This is so important, I fell for a guy and we were all chummy and magical for a few months and then he flipped, caused a fight, and refused to talk like an adult. I keep making excuses for him--he still loves me, it's just hard for him to show his feelings, he has mental health issues and trouble communicating what he wants, all of that. Truth is, you never know. Truth is, no matter what he still acted the way he did. HE'S not out there spending hundreds and thousands to talk about YOU. He's chilling, doing whatever he feels like. And then there's you, wasting your life away waiting for him to come back. He becomes an obsession. And all of us know here that this is wrong. I'm TRYING to move on, I'm TRYING to enjoy my life fully, but almost every other day i'm like...Oh i have to try her, maybe she will be accurate for me, and let's talk to 6 more psychics to validate their readings. More often than not, I'll conclude EVERYDAY that this is stupid, but the same thing happens the next day.
Maybe our obsession with the POI has little to do with them, and more to do with us. Why do we need his love to be happy? Why can't we be happy with ourselves? Yes, maybe you once loved him, but you can't hold onto a distant memory of him forever, this isn't a romantic movie. This is life, there are more things in your life than your POI.
I'm going to take a pledge here today, I'm posting it here so that I'm inclined to follow through, and it becomes completely official. Okay. Oh God I don't want to do this. No, chill. Let's do this.
"I, A.D. hereby take the pledge that I shall only use the $57.22 left in my keen account to talk to a few trusted psychics, and then I will CLOSE my account completely. I'm also waiting on one reading by Leanne, which I've already paid for. After that reading, NO MATTER WHAT THE OUTCOME IS, I will stop my psychic addiction. STOP. END. FINI. No more psychics, I SHALL FOCUS ON MOVING ON, RILEY IS NOT MY SUN AND MOON AND I CAN'T LET HIM OVERPOWER ME LIKE THIS. I will be happy, I will be joyful, in fact I'm happy right now. I don't care what the outcome is. As Doris Day said 'Que Sera Sera'. "