Author Topic: Can someone please help me? Will my ex girlfriend come back to me?  (Read 3289 times)

Offline dtgc121708

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My girlfriend of 3 years just broke up with me, then, 2 weeks later, goes back to her husband Mark. This is the second time she's tried doing this, she filed once before and never did it, and now this time. She was in the middle of a divorce, and was supposed to be final January 31st. Our anniversary was December 17th. I miss her terribly, and I would do anything to get her back. She deleted me from her facebook, even deleted her 3 kids from my facebook, and is acting so selfish and bitter towards me. Ive given my life for this girl, Ive gave up my family, friends, and my entire life. I was in love with her for 6 years before I said anything to her, and was with her for 3. She's my soul mate. The love of my life. Please, help me get her back. Its been so miserable for me, please, help me! Im so desperate. A girl that was madly in love with me, was going to spend the rest of her life with me, all of a sudden gets a change of heart. He never left her alone, bugging her, even lies to her and still lies to her. He treats her like she's a piece of tail, and her kids like trophies. He's truly a one of a kind piece of work.  Now she's treating me like dirt, like Im invisible, wont talk to me, or anything. Said we're not friends nor will we be. It doesnt make sense. Everyone tells me she'll be back that she'll realize that she's making the biggest mistake of her life, and I pray to God they're right. He's a really bad guy considering he talked garbage about her, never took responsibility for anything he done to her, not saying it was a reason for her to cheat, but he never sees anything he does wrong. Fed her kids a bunch of garbage and turned them against her, and filled her full of guilt, regret, and confusion. His girlfriend breaks up with him, and now he does everything he can to get her back? If he cared at all about her, he would've done that instead of finding another girl. Everyone says he's turned her into a monster just like him, and I know her better than anyone, the way she's acting and doing is NOT who she really is. I'll do anything to be with her, to get her back, so Please help me get her back, please! If anyone can tell me anything, something, please help me. Im not giving up on her, not now, not ever. Please help me get her back in my arms, I miss her so much! :'(  :(


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Re: Can someone please help me? Will my ex girlfriend come back to me?
« Reply #1 on: January 29, 2012, 03:32:33 PM »
I am sorry to hear about your heartbreak, but she IS a married woman with a family.  I am not judging, but its a dangerous situation to get involved with someone who is married, especially when kids are involved. I cannot tell you if she will come back, but you can pray and ask, you will receive a sign if it is to be:

Miraculous Invocation to St. Therese

Oh Glorious St. Therese, Whom Almighty God has raised up to aid and counsel mankind, I invite your miraculous intercession. So powerful are you in obtaining every need of body and soul, our Holy Mother Church proclaims you a "Prodigy Of Miracles". Now I fervently beseech you to answer my petition (mention here) and carry out your promise of doing good upon Earth of letting fall from Heaven a Shower Of Roses.

Henceforth, Dear Little Flower, I will fulfill your plea to be made known everywhere and I will never cease to lead others to Jesus through You, Amen.

*This Novena is to be said for nine days. If you see a rose in a magazine, on TV, picture, or receive a rose(es), you know that St. Therese is interceding on your behalf. In return, one must promise to send this Novena to someone or to publish it somewhere to spread devotion & lead others to our Lord Jesus through St. Therese.

Offline haileyn

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Re: Can someone please help me? Will my ex girlfriend come back to me?
« Reply #2 on: January 31, 2012, 12:59:51 AM »
I decided to say the prayer before work today and during work a coworker was looking at a particular website and when I leaned over I saw a rose. The rose was painted to look like a pokemon ball, does that count? lol

