I think ghosting is either the person doesn’t want to deal with knowing they hurt your feeling or they are keeping you around in case they want you at some other point. In some cases I also believe some may do it because they know it hurts and are being petty. None are okay, and I honestly don’t think I could ever trust a ghoster again. Who’s to say they won’t do it again?
I’m sorry your dealing with this, I hope you get the closure you need and if reconciliation of what you truly want I hope that for you as well.
It's the chicken s**t way out.
Exactly. But you’re the “crazy” one if you keep trying to contact them.
I agree with this. With my recent POI we fell out and I texted him to ask him if we could at least keep as friends, or if he had no intentions of ever talking again be honest so I could please move on. He read my messages okay, didn't block me or anything of the sort and I was left in limbo. One reader said "well you should get the message he wouldn't wanna talk just by ignoring you", but this guy was a headfuck, we always argued and he said it was done ignored me to punish me and sulk, and then would calm down blah blah repeat x100 type. For me, I shouldn't "just get the message", by ignoring someone you're leaving them in limbo quite possibly on purpose incase you need to "dip in" again later at some point. Most adult people would say "take care this isn't going to work out best of luck". I have had some toxic relationships but we managed to end things as adults, this recent guy ignored me and knows I hate that as I don't know what's going on. So it probably also is punishing me.
This happened before, we argued very aptly before he was due to go on vacation and he ignored me whilst he was away so I deleted his number and all, and he came back and texted me as though nothing had happened and making excuses which I fell for.