Author Topic: Allynis - Prediction Came True EXACTLY as she said...  (Read 31763 times)

Offline LiveLaughLove

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Re: Allynis - Prediction Came True EXACTLY as she said...
« Reply #30 on: January 16, 2012, 02:53:03 PM »
I spoke to her saturday morning....she gave me some info that we interesting and some accurat info but she said something about she didn't see anything happening until this time next year. I told her well that won't happen because I've already waited a year and not going to anymore. She said that it felt like it wasn't close that's why she said next year in jan. but she said could be this year...she said contact jan and reunited in feb. so don't know but I'm not holding on to this next if it's true my ex will be in for a rude awaking.

I also aske her and someone else am I going to meet someone else anytime soon and both her and someone else said no. She said no because me and my ex aren't done and so nobody new will come in the picture. For ANOTHER YEAR?! Hell no lol. Not going to happen on my watch. And surprise surprise met a guy and went out with him Sunday and things went great! So not too sure about these readings now....anyway I'm just going to be happy with this new guy and hopefully everything goes well with him. If anything happens with my ex then I'll definitely keep everyone updated!

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Re: Allynis - Prediction Came True EXACTLY as she said...
« Reply #31 on: January 16, 2012, 05:08:27 PM »
I keep my calls to Sandy Esther to once a month, and I had my January call with her last night.  She had a lot of interesting things to say about my new relationship with Chance.  One thing she said was very specific, and Kisha had told me the same thing a couple of weeks ago, so I'm hoping it's accurate.  She sees good things for us, but only if I don't screw it up.  And she's right.  I've basically been the cause of any issues between us thanks to my impatience and insecurities. 

I like Sandy Esther.  She's been right for me in the past, and I hope she's right about the stuff she told me yesterday. 

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Re: Allynis - Prediction Came True EXACTLY as she said...
« Reply #32 on: January 16, 2012, 05:32:51 PM »

I COMPLETELY agree!  I actually think I know why my ex was "scared".  He's had plenty of failed relationships and at his age he's focusing on himself and law school. 

Yep! And if my ex had "changed" his mind about being so serious, gee you couldn't say something? For so long he pushed me to move in, pushed me to define us and then nothing as soon as I start to settle in? What really scares me is the thought that I was taken by a man who just loved the thrill of the chase, and once he felt he had what he wanted, he left. But why go through all that for almost FOUR years!!! But he's still alone and apparently still very unhappy.

BTW, apparently Chance has suddenly been stricken by fear.  I know he has feelings for me, though, and I can actually understand why he feels the way he does.  I don't like the minor setback we're facing, but it's different because he actually TELLS me what's wrong!  I do still call psychics (but that's just because I'm addicted).  They tell me what I already know to be true because he communicates with me and tells me.

Isn't it wonderful when you find someone who actually communicates like an adult?  :)

« Last Edit: January 16, 2012, 05:38:41 PM by sunandmoon »

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Re: Allynis - Prediction Came True EXACTLY as she said...
« Reply #33 on: January 16, 2012, 05:58:04 PM »
Synergy and sunandmoon: all I could do was laughed and applaud what you two said because what you described about them pursuing and all that jazz is EXACTLY what happened with me too lol!

What was interesting about what allynis said btw was I hurt my ex bad when I broke things off which I have NO doubt about it! I'd be more surprised if he WASN'T hurt.

Right and I hurt mine by not letting him move in. But OMG I had JUST gotten divorced! Was I supposed to have him move in while my exh was still moving out? (and because of things that have happened in his life in the past year I am SOOOOO glad things worked out the way they did, let's say I dodged a HUGE bullet).

The best part is that all of his friends/family agreed that I was the horrible person who obviously didn't love him because I wasn't ready for him to move in. AND god forbid, I wanted a night or two on my own.

Offline LiveLaughLove

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Re: Allynis - Prediction Came True EXACTLY as she said...
« Reply #34 on: January 16, 2012, 10:10:21 PM »
It's really crazy lol!

