Please please do not believe these psychics when then tell you there is a 3rd person. I ruined my relationship and life listening to them.
My POI had no one else other than me and even when I dug for information and checked his personal stuff (i am ashamed of that) after many psychics said i will find proof, I FOUND NOTHING> He got so tired of my mistrusting the situation that we are no longer talking and he said, I will give you something to talk about then. I will find someone else if you always think I am cheating on you and talking to other women.
HE has not yet but mutual friends say he is a mess. I wish i had not listened to these psychics but they were right on little things so i felt like if they were accurate on small predictions that the rest of it was true. The really good ones saw no other woman and told me he would walk away if i keep mistrusting the situation which he did.
Even if they happen to be right about a 3rd person, you cannot go to that man/woman and quiz them just because of what a psychic said. One was like go and check and look and you will find. I Didnt find shit.
These people were accurate about the situation:
SeaFireMoon (90 percent of the time but her recent contact prediction didnt come to pass and contact predictions were accurate)
Jessica Spirit ( stood steadfast and said there is no one to worry about and was 90 percent accurate also , contact prediction accurate)
Queen of Cups ( always accurate about present situation and contact predictions)
Oracle of the Sea ( accurate also on predictions and feelings and contact)
JOannas Gift ( told me there was no one when others were saying that it was ... she was right! and contact prediction)
Divine Guidance 3 ( she was accurate for me in the past )
I feel bad listing these people because ultimately , going to psychics are not good in the long run... but they seem to care. But for us addicts it is always dangerous to hear about an accurate reader.
But lately all readings have been off even for the really good ones listed above and while they say he is coming back... with SeaFireMoon saying that it is not over but she sees contact so far away that it might change and might not happen. .....I personally feel that it is over and it breaks my heart. I just want peace. Another part of me feels that even if i made this mistake, I was so kind to him and was there for him... and he dumps me after this one argument. Maybe he didnt really love me at all.