Author Topic: Clarisa  (Read 15478 times)

Offline Love2lovenj

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« on: July 19, 2019, 10:19:50 PM »
Any updates on her readings?

Offline miss_t

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Re: Clarisa
« Reply #1 on: July 20, 2019, 08:26:52 PM »
Tried her before and the first thing she predicted happened two weeks after the reading. It was a contact prediction of 6 months of silence, which I didn’t even asked about nor wanted to happen. No timeframe for that though. She just said “soon”. She was on point with regards to the past and present situation as well.

Had a reading with her again, this time on Bitwine. Her reading was almost identical to my first reading. Told me the same thing. That someone with unfinished business who still loves me will try to reconnect and he will reach out soon. I was like nooooo not again! I don’t want my ex to even try to contact me again! She told me again that the relationship ended abruptly which is correct. She also told me that during my first reading. I wonder if she gives this line to everyone who asks for a general love reading.  Anyway, She also told me the same thing as my first reading about my current POI and his feelings and intentions.

Offline Love2lovenj

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Re: Clarisa
« Reply #2 on: July 21, 2019, 01:02:37 PM »
I hope its not a line. I was given the unfinished story with my one POI but its true.  We never really ended things and tend to pop into each other's lives.  Thanks for sharing.

Offline sawthelight

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Re: Clarisa
« Reply #3 on: July 21, 2019, 01:35:18 PM »
Just curious, how do you know it’s the same Clarisa...the names are spelled differently...

Offline Love2lovenj

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Re: Clarisa
« Reply #4 on: July 21, 2019, 03:02:36 PM »
I know i looked on the ask now site and looks like the same person but different pics.  At least to me.

Offline miss_t

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Re: Clarisa
« Reply #5 on: July 21, 2019, 04:25:40 PM »
Yeah I really do hope it’s not a line.  :-\

And I am honestly not 100% sure if it’s the same Clarissa/Clarisa in Asknow and Bitwine.
But they have the same bio in both sites and they gave me very identical readings and they may have different pics but I think  still looks like her.


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Re: Clarisa
« Reply #6 on: July 21, 2019, 05:01:02 PM »
I know this is an askew thread but whats her bitwine link?

Ill give her a go.   Worth a read?

Thanks guys!

Offline miss_t

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Re: Clarisa
« Reply #7 on: July 21, 2019, 05:33:18 PM »
I know this is an askew thread but whats her bitwine link?

Ill give her a go.   Worth a read?

Thanks guys!

If she’s the same Clarissa from AskNow I think her $10 deal for 15 minutes on Bitwine is worth a try if you wanna get into your POI’s thoughts and feelings. Can’t say much about her predictions just yet, except for the contact prediction she gave me on my reading from Ask Now which came to pass 2 weeks after. We’re still not sure if they are the same person though.

Just search Love Psychic Clarissa on bitwine.
« Last Edit: July 24, 2019, 11:10:47 PM by miss_t »

Offline Love2lovenj

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Re: Clarisa
« Reply #8 on: July 21, 2019, 06:31:55 PM »
I know this is an askew thread but whats her bitwine link?

Ill give her a go.   Worth a read?

Thanks guys!

Offline MidwesternSun

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Re: Clarisa
« Reply #9 on: July 24, 2019, 11:55:46 PM »
Honestly, I think its a line.

I had a reading with her recently and she told me that my break-up ended rather abruptly (true), but there was unfinished business.  She said that my ex fell in love with me but self-sabotages relationships due to past hurt that still haunts her.  This has yet to be seen.

She did predict that my ex would come back this year and would stay for a long period of time.  She said, "You haunt your ex... she has picked up the phone hundreds of times to reach out, but there is always this sense of delay, delay, delay."

Who knows if she is right.  Her reading was similar to other 'heavy hitters,' but I don't like the fact that she was perhaps feeding lines.

She mentioned that my ex worked with facts or figures, or facts and figures (true).  In a previous reading months ago, she stated my professional background.  I don't have those notes any more, so I've no idea if she will be correct. 


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Re: Clarisa
« Reply #10 on: July 25, 2019, 02:22:40 AM »
For what it's worth she didn't use those lines on me. I felt she was a pretty basic reader, nothing really wow'd me BUT she didn't say any of that.

Offline Love2lovenj

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Re: Clarisa
« Reply #11 on: July 27, 2019, 03:12:39 AM »
That's refreshing because the red flags go up when several people get certain lines.

Offline Vanno

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Re: Clarisa
« Reply #12 on: July 30, 2019, 03:17:02 PM »
I read with Clarissa on Asknow and she has always been really accurate with me. When I tried to read with Clarisa on Bitwine I hoped it was the same Clarissa on AskNow but it's not. I asked her and she said "no" and she gave much different advice and had a different tone. There are several Clarissa's on Bitwine. None of them were the same.
Both were good but they both looked at things from a different angle. Their predictions were similar but I got the same predictions from other psychics, too. So, I'm thinking that this will just be the outcome. Not that this is good news or what I wanted to hear but I am glad to hear the truth. Neither one of them said the things mentioned below.

Offline Love2lovenj

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Re: Clarisa
« Reply #13 on: July 30, 2019, 04:05:12 PM »
I read with Clarissa on Asknow and she has always been really accurate with me. When I tried to read with Clarisa on Bitwine I hoped it was the same Clarissa on AskNow but it's not. I asked her and she said "no" and she gave much different advice and had a different tone. There are several Clarissa's on Bitwine. None of them were the same.
Both were good but they both looked at things from a different angle. Their predictions were similar but I got the same predictions from other psychics, too. So, I'm thinking that this will just be the outcome. Not that this is good news or what I wanted to hear but I am glad to hear the truth. Neither one of them said the things mentioned below.

Thanks for clearing that up for us. 👍

Offline Alison123

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Re: Clarisa
« Reply #14 on: July 30, 2019, 05:18:22 PM »
I read with Clarisa on Bitwine last week and I don't think she is Clarissa from AskNow.

I have to say that she was pretty accurate about my current situation. She told me I was in an abusive situation with a cheater. (All true) She said the guy I was seeing was not my soulmate like I had heard from others and she also mentioned that the ex I was talking to would never leave his wife like he keeps implying he will do. She told me to leave the past in the past.

She told me the guy I was seeing was having a fling with a girl in the restaurant where he works and that I would catch them if I did a "stake out".  I did that on Saturday and watched him leave the restaurant after his shift with his arm around another girl and he got into her car on the DRIVERS side and drove off. He claimed later that they were just "friends" and now won't speak to me because he doesn't want to be with a "stalker". I'm devastated because I love him with all of my heart and other psychics in the past told me he was my soulmate. I kind of wish I didn't follow Clarisa's advice. I don't know what to believe! I've called him 50 times since then and now he has be blocked.