Author Topic: No Tools Readers - They Can Mix $#it! UP!!  (Read 2394 times)

Offline Sparkle002

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No Tools Readers - They Can Mix $#it! UP!!
« on: July 18, 2019, 08:04:39 PM »
I had to post this because - this happened to me a couple of times so here we are....

I wont say who the reader is but - this lady is gifted in her own right - but on 2 occasions saw an ENTIRE SCENE that happened with SOMEONE ELSE. I only read with 3 non tools readers so its one of them - and no this wasnt Cookie.

I called about POI 4 back in May (May 31st). She straight up said "you havent met family have you? You will meet them. It seems like its someones birthday, there are alot of people their and they are friendly and talking you to you asking you were you are from and how you know each other. There are boyfriends and girlfriends there - friends of the family. There is someone who has a new baby and ppl are fawning over this new baby. There is someone who can sing, not sing in the shower, but someone who can really BLOW. There is a woman that says she has known him all his life, but she isnt family. They like you, they seem to really like you."


Literally the very NEXT DAY - My cousin came in town for a GRADUATION. I was invited to the GRADUATION DINNER in which all of the above took place. The gradation was her best friend's son - SHE is the one who KNEW him all her LIFE and said that. People ask ME how me and my cousin knew each other lol (they didnt know we were cousins). There was a NEW BABY there, and the guy who sat next to me - CAN SING.

YEP Every detail she saw happened the NEXT day and she thought it was in the fall with POI 4 smh.

Same thing happened when I called about POI 2 months ago, she said "that this guy thought highly of me, he is going to try to meet me but there is a delay. He thinks you are super smart and thinks he can make alot of money - like he is listening to every word you are saying - its like he is seeing dollar signs around you, he is intrigued and excited about what you guys talk about"

Well, none of that happened with POI 2 as a matter of fact, I had not seen him since that reading. However POI 3 was a young guy who wanted to start an online business. I gave him tips and he was intrigued. He wanted to meet up at my house to discuss more. Very excited. He was late because he overslept (the delay). He listened to every word I said - because he thought I was the key to making him more money.


This has happened only twice since Ive read with her since 2015 - but wow.

« Last Edit: July 18, 2019, 09:17:58 PM by Sparkle002 »

Offline bstalling

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Re: No Tools Readers - They Can Mix $#it! UP!!
« Reply #1 on: July 19, 2019, 01:42:52 AM »
It happens with readers that use tools too.

Offline Sparkle002

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Re: No Tools Readers - They Can Mix $#it! UP!!
« Reply #2 on: July 19, 2019, 02:28:23 AM »
True True...Being an avid Yona user, ya'll are right lol

By the way,  I have yet ANOTHER story like this..

Lest go back in time to OCTOBER 15, 2017 - same reader

I asked about this guy I about 2 months after I met him:

She says -

"He calls, Someone walks in, he is interrupted. He says he will call you back. Doesnt know when, but he will call back. He tells you when. He doesn't call back when he says. He doesnt seem real happy not with the content of the conversation, but the timing of it. He initiates it - he is the one who initiates this conversation but seems unhappy with where it goes...that is what makes him upset."

So this ALLL happened, but with NEW guy I met on Halloween (Oct 31) when I was out of town. It happened the very next day, November 1st. So she basically saw this 16 days into the future lol.

Basically we met that night - he popped out of nowhere and I told him he was cute and  told me I was beautiful.  Thats it...BUT, as I was leaving with my friends, we all hopped into an UBER SUV (IT was raining hard)....and to my surprise this guy literally ran across the street in the rain to grab my number (in front of all of my friends) lol ....I  - and i told him i was from out of town and my flight leaves out of town the next day. He said he wanted to see me in the morning before my flight at 5:30am....ha... I was staying with a group of friends at an air bnb and told him that he was coming at that time and they were all in shock - like yeah right (this dude was super attractive btw) ....

Anyway - he did show up - and it was like a movie...raining hard outside, he comes in the front entryway of the apartment and swoops me up to kiss me... lol....but anyway we spent time talking all that morning up until 8am when he had to go to work. He said he would be back and bring back breakfast. Time ticked away and it was getting close for me to catch my flight...

He calls me and apologizes because he got caught up at work and couldnt bring the breakfast. While he was on the phone - SOMEONE WALKED IN AND INTERRUPTED HIM. He told me he would call me back - said SPECIFICALLY by 9am. He INITIATES the conversation specifically about how I felt about it - I told him that I would have appreciated if he would have let me know earlier that he wasnt going to make it so I could have gotten my breakfast myself...he just kept talking about how he got tied up...and I was like whatever. He doesnt call back when he said he would so I order my uber and head for the airport. He calls me around 10ish finds out I left and he got UPSET that he couldnt come back to see me and wishes me a safe flight.

This literally happened ONLY with this guy - like ever. The GUY I ACTUALLY CALLED ABOUT never called me only texted, so when she started the reading off with  "he calls me", I knew it was wrong LOL.

Offline alphabetsoup

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Re: No Tools Readers - They Can Mix $#it! UP!!
« Reply #3 on: July 19, 2019, 12:40:55 PM »
Thanks Sparkle that's very helpful.  I spend a lot of time trying to figure out what those readings actually mean and I love the way you shared the mix up. I'm still trying to figure out, was that, that.  Now I have to consider the action might be the same but the people could change.

Offline Girly1998

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Re: No Tools Readers - They Can Mix $#it! UP!!
« Reply #4 on: July 19, 2019, 01:43:42 PM »
It really interesting that they can get these scenes so right but wrong person. It really sucks when you’re inquiring about a specific person and then it turns out to be something that doesn’t really even matter  :(

Offline Sparkle002

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Re: No Tools Readers - They Can Mix $#it! UP!!
« Reply #5 on: July 19, 2019, 01:59:54 PM »
It really interesting that they can get these scenes so right but wrong person. It really sucks when you’re inquiring about a specific person and then it turns out to be something that doesn’t really even matter  :(

I know right - kinda sucks! I was lucky that I caught it those times, otherwise I wouldve thought they were completely wrong or had no ability - in which - yes they were wrong about the person, but clearly have the ability to see things.

Offline Sparkle002

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Re: No Tools Readers - They Can Mix $#it! UP!!
« Reply #6 on: July 19, 2019, 02:06:19 PM »
Thanks Sparkle that's very helpful.  I spend a lot of time trying to figure out what those readings actually mean and I love the way you shared the mix up. I'm still trying to figure out, was that, that.  Now I have to consider the action might be the same but the people could change.

You are welcome!! I think this may happen more times than not and most of us wouldnt know! I only know because I obsessively remember and listen to my old readings and then it would dawn me after it happened or while it happened lol.

Im sure most of us would consider the reader totally wrong especially if we didnt know the scenario happened with someone else.
Clearly they have a gift but tapped into the wrong energy.

But this would be considered a 50/50 hit in my head - wrong person, right prediction. But the prediction has to be exactly as they said. My examples show how detailed the predictions are and how exactly they happened. Kinda eery...

Offline Daisy573

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Re: No Tools Readers - They Can Mix $#it! UP!!
« Reply #7 on: July 21, 2019, 09:55:54 PM »
I have had this happen on more than one occasion with one of my faves and she doesnt use tools.  I really have to pay attention to what she is saying and make sure I can validate some of it so I know she has the right person.  It can be very confusing and I have corrected her a couple of times and said "I think you may be reading so and so instead"...when I give the other name she has always corrected herself and agreed she was reading the wrong person.  I dont know what to say about that to be honest.  It doesnt happen all the time but it has happened for sure.  I really do not understand how they get information or how they connect to the wrong person.