Author Topic: Having a rough week  (Read 7076 times)

Offline lp1111

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Having a rough week
« on: July 02, 2019, 03:01:56 PM »
« Last Edit: July 14, 2019, 04:53:02 PM by Lpoche »


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Re: Having a rough week
« Reply #1 on: July 02, 2019, 03:09:22 PM »
how long have you been calling psychics?

Offline lp1111

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Re: Having a rough week
« Reply #2 on: July 02, 2019, 03:14:18 PM »
Before this last break up it was just like once or twice a year. When we first split in February/March, I went way overboard. The past month I’ve slowed down a lot, and am starting to weed them out. I got a top up from Yona and a general email reading from Kisha that I scheduled last month, but other than that have not bought any readings in a few weeks.

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Re: Having a rough week
« Reply #3 on: July 02, 2019, 03:15:49 PM »
So to answer your question... I’ve been reading for about 10 years, but only overdid it for a few months (it did more than enough damage though).

Offline Cteebaby1

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Re: Having a rough week
« Reply #4 on: July 02, 2019, 03:17:24 PM »
That’s not going to last! Especially if it’s moving that fast normally when things start fast and it ends faster! And from what I can read you’re a great woman so any man knows you’re the type that wants to settle and need a good man. Some men know when the difference between a good woman that’s ready to settle and one that’s not going to expect much. The one that doesn’t have expectations and see things loosely that’s who they choose because it’s less pressure and lighter. I think u should act like u moved on and pamper yourself ! Look good and post cute pics on social media and act like u don’t care !

Offline lp1111

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Re: Having a rough week
« Reply #5 on: July 02, 2019, 03:42:23 PM »
Thanks, cteebaby. I tend to agree when I think about it rationally. The part that gets me about it though is introducing their kids. Ugh. To me a guy that gets to meet my baby is someone I am marrying.

That is great advice though, and I’m really trying. That’s a big part of why I haven’t blocked him on social media.. as far as he knows I don’t care at all and I’m living my best life lol. I’ve been traveling a LOT. Going get a massage this weekend. Have been going on dates here and there. Slowly trying to pull myself out of this, but I have some dark days in between.

Also, I want to add. I’ve been reading your updates and truly wish the best for you and your child. We all deserve peace and happiness. 🖤
« Last Edit: July 02, 2019, 03:45:08 PM by Lpoche »

Offline SomethingBetter

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Re: Having a rough week
« Reply #6 on: July 02, 2019, 05:01:14 PM »
Thanks, cteebaby. I tend to agree when I think about it rationally. The part that gets me about it though is introducing their kids. Ugh. To me a guy that gets to meet my baby is someone I am marrying.

That is great advice though, and I’m really trying. That’s a big part of why I haven’t blocked him on social media.. as far as he knows I don’t care at all and I’m living my best life lol. I’ve been traveling a LOT. Going get a massage this weekend. Have been going on dates here and there. Slowly trying to pull myself out of this, but I have some dark days in between.

Also, I want to add. I’ve been reading your updates and truly wish the best for you and your child. We all deserve peace and happiness. 🖤

I’m sorry LPoche.

I’ve been in that same position, that “why her, not me?” Type of situation. It sucks. Especially when you know you’re the better catch for whatever reason. No wrong in saying that either.

And for you, I am shooting a big ol middle finger to all the readers for you. Maybe they will be right later, maybe they were all wrong, idk what or if you have heard from them afterwards but here is the finger (!).

I’m just angry y’all. I hope you feel better, LPoche and I hope this bit of knowledge makes you realizes he has even more cooties now and you want to remain free and clear.

Blessings to you all.

Offline Luckystar

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Re: Having a rough week
« Reply #7 on: July 02, 2019, 05:03:27 PM »

You wrote this about Cookie:

"Also, very soon I would be hearing from him and we would definitely be back in communication. I find that so hard to believe though being that he is dating this new girl and seems to be getting more serious with her. Although I will say, this girl does not seem like “wife material” if ya know what I mean. Regardless, I have just had such a hard time believing these predictions are accurate. "

When I first started calling psychics around 2011 I was crying every single day over someone who abruptly cut off communication with me and entered a new relationship. For over two years timelines for them to break up came and went and I was stuck in a depressed state the entire time they were together just waiting and hoping for him and I to reconnect. They eventually broke up and he did come back around but things never became solid between us. He never offered me the commitment I was seeking. I was told he had major emotional issues which is probably true but regardless I never got the solidity I was seeking in a partnership that I wanted with him. Fast forward here we are in 2019 and he still sends me texts almost every day but is yet again in ANOTHER relationship!! I was incredibly in love with this person and never thought I would get over him. At any rate almost every psychic was wrong about him and I. My hope is for other people on this board to concentrate on healing themselves instead of holding on to hope for a person that may or may not come back. It leads to more sadness and disappointment. Keep dating others, staying open, and doing things for yourself that bring you happiness. I do believe that if people are meant to be together eventually they will be. Don't lose hope because if this is not the guy for you, there will be someone. I am very thankful that I did find this board years ago because I have made friendships through this forum so please know that people really do understand here and want to connect with you <3
« Last Edit: July 02, 2019, 05:06:24 PM by Luckystar »

