I see what you are saying good points. But if it is truly where they have no effect on a lot of people, why do they keep calling and paying money? To forget about the advice? To not have the words linger in their minds once they are confronted with decision making for the issue? If there is no use other than entertainment, why do they keep calling ? To trust the psychics advice because the little things came to pass so they act on the other advice? I know people say it doesnt affect them but even after paying all that money , I started to take certain ones seriously when multiple predictions came to pass and then the biggest prediction NEVER HAPPENED.
Yes, I need help. I keep crying and I am so angry that I allowed them in... the psychics because all their advice... the little stuff was right but the big picture advice never manifested and many got angry and some threatened me when I said , naw that aint right because .... etc... I blame myself first of all. I am so angry though and bitter now. I just stay in my room and i sleep all day after work to try to forget my reality. Now the one thing that they said happened but never was happening.... will happen because the fear that was stirred up during the readings that made me so depressed and nervous.
An example of a couple of readings....
Psychic: " Um, the cards here say that there is a woman around him. "
Me: "But 2 weeks ago you said He is not going anywhere and has no interest in other women. You also didnt mention a woman in the last reading"
Psychic: "Okay, you can take my advice or you can go to a fairytale reader. That is why he is not even your bf yet because you believe the fluff"
ME: " I was just asking a question. This reading is very different than last time."
Psychic: "He just got laid off right?"
Me: " Yes, you are right. I guess if you can see that, maybe there is something to this new development."
Psychic: "He has a roommate ? Tall guy with black hair? He makes more money than your guy and is to himself a lot."
Me: "YES! Very true"
Psychic: "Okay he is not with his roommate but with her now. They are talking now."
Me: " OMG... oh no...
The next day I get a call from him asking me to come over. They had dropped him off at his place from the hospital as he collapsed at work the same day the psychic said he was at on a date with the mystery woman. It was all over FB of him in the ambulance etc and in the hospital till the next day. I spoke to his friend and he said he was with him the entire time...... So yah, but even with that evidence it kept playing in my head as to how the psychic got the little stuff right but the part that I thought was the most important to hear was not right at all.
I get what you’re saying WinterElf, and you’re right, people do keep paying to hear things, they do hold on, so yes, the readers so have an effect. I won’t deny it.
Here is where our part comes in. It’s been my experience that those who get readings (myself included) have issues with control, anxiety and addiction.
I want to know everything, I want to control everything, I have severe anxiety issues. I’ve been in a similar, not exact, but similar experience you described. But at the end of the day, it wasn’t about the readers nor was it their fault. It was me for calling about something described as entertainment, holding on, obsessing, what have you.
I mean I managed to quit readings cold turkey 8 years ago and now I’m back, although much better.
I think what has helped me has been anxiety meds and tools, meditation, therapy and finding ways to raise my self esteem. At the end of the day I hate looking back and saying “Man, it was a shitty day because so and so told me this and I let it dwell all day or I made decision X when I should have cooled my jets and not let my thoughts override me.”
It takes practice and I legit have impulse control issues. But like I said, at the end of the day I want to be able to confidently say I made these choices based on me and not someone else’s advice and opinion unless it’s someone I trust like a friend or a family member.
Will I probably slip up at times? Yeah but I’ll get right back to where I need to be.
Also having a better class of readers helps.
I hope you can take a good internal inventory and find out what really triggers you to not only read but sometimes act out because Of the readings and find a suitable coping mechanism.