Author Topic: Allynis - Prediction Came True EXACTLY as she said...  (Read 31771 times)

Offline Synergy

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Allynis - Prediction Came True EXACTLY as she said...
« on: January 11, 2012, 04:57:47 PM »
Hi everyone,

I've been going through and trying to see who had been accurate with their predictions in my past year with my psychic addiction.

As I've shared here, I'm doing my best to move on from my ex and enjoy my new relationship with my new guy.  I've shared that Sandy Esther and Kisha were both right about the fact that I would walk away from my ex because of someone else.  Well, I called "Answers By Allynis" on Keen on September 11th during one of my psychic rampages.

Allynis did not tell me what I wanted to hear, so I never called her back.  Well, she told me that even though my ex is significantly older than me, it was like our ages and maturity levels were reversed (correct).  She told me that she saw that I'd been waiting for months already (true), and that she does see me waiting a bit longer, maybe a couple of months (this was in Sept., I didn't fully move on until December, so this was right). She told me that he would realize that I'm the one for him and that he could truly be happy with me, BUT it would be too late.  I told her there was no way because I would wait for him as long as it would take.  And she told me that I would not wait for him because I would get sick of his treatment of me and that I would realize I deserve much more, and my new man would show me all of that in a very short period of time.

EVERYTHING, EVERY SINGLE THING she said was right.  I woke up this morning devastated over a disagreement I had with Chance yesterday, and I realized how much I care about this man in such a short period of time, and how he has helped me realize that I didn't deserve to have my ex treat me with such indifference.  The call with Allynis came back to me as if I had spoken with her yesterday.  I had a recap email that she sent me right after we spoke, and it was all there.   

I just wanted to share this with you guys in case you wanted to give her a try.  She has stellar feedback and repeat clients, so I think that will speak for itself.  I'm sitting here shocked by how accurate she was.  I thought she was crazy because I didn't think there could be a way I would be with someone else. 

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Re: Allynis - Prediction Came True EXACTLY as she said...
« Reply #1 on: January 11, 2012, 08:11:02 PM »
how about for timing? who do you recommend?

Offline Synergy

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Re: Allynis - Prediction Came True EXACTLY as she said...
« Reply #2 on: January 11, 2012, 11:43:46 PM »
Hi aquarian,

To be honest, I really don't focus on timing anymore, so I'm not sure I can actually recommend anyone.  I don't ask about timing, but as I've mentioned time and time again, the only reader who gives me accurate readings of that nature is Kisha.  I know she doesn't work for everyone, but she does for me.  Sandy Esther also got two timing predictions right for me towards the end of last year. 

Good luck!  Let me know if you find an accurate reader. 

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Re: Allynis - Prediction Came True EXACTLY as she said...
« Reply #3 on: January 12, 2012, 12:13:50 AM »
Well that's good it all worked out as it did!  How long ago did allynis say all of that?

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Re: Allynis - Prediction Came True EXACTLY as she said...
« Reply #4 on: January 12, 2012, 12:41:11 AM »
I called her on September 11th.  I totally wrote her off and didn't the believe the reading because I was convinced that I would never choose another man over my ex. 

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Re: Allynis - Prediction Came True EXACTLY as she said...
« Reply #5 on: January 12, 2012, 12:48:03 AM »
I get told sometimes that someone else will come in my life and I'll have to choose btwn him and my ex. I believe it but it's like damn when is this going to happen lol. I meet guys and go on dates all the damn time but nope. No connection. And the ones I like have baggage and I'm not interested in doing that lol. I love my ex to death and think he is truly one of my soul mate but I will gladly welcome another dude if he's in fact better for me but it's been a year and I STILL haven't found! It gets very depressing sometimes :-\ I would think if I put myself out there and made a effort in meeting someone else then I would but guess not...

Did she say this was going to happen at the end of the year or something?

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Re: Allynis - Prediction Came True EXACTLY as she said...
« Reply #6 on: January 12, 2012, 12:57:50 AM »
She told me 2 or 3 months.  That was September 11th.  I met my new guy the week before Thanksgiving, so she was right.

I will say this... I'm freaking out today because I may have sabotaged things with my new guy yesterday.  We're trying to work through our disagreement, but I don't want to pretend as if this is for sure going to work out.  BUT I can say that he makes me truly happy and I want it to move forward. 

Offline LiveLaughLove

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Re: Allynis - Prediction Came True EXACTLY as she said...
« Reply #7 on: January 12, 2012, 01:14:57 AM »
Hopefully you didn't!

Tell everything you just said..if I didn't learn nothin else from my past relationship I learned to say how you feel before its too late...

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Re: Allynis - Prediction Came True EXACTLY as she said...
« Reply #8 on: January 12, 2012, 02:18:17 AM »
wow Allynis has 9 ppl in her queue now. i'm guessing people have read this thread lol. please share your experiences with her!

