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Reading with David James Ugh!!
So yeah, like I said, I was very curious about David James so I had a reading with him about POI. He started off with one of his stock lines, "You mean, when is he going to ------? Never." Negative, but I could see what he said being true so I was disheartened.
Had another reading with him about other guys in my life. What he said about two of them resonated, but another one that I asked about, it did not sound accurate at all. Basically, David James says that all these guys just want something casual, and are not willing to give me a relationship. Totally fine, because they are all my FWBs. But the third guy definitely is interested in more. He likes me A LOT and is always trying to spend time with me and told me he would be interested in a relationship with me. So that was off.
My friend had a reading with him and asked about a guy, M. Her question was, "I'm wondering what M's intentions are for us." DJ responded with, "You mean is there going to be an us, given that you're not exactly with this guy." She confirmed, and he told her that there wasn't going to be an us, and she may already know he is in fact with someone else. Well, there definitely is no other person. There was a big break up in his life but that was over a year ago or so. M has liked my friend since they were young. He lives across the country and when he visits family, he always hits her up, and is very obvious that he likes her a lot. He was blowing up her phone yesterday when I was with her. So yeah. My friend asked about another guy's intentions and his response was, "Well we're not mind readers, that only happens on tv." The reading was inaccurate from the beginning and when he wrote that she just laughed and threw her phone down.
So yeah, that's that. I actually didn't mind his attitude, but my friend was really put off by it and felt like shit, even though she didn't really care that much. I mean, there could be all sorts of reasoning; my friend is not interested in M, so maybe that's what David James picked up on. But he clearly stated M has someone else, which is not factual. Like everyone said, he is just plain negative. I think 8/10 people call him about the same thing, so he just assumes everyone's situations and runs with it. He's probably right on most occasions, but I would venture a guess and say that pyshic, he is not.
--- Quote from: shabang on July 04, 2020, 07:59:43 PM ---He is absolutely awful. I asked for POI contact prediction and his response was “you mean when is he going to stop ignoring you?” and “it’s a brick wall” and “you’re not on the same page”. I spoke with him on kasamba - I then “tested” him when I saw him on Bitwine and asked for contact prediction with a totally made up person and sure enough he said the exact same thing. Waste of time.
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Read with him months ago when I was ill informed lol.
--- Quote from: shabang on July 04, 2020, 11:03:47 PM ---
--- Quote from: massine on July 04, 2020, 08:52:31 PM ---
--- Quote from: shabang on July 04, 2020, 07:59:43 PM ---He is absolutely awful. I asked for POI contact prediction and his response was “you mean when is he going to stop ignoring you?” and “it’s a brick wall” and “you’re not on the same page”. I spoke with him on kasamba - I then “tested” him when I saw him on Bitwine and asked for contact prediction with a totally made up person and sure enough he said the exact same thing. Waste of time.
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Read with him months ago when I was ill informed lol.
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LOL! It is absolutely laughable isn’t it! Also, as much as I’d love a non-sugarcoated reading - I think a bit of compassion goes a long way. Not that it matters, because he’s BS anyway.
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I'm just affronted that he couldn't even pick a better opening line LOL!!
LOLLLLL ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D He is not accurate in my opinion. Maybe just a stress guy somewhere trying to earn money
Don’t even try him . He gave me such a horrible and negative reading about my then bf ( now husband ) . He told me that my bf is just using me and has many other women and what not . That he would never come back to me because he has just used and dumped me . Dear lord ! Anyway we got married last year so David James can now go to his therapy session.
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