Why are you calling? If it's hope, it doesn't last long because you call another psychic soon after. If it's control, it's out of your hands. If it's thoughts in the POI head, it's a waste because actions speak louder.
Did calling psychics help you in the past? Are you with the POI you called about all the time??? Financially you're broke. The poi still did what they wanted. It's not guaranteed the info you're getting is correct.
Were you able to move on after the call or calm down?
Did your life Improve from calling psychics?
What do you have to show from calling all these psychics??
I think it’s about balance and self control. Do I sometimes call due to anxiety? Yes but I have drastically cut down on that.
I don’t call if I haven’t been in contact with someone for a long while.
I remember these people aren’t god. If they are wrong, I write them off. I won’t even rate them. I don’t call and argue with them if they are wrong. Why waste my money on a wrong person?
I don’t take their words as gospel. I don’t argue or pick fights with people because Madame WuWu on Keen said or saw this. I wait for a body of proof.
I don’t call just anyone. I stick to 4-5 readers and that’s it.
I don’t let what they say sway my own intuition or energy.
Overall, I call for entertainment and a brief glimpse of the future. That’s it. I don’t pin my hopes and dreams on them, blame the readers (I chose to call) or let it affect my life path or self esteem. This is my life and I’m 100% responsible for it. Period.