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Re: Allynis - Prediction Came True EXACTLY as she said...
« Reply #35 on: January 18, 2012, 08:07:47 AM »
I had a reading with Allynis last night. I'm not sure what to think at this point. She asked for my DOB at the beginning of the reading, which usually puts me off, since I'd rather just get a reading instead of giving information about me right up front. She also told me to ask her a very specific question with as much detail as possible so she could give me a detailed answer back, which also puts my guard up, since, again, I don't want to give too much up front. I'd like to see what I can be told. She was off a bit on the person I was calling about, but once I clarified a few things with her, she got back on track. I think she was right on some things, and it will be interesting to see if her timing is right. I've got about three weeks to go to see if she's right. She mentioned something would happen on 1/26 and then something big coming the first week of Feb and again at the beginning of March. The three week timing would be on the same track that Jacqueline gave me the last time I talked with her, so it wasn't something that I hadn't heard before.

One kind of interesting thing...LLL mentioned that she sent her a recap email and on her keen site, Allynis says that she sends free minutes with every call...neither one of those things happened with me. She also kind of rushed me off the phone, so I am not sure what that is all about. If her predictions happen, I'll give her a call back for sure, but can't give her a firm thumbs up or down at this point.

Happy to hear that she was accurate for someone though! It gives me some hope!

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Re: Allynis - Prediction Came True EXACTLY as she said...
« Reply #36 on: January 18, 2012, 03:28:07 PM »
Hi 1day,

some advisors need birthdates to connect with your energies. at first, i was put off by this too thinking that the advisor is probably gonna give me an astrology reading, but i found out that sometimes it is necessary. as for giving her a specific question, i think that's because if you give her a vague question she can only give you a general answer. she can give u the most detail if you ask her a specific question and her guides will speak to her and she will see more... anyway, i hope she's correct with her predictions. she gave me some predictions as well

Offline LiveLaughLove

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Re: Allynis - Prediction Came True EXACTLY as she said...
« Reply #37 on: January 18, 2012, 03:58:35 PM »
Hey 1day,

She actually didn't send me a recap email...I forgot she was suppose too. Sorry if what I said sounded as if she did because she definitely didn't lol!

Offline LiveLaughLove

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Re: Allynis - Prediction Came True EXACTLY as she said...
« Reply #38 on: January 18, 2012, 05:44:13 PM »
As far as birthdays I understand what you are saying 1day. I've had psychics tell me things that sounds like they are reading my overview for my sign or the person I'm calling about sign so I get everything you are saying .

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Re: Allynis - Prediction Came True EXACTLY as she said...
« Reply #39 on: January 19, 2012, 03:33:26 AM »
Hi Aquarian:

How do you feel about her predictions? I get that some readers need birthdays to tap into energies. It just caught me a little off guard. She did explain that the more general my question, the more general the reading, so admittedly, the reading didn't start off too great because I was looking for her to "wow" me, but once I started talking more about the person in question, she was more forthright in her comments. which lead me to ask more pointed questions and she did respond better to that. At the very least, I'll wait to see if what she said comes to fruition.

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Re: Allynis - Prediction Came True EXACTLY as she said...
« Reply #40 on: January 19, 2012, 03:55:51 AM »
Hi 1day,

I'm not sure what to think about her predictions yet. It's only been a few days. I believe this board has now been made known to advisors and I guess it's public anyway so I can't really say much in detail. If you want to discuss more about it, feel free to PM me.

Offline LiveLaughLove

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Re: Allynis - Prediction Came True EXACTLY as she said...
« Reply #41 on: January 19, 2012, 04:15:30 AM »
Aquarian: I too believe that some advisors are probably reading this board...just a feeling I have. But good thing is that our usernames aren't our real names so they can't trace us if we call.

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Re: Allynis - Prediction Came True EXACTLY as she said...
« Reply #42 on: January 19, 2012, 06:42:49 AM »
LLL, thanks for getting where I am coming from. Like I said, time will tell if things pan out. I'm cautiously optimistic at this point.

Also, I think that Synergy mentioned something about a recap email. Im sorry for confusing you. I'm so embarrassed!!!

Offline LiveLaughLove

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Re: Allynis - Prediction Came True EXACTLY as she said...
« Reply #43 on: January 19, 2012, 04:16:48 PM »
Lol. I worries. I think I read she does do a recap email I think but can't remember if I heard it on here or on keen.

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Re: Allynis - Prediction Came True EXACTLY as she said...
« Reply #44 on: January 19, 2012, 04:35:18 PM »
Yes, it was me!  She sent me a recap email and free minutes when I spoke with her in September.