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Re: Allynis - Prediction Came True EXACTLY as she said...
« Reply #9 on: January 13, 2012, 02:16:51 AM »
She told me I hold the power with my ex and ultimately I'm the one who will decide if I want us back together. She said something about getting validation in a few days to let me know that he will come back...could be a text for him or someone bringing him up or something and then the next 4 weeks are going to suck. Then in feb everything will be developing but she again made a point to tell me I have the power and he acts as if he doesn't care but that he needs to do that because he knows if he talks to me he'll be back in the mix with me so he stays away from me because he doesn't want to get back to where he was when we broke up....basically crazy about me. She said thats why he ignored my Xmas text.

I figured I would try her since I still had my account open because she didn't give synergy a fairytale reading and I prefer to speak with people who I know don't give good news because that means they (hopefully) is truthful and will tell me the truth and won't sugar coat it like so many other of those fake out there.

Honestly so far jan has been fine for me so that part I'm not sure what she's talking about..I have been a little emotional but not overly emotional. But it's only been 2 weeks so don't know...I've been hearing all this stuff since march so at this point it goes in 1 ear and out the other ..

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Re: Allynis - Prediction Came True EXACTLY as she said...
« Reply #10 on: January 13, 2012, 05:55:03 AM »
oh she also made a interesting comment...First thing she said was that my wishes are being heard and that sometimes it feels as if they aren't because nothing is happening but they are being heard and her guides wanted her to tell me that......did she tell anybody else that who spoke with her?

That was EXACTLY how I felt....I definitely feel as if my wishes/prays aren't being heard based on how things have gone in a year...and still feel they aren't so it was interesting she said that....makes me think..

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Re: Allynis - Prediction Came True EXACTLY as she said...
« Reply #11 on: January 13, 2012, 01:35:13 PM »
oh she also made a interesting comment...First thing she said was that my wishes are being heard and that sometimes it feels as if they aren't because nothing is happening but they are being heard and her guides wanted her to tell me that......did she tell anybody else that who spoke with her?

That was EXACTLY how I felt....I definitely feel as if my wishes/prays aren't being heard based on how things have gone in a year...and still feel they aren't so it was interesting she said that....makes me think..

I never talked to Allynis but I've had other psychics tell me that.

Also many had told me that my ex acted the way he did for the same reason - that he doesn't want to get all caught up again which he easily would if he allowed himself to do things with me again, even as friends. Hell, even my therapist said that last year after our wonderful NYD together proved that.

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Re: Allynis - Prediction Came True EXACTLY as she said...
« Reply #12 on: January 13, 2012, 04:12:11 PM »
Sun&moon: yea it's interesting...i sometimes wonder if they just say this stuff to make us or me feel better because I have no way in proving this. But whatev!! Lol

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Re: Allynis - Prediction Came True EXACTLY as she said...
« Reply #13 on: January 13, 2012, 09:31:23 PM »
The real question is - what the hell are they afraid of? In my exh's case, HE pursued me to the point of me getting divorced to be with him! Then hung around for a year, then just stopped talking to me? Yet when he was after me, he NEVER had any issue with telling me exactly how he felt when he felt it, even if I asked him for a break (trust me, an affair is exhausting, not exhilarating as some would suggest). It's like as soon as I started to settle in and feel more free and accepting of our r/s (I was REALLY ashamed of all that happened and I was subconsciously still "hiding" him), he freaked out and ran.

So ya, I can see him being afraid of being too close because we'd fall back into "us" easily - thing is, what was so bad about "us"? It's all he ever wanted. He put up with so much from me when I was under so much stress, that he decided the calmer, happier me wasn't worth it?

Not that I want to leave my new man for him, just pointing out stuff that's all.

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Re: Allynis - Prediction Came True EXACTLY as she said...
« Reply #14 on: January 13, 2012, 09:39:52 PM »

I COMPLETELY agree!  I actually think I know why my ex was "scared".  He's had plenty of failed relationships and at his age he's focusing on himself and law school.  Believe me, I get it.  BUT why get involved in the first place?!???!  You're so right.  My ex pursued me too!  I don't care as much anymore because I don't want him, but it's ridiculous.  I actually just had a conversation with him, and now that he knows I am seeing someone he always asks me what I'm doing on the weekend and what my plans are.  What is his problem?!?!?! YES, I'm going on a date with my guy.  Yes, I am taken.  Why the heck does he want to show any kind of interest now?!  I hate it.

BTW, apparently Chance has suddenly been stricken by fear.  I know he has feelings for me, though, and I can actually understand why he feels the way he does.  I don't like the minor setback we're facing, but it's different because he actually TELLS me what's wrong!  I do still call psychics (but that's just because I'm addicted).  They tell me what I already know to be true because he communicates with me and tells me. 

I really do hope this all works out for everyone, and maybe things would be different if I had continued waiting for my ex, but I got to a point where I couldn't make excuses for him anymore.  I guess now I'll make excuses for Chance.  Hahahaha.  Just kidding...

