Author Topic: Wild Sweet Orange   (Read 92725 times)

Offline Love2lovenj

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Re: Wild Sweet Orange 
« Reply #150 on: November 17, 2019, 05:27:14 PM »
I was thinking the same thing as Yaz.  If they would get a read on me they would swear i would reach out to my poi but i would never follow thru.  The feelings are there but i refuse to do it.


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Re: Wild Sweet Orange 
« Reply #151 on: November 17, 2019, 06:09:31 PM »
Idk why i go back to her. In September I was gonna hear from 3rd week of September. He didn’t want a relationship. Went back he was coming soon 12 days I beleive she said . And now wanted one.
So I would check a little  in and it’s coming “wands”  and then another reading it was suppose to come October the card show it but it’d coming by the end of the year and then just now she sees us talking but it can be soon or later she can’t do timing. Only reads energies. What the heck. I only keep going bsck to her for this forum. She can’t give me a consist reading then no. Also did asked for my birthday and stuff and gave me info in. Ping. She said to from my charts and his it’s coming and bound to happen oct/nov.  over it glad it was 10 dollar I spent but 10 dollars is 10 dollars. Over her

I agree.

I read with her on Keen on a new account and got a 100% opposite reading from my Bitwine ones.

Bitwine readings - cards show love coming to me and great happiness and success with POI, him coming forward with surprising positive messages, committed relationship and strong bond, etc.

On Keen - we'll hookup briefly and then end it shortly after. Just will be a brief fling. Which makes zero sense for about 1000 different reasons. I don't need to post my life story on here but it's just plain off.

I've been reading with her since August and well nothing has come to pass and she's actually been wrong on quite a few points. I kept giving her a try because yeah, this forum, and the timing aspect.

Wrong predictions include:

- Said I'd get a new job '25 degrees out' in October so October 25th - Nope.

- Said I'd get an interview and job at either of two places I asked about - Nope they both rejected me

- in August said within one month POI would action something - he didn't and still has not

- POI and I were to have a big chat I asked how it would go. She told me he would say something specific and made it seem like all this other stuff was going on with him - He did not say the specific thing and none of those things were going on with him.

- End of September told me I wouldn't hear from my POI until October 21st - 31st. - Spoke to him the next day, spoke to him pretty much every day before those dates and saw him a few times too...

It’s always interesting with readers.  I’ll say that she’s been consistent with her predictions involving my POI with two different Keen accounts.  I’ll also say that I am very inconsistent about my feelings when it comes to being in a committed relationship with anyone right now, so I’m pretty indifferent when it comes to love themed timing predictions.  If I read with her solely for timing predictions on love, I’d be sorely disappointed.  For me, her business predictions have been spot on.  Useful intel.  It’s actually more like, I get the reading.  Then a situation unfolds.  I re-read the transcripts just for the fun of it.  Then it hits me that she absolutely pegged the situation.  Other times, I’ll ask her about something and her answer confirms something I already considered or intuitively knew.  So, it confirms something I already considered.  I always trust my intuition first and foremost.  In my line of work, I have to be incredibly untrusting of the spoken words of others. It’s one big game of manipulation, actualLy.  So, it’s really useful for me to bounce situations off of Sweet Orange. 


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Re: Wild Sweet Orange 
« Reply #152 on: November 17, 2019, 06:12:14 PM »
Idk why i go back to her. In September I was gonna hear from 3rd week of September. He didn’t want a relationship. Went back he was coming soon 12 days I beleive she said . And now wanted one.
So I would check a little  in and it’s coming “wands”  and then another reading it was suppose to come October the card show it but it’d coming by the end of the year and then just now she sees us talking but it can be soon or later she can’t do timing. Only reads energies. What the heck. I only keep going bsck to her for this forum. She can’t give me a consist reading then no. Also did asked for my birthday and stuff and gave me info in. Ping. She said to from my charts and his it’s coming and bound to happen oct/nov.  over it glad it was 10 dollar I spent but 10 dollars is 10 dollars. Over her

I wonder if your POI is all over the place?  Like vacillating between various emotions?  With my business questions, there’s not much free will involved.  So she’s been dead on.  With love and romance and inconsistent POI’s, it’s kind of a crapshoot.  I mean, if someone did a reading on me, I’d be a crapshoot.  The energy would be there that I want to contact someone very much so, but the other side of me won’t contact him again out of spite, and also because I want to exercise my options and date around.  Then the next day, I miss him a ton.  Then two days later, I don’t want to deal with all the emotions he’d bring back up in me at this point in time.  So . . . I . . . do nothing.  :-/

Right but that's what separates a great reader from all the rest.

Being able to look past daily/fluctuating emotions and energy .

I mean that's what we're all searching for right? I think besides Yona and Kisha I haven't been able to find that at all.

I agree with you.  For big picture stuff, I use Yona and Kisha.  The best is when a prediction of Yona’s matched up perfectly with Sweet Orange.  Yona’s was a lot more detailed, whereas Sweet Orange gave me a brief warning.  Two different styles readers. 

