Author Topic: Allynis - Prediction Came True EXACTLY as she said...  (Read 31762 times)

Offline LiveLaughLove

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Re: Allynis - Prediction Came True EXACTLY as she said...
« Reply #15 on: January 13, 2012, 10:19:37 PM »
Synergy and sunandmoon: all I could do was laughed and applaud what you two said because what you described about them pursuing and all that jazz is EXACTLY what happened with me too lol!

What was interesting about what allynis said btw was I hurt my ex bad when I broke things off which I have NO doubt about it! I'd be more surprised if he WASN'T hurt. And she was actually more concerned about me hurting again...interesting turn but I can see why he and she would think that. She also said you broke things off to teach him a lesson and in hopes of positive results from it of him realizing he needs to take respondsiblity for his actions and his part in the relationship and that he would figure out that he doesn't want to be with out me but it backfired huh. And yup it did! I broke things off Once with him before I did the last time because he was being a dumbass and in a week he came crawling back because he realized he didn't want to lose me and he changed but then things went back bad as we werent commenting effectively and I had so much on my plate (graduating from college working and commuting 45 mins each way to school/work) so i said forget it! I'm not going to be stressed out and fail my classes dealing with you ( btw he knew what he was getting himself into because when we met I was on my last year of college and I had just moved home from the city my college was in so that's where the commuting came in). I was just looking for him to be the one where I can go when I was stressing over school and all that and in the beginning he was but communication started breaking down and that's why I am where I  am now. It's both our faults...but wish I had 20/20 hinesight because I woulda been the bigger person and the mature one and did things so much more differently...

Offline funnygirl

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Re: Allynis - Prediction Came True EXACTLY as she said...
« Reply #16 on: January 14, 2012, 01:34:12 AM »
Hey everyone- I actually read with Allynis last year and her predictions did not come true for me. I have stopped calling them since October 2011 because all I got were nice stories and false predictions...and also when they tell you so confidently that your ex is going to come back, your mind unconsciously prepares for it yet it never ends up happening and you fall really hard. I want to put a stop to the disappointment. Some readers on keen such as whitelightangel have made predictions for me in regards to contact which never came true. However, predictions she made of me and a new person I knew in 2010 were true even though I fought really hard to make it work she predicted right from the beginning that there would be missing passion between us! I guess it's a hit or miss and we should take everything they say with a grain of salt. I keep thinking if it is meant to be, then it would happen or maybe these psychics are not that off however timing is always an issue. Maybe they see the big picture but the little details until the big picture happens may be off...I have yet to find a psychic that got several predictions right for me but it always gives me hope when I hear positive stories of people who get their predictions come true. I keep asking why is it so hard to connect with any case, I wish you all happiness and hope more of your predictions come true. Take care!

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Re: Allynis - Prediction Came True EXACTLY as she said...
« Reply #17 on: January 14, 2012, 01:43:21 AM »
Actually, I have one more question which may sound accurate has Sandy Esther been with guys if you have had a reading with her? I know no one is always 100% accurate but at this point, I want to narrow it down to one or two readers which I call once every 4 months...that is my goal since I stopped in October 2011. Thanks for your help!!!!

Offline cheetah

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Re: Allynis - Prediction Came True EXACTLY as she said...
« Reply #18 on: January 14, 2012, 01:54:05 AM »
sandy esther has been very accurate for me

Offline funnygirl

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Re: Allynis - Prediction Came True EXACTLY as she said...
« Reply #19 on: January 14, 2012, 02:01:22 AM »
Thank you Cheetah! I called her in October right before I decided to stop calling and she mentionned a few things which have not happened...she gave timeframes but I never hold anyone to it. I guess we shall see the outcome!

Offline BP1990

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Re: Allynis - Prediction Came True EXACTLY as she said...
« Reply #20 on: January 14, 2012, 02:20:23 AM »
Sandy Esther is the only one I have decided to stick to because she got one prediction regarding contact right. After not hearing from my guy for 6 weeks he did contact me BUT it wasn't the contact I expected. I started calling her after finding this site and reading what a lot of people had to say about her on here. February is the next date of contact so we will see. I really believe she has something because reading her feedback on Keen compared to other psychics, people seem to talk about how detailed she is and I agree. I always come back to her after searching for more answers from other psychics.

