email him daily.  He's afraid of leaving me behind and doesn't want to get hurt if I decide that I can't wait for him while he's gone, but I can and the only way I can make him believe that is by showing him while he's gone. 

Btw, Richard told me something about transportation too.  Now I doubt what he had to say in the reading.  Oh well.  If he's a fake, it wouldn't be the first time I've wasted money on a false reading. 

Good synergy!! I hope everything works out well;)

yes Synergy, I hope everything works out well for you and Chance. Just take things one day at a time. Dont call anymore psychics. Just go with the flow and give him and you the time you need. these damn psychics have screwed us all up. Ive had so many readings and none of them have panned out with any of the men Ive been involved with or even met. Follow your own instincts and know that when you meet the one youre meant to be with it will work out. Why do we even need to know on the first date or meeting anyway? Are we that desperate? Are we that stupid? Sorry , but I am at a point of hating the fact that I ever called for psychic advice. I am beginning to think they are all frauds. One person read for me and told that this man I had dated wanted to reconnect with me and all. he has since bought a house and is with someone else. Really wanted to reconnect with me didnt he? And by the way, she is among us so be careful what you say here. Im sure she will will delete me as a friend at the social site that we connected with but I dont care cause if she is giving readings that are so off then she shouldnt be giving readings. And hers are way off. He didnt want to reconnect with me or he wouldnt be buying a house to share with this other woman. Its ridiculous. Ive had dreams that came true and Ive had premonitions that  came true but I would never ask anyone to pay me to tell them their future. A few premonitions dont make you a psychic.
Good luck Synergy, go with your gut and dont pressure. Let things happen naturally. Thats the best advice you can get.

I am so happy for you Synergy! I'm glad that you and Chance have decided to stay together. I really think that even though long distance is hard, both of you will be able to do it because you communicate with each other well and you're both on the same page, which I have learned is REALLY important. I'm just beyond glad to hear good news about relationships for once!

4everhopeful, you are exactly right. When we call a psychic, we have a 50% chance of them being correct and a 50% chance of them being wrong. Regardless of what a psychic says, whatever is supposed to happen will happen. I have realized that calling psychics kept me hanging on because I wanted to believe that I could reconnect with my ex. I actually wanted to hang on to him for "just in case" he did decide to come back. I wanted to be available for him. Looking back, I think of how absolutely crazy that was to do. Most new years, I feel exactly the same as I did the previous year. This year, however, was different. I actually woke up and felt like things needed to change. I finally wanted change.

I'm now interested in someone new and I've been calling psychics a lot less. This new guy is sweet and caring. Things are going pretty slowly, but I'm just happy that I am starting to open up to other men! Regardless of what happens with the guy I'm interested in, I barely think about my ex at all. Thinking of him used to make me feel nervous and anxious, but now if he pops into my head, I don't feel a thing. I guess it really is true that time heals all wounds, it just took a really long time for me.


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