Have we as a group found anyone that can actually get outcomes besides Yona since she gets the outcome but its usually entirely different people years later.
Sure, a lot of people can. ut it's all about how one connects(;
How will we actually know until we have a foot in the grave? I mean what is an outcome? That you end up with someone? 10 years later you could divorce them. Does that make the outcome wrong? Is there ever really a FINAL outcome? I would be happier just to get a significant prediction correct.
I agree with this Fidget. I think there is somewhere between determined events and some sense of feee will as in how we get to the predestined events.
I always use the analogy of me going to Target and I can take the main road or the side streets, my choice, but either way I will make it to Targét.
And I no longer believe in outcomes. I think some readers like Yona can show you where you’re going for a set amount of time but I don’t think she or other readers can say for certain what your long term situation will be. I think it’s beyond their scope.
As you mentioned, you can meet the person of your dreams, one of you soulmates...and still breakup.
There’s is a period of time some gifted readers can get, but to me I think that’s as far as the gift goes. And even that can be flat out wrong.