I would say that Sapphire21 on Keen is my second favorite but I only see her as a good empath and that's about it.

Some people seem to doubt the abilities of these psychics but today I watched Unsolved Mysteries and it was an episode about a psychic investigator who helped solve several crimes. This makes me believe that there are real psychics out there but the phony ones outweigh the good ones.

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Re: Allynis - Prediction Came True EXACTLY as she said...
« Reply #21 on: January 14, 2012, 02:58:16 AM »
Sandy Esther told me I would meet a fire sign who would sweep me off my feet and would make me forget about my ex. Chance is a Leo! ;) it happened just as she said. She was also right about the timeframe when it would happen and was right with a timeframe for when I'd find a new place. She is good.

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Re: Allynis - Prediction Came True EXACTLY as she said...
« Reply #22 on: January 14, 2012, 03:06:37 AM »
Thanks you so much BP1990 and Synergy for your great feedback! Very much appreciated...then again, I am slightly skeptical since no one seems to read me well so I am hoping at least she will tell me some predictions that will eventually manifest. I do not call often however, when I do I would at least want to spend my money on someone that connects somewhat with me. I will keep my fingers crossed and at the same time, continue living my life and doing my daily activities. It's the only formula that has worked for me. Not to mention the difference I see in my financial tempting as it is to call them often, I always remind myself of what I can do with the money I am giving them and it stops me. I am such a girl, so I always calculate how many shoes or clothes I could have gotten for myself with the money!!!

Offline LiveLaughLove

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Re: Allynis - Prediction Came True EXACTLY as she said...
« Reply #23 on: January 14, 2012, 03:12:59 AM »

Some people seem to doubt the abilities of these psychics but today I watched Unsolved Mysteries and it was an episode about a psychic investigator who helped solve several crimes. This makes me believe that there are real psychics out there but the phony ones outweigh the good ones.

I so agree BP! So hard to figure out which ones are genuine and which ones are just out to get as much money as they can!

Offline LiveLaughLove

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Re: Allynis - Prediction Came True EXACTLY as she said...
« Reply #24 on: January 14, 2012, 03:27:34 AM »
Also in regards to feedback....don't take it too seriously and I say that because supposedly other readers call in and leave good feedback for their "friends" on that site so who knows who's feedback is geniune and who's isn't!

Also, I know i've asked this already lol but has anybody who's reading these posts read with Nastasha on CP? I want to see if anybody else had any experiences with her.

& I agree funnygirl, I stopped for a while and saved so much money...don't know why I started again but I'm planning on stopping now. I do want to talk to Sandy Esther but seems when I get home from work she's not available...and when I looked on my phone in the middle of the day while at work I saw she was taking calls but I was too busy....Synergy, what are her hours normally or when do you normally see her online...

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Re: Allynis - Prediction Came True EXACTLY as she said...
« Reply #25 on: January 14, 2012, 03:48:11 AM »
LiveLaughLove- I am in her queue right now and I am next up...when I checked, she had 8-9 people in her queue. Not sure what her hours are during the day but it seems as though she takes calls in the later part of the evening...that is my experience with her. Good luck and please let me know how it goes!

Offline LiveLaughLove

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Re: Allynis - Prediction Came True EXACTLY as she said...
« Reply #26 on: January 14, 2012, 03:56:18 AM »
Funnygirl: k i'm # 4!! Let me know how it goes with you too!

Offline LiveLaughLove

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Re: Allynis - Prediction Came True EXACTLY as she said...
« Reply #27 on: January 14, 2012, 04:51:38 AM »
oh no, she went back to away from phone :(

Offline aquarian

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Re: Allynis - Prediction Came True EXACTLY as she said...
« Reply #28 on: January 14, 2012, 05:27:15 AM »
she might not be back tonight. try again tomorrow :(. i usually catch her in the early afternoon on the weekdays. not sure about weekends.

Offline funnygirl

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Re: Allynis - Prediction Came True EXACTLY as she said...
« Reply #29 on: January 14, 2012, 06:47:09 AM »
I just finished my reading and it is 1:45am eastern time...I want to believe her reading but I am finding it hard to believe...she gave me key months..several in fact. I guess time will tell. If anything comes through, I will definitely post it and we can all say that miracles actually can happen :) Have a good night!