Offline Arigirl

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Re: Wild Sweet Orange 
« Reply #153 on: November 17, 2019, 06:25:19 PM »
Idk why i go back to her. In September I was gonna hear from 3rd week of September. He didn’t want a relationship. Went back he was coming soon 12 days I beleive she said . And now wanted one.
So I would check a little  in and it’s coming “wands”  and then another reading it was suppose to come October the card show it but it’d coming by the end of the year and then just now she sees us talking but it can be soon or later she can’t do timing. Only reads energies. What the heck. I only keep going bsck to her for this forum. She can’t give me a consist reading then no. Also did asked for my birthday and stuff and gave me info in. Ping. She said to from my charts and his it’s coming and bound to happen oct/nov.  over it glad it was 10 dollar I spent but 10 dollars is 10 dollars. Over her

I wonder if your POI is all over the place?  Like vacillating between various emotions?  With my business questions, there’s not much free will involved.  So she’s been dead on.  With love and romance and inconsistent POI’s, it’s kind of a crapshoot.  I mean, if someone did a reading on me, I’d be a crapshoot.  The energy would be there that I want to contact someone very much so, but the other side of me won’t contact him again out of spite, and also because I want to exercise my options and date around.  Then the next day, I miss him a ton.  Then two days later, I don’t want to deal with all the emotions he’d bring back up in me at this point in time.  So . . . I . . . do nothing.  :-/

Right but that's what separates a great reader from all the rest.

Being able to look past daily/fluctuating emotions and energy .

I mean that's what we're all searching for right? I think besides Yona and Kisha I haven't been able to find that at all.

I agree with this, I have had a few chats with Sweet Orange, and noticed that they conflict with one another, unfortunately. I also asked her if it was possible that energy can be mixed up and she said that it was. It's too soon for me to write off her outcomes completely, I try not to take timing too seriously, but her prediction has been pushed out 3x (started as any day to 1 week, then a month, then 1-2 months, etc)

Offline Love2lovenj

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Re: Wild Sweet Orange 
« Reply #154 on: November 17, 2019, 06:31:12 PM »
Well as we can see and know not every reader works for everyone.  I totally get going back to someone who has been wrong with me because they seem to be right for everyone else.  Lol guess we just need to accept its not a one fits all situation.   Thanks for keeping us updated on your predictions, its very helpful.

Offline dasaninot

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Re: Wild Sweet Orange 
« Reply #155 on: November 17, 2019, 08:40:09 PM »
Same for me...had a reading and her predictions keep being pushed out.
Had one on another platform and she said someone from the past popping back up...does she say this to everyone? Cause that's what she said initially in Keen account #1 (for september I think) then Keen account #2 (within October) then it's December lol. It just feels like she's saying that to everyone.

Offline HornetKick

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Re: Wild Sweet Orange 
« Reply #156 on: November 17, 2019, 09:22:38 PM »
It wasn't said to me, but I only asked about career.


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Re: Wild Sweet Orange 
« Reply #157 on: November 17, 2019, 09:57:09 PM »
Wasn't said to me!   Ok, where can I find this Kisha character? 


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Re: Wild Sweet Orange 
« Reply #158 on: November 17, 2019, 11:21:51 PM »

I wonder if your POI is all over the place?  Like vacillating between various emotions?  With my business questions, there’s not much free will involved.  So she’s been dead on.  With love and romance and inconsistent POI’s, it’s kind of a crapshoot.  I mean, if someone did a reading on me, I’d be a crapshoot.  The energy would be there that I want to contact someone very much so, but the other side of me won’t contact him again out of spite, and also because I want to exercise my options and date around.  Then the next day, I miss him a ton.  Then two days later, I don’t want to deal with all the emotions he’d bring back up in me at this point in time.  So . . . I . . . do nothing.  :-/

Thats me too, Yaz! except time to time I do reach out. ugh.


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Re: Wild Sweet Orange 
« Reply #159 on: November 18, 2019, 12:34:43 AM »
Wasn't said to me!   Ok, where can I find this Kisha character?

Definitely go through her private site:


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Re: Wild Sweet Orange 
« Reply #160 on: November 18, 2019, 07:13:05 AM »
Thanks Yaz, how has she been for romance stuff for you?  ( not to take away from WSO's thread)


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Re: Wild Sweet Orange 
« Reply #161 on: November 18, 2019, 12:34:27 PM »
Thanks Yaz, how has she been for romance stuff for you?  ( not to take away from WSO's thread)

Kisha has been extremely accurate with the present situation. She was correct that in the colder months I’d be separating myself from the confusion surrounding my POI due to him not communicating/opening up.   As far as her predictions for a substantial change when it comes to love, it’s not predicted until when winter turns to spring.  Which is actually very consistent with a general reading I got from Autumn Rivers (eBay). 

Offline JJC

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Re: Wild Sweet Orange 
« Reply #162 on: November 19, 2019, 04:51:55 PM »
Miss Orange has been very accurate for me.
1. I asked her on 12oct for the timing of contact, she said 14, the contact came on 14oct.
2. again asked her on 18oct for the timing of contact, she said 11, the contact came on 29oct(11days).
3. She predicted on 13nov that things will end between my POI and another girl, its happening now.

Offline Love2lovenj

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Re: Wild Sweet Orange 
« Reply #163 on: November 19, 2019, 04:55:28 PM »
So happy to hear she is accurate with you.   Welcome to the forum.

Offline JJC

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Re: Wild Sweet Orange 
« Reply #164 on: November 19, 2019, 05:24:52 PM »
Thank you! All the best to everyone here...