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Re: Having a rough week
« Reply #8 on: July 02, 2019, 05:12:39 PM »

You wrote this about Cookie:

"Also, very soon I would be hearing from him and we would definitely be back in communication. I find that so hard to believe though being that he is dating this new girl and seems to be getting more serious with her. Although I will say, this girl does not seem like “wife material” if ya know what I mean. Regardless, I have just had such a hard time believing these predictions are accurate. "

When I first started calling psychics around 2011 I was crying every single day over someone who abruptly cut off communication with me and entered a new relationship. For over two years timelines for them to break up came and went and I was stuck in a depressed state the entire time they were together just waiting and hoping for him and I to reconnect. They eventually broke up and he did come back around but things never became solid between us. He never offered me the commitment I was seeking. I was told he had major emotional issues which is probably true but regardless I never got the solidity I was seeking in a partnership that I wanted with him. Fast forward here we are in 2019 and he still sends me texts almost every day but is yet again in ANOTHER relationship!! I was incredibly in love with this person and never thought I would get over him. At any rate almost every psychic was wrong about him and I. My hope is for other people on this board to concentrate on healing themselves instead of holding on to hope for a person that may or may not come back. It leads to more sadness and disappointment. Keep dating others, staying open, and doing things for yourself that bring you happiness. I do believe that if people are meant to be together eventually they will be. Don't lose hope because if this is not the guy for you, there will be someone. I am very thankful that I did find this board years ago because I have made friendships through this forum so please know that people really do understand here and want to connect with you <3

This is amazing advice. ❤️

Offline sawthelight

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Re: Having a rough week
« Reply #9 on: July 02, 2019, 05:13:25 PM »

You wrote this about Cookie:

"Also, very soon I would be hearing from him and we would definitely be back in communication. I find that so hard to believe though being that he is dating this new girl and seems to be getting more serious with her. Although I will say, this girl does not seem like “wife material” if ya know what I mean. Regardless, I have just had such a hard time believing these predictions are accurate. "

When I first started calling psychics around 2011 I was crying every single day over someone who abruptly cut off communication with me and entered a new relationship. For over two years timelines for them to break up came and went and I was stuck in a depressed state the entire time they were together just waiting and hoping for him and I to reconnect. They eventually broke up and he did come back around but things never became solid between us. He never offered me the commitment I was seeking. I was told he had major emotional issues which is probably true but regardless I never got the solidity I was seeking in a partnership that I wanted with him. Fast forward here we are in 2019 and he still sends me texts almost every day but is yet again in ANOTHER relationship!! I was incredibly in love with this person and never thought I would get over him. At any rate almost every psychic was wrong about him and I. My hope is for other people on this board to concentrate on healing themselves instead of holding on to hope for a person that may or may not come back. It leads to more sadness and disappointment. Keep dating others, staying open, and doing things for yourself that bring you happiness. I do believe that if people are meant to be together eventually they will be. Don't lose hope because if this is not the guy for you, there will be someone. I am very thankful that I did find this board years ago because I have made friendships through this forum so please know that people really do understand here and want to connect with you <3

Brilliantly stated.  It hurts like hell to have someone you are interested in or in love with (even worse) pick someone else.  JMO, I would move on as much as possible.  Just think, would you ever want to be second choice?  you deserve better. 

When stuff like this happens, I believe it is a higher power directing you to someone better.

I dated a guy for years in my early 20s...I wasn't calling psychics then though.  But he would come and go, and he basically told me up front that he wasn't looking for anything serious...and I just kept on wasting my time with him.  I finally came to my senses years later, and I regret wasting all my time hoping for something that was never meant to be.  He would give me just enough to keep me hanging on.  Now I look back and wonder what made me so infatuated and I think it was just the thrill of the chase in a way, wanting what you can't have. 

He got engaged to someone else later on...and this was after dating her for only a year or so, while I wasted years of my time with him.

Life it too short, find someone who appreciates you NOW.  Just my two cents.
« Last Edit: July 02, 2019, 05:17:48 PM by sawthelight »

Offline lp1111

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Re: Having a rough week
« Reply #10 on: July 02, 2019, 05:14:44 PM »
Luckystar, I’m sorry you went through this. I’m not at a point that I’m holding on to hoping for him anymore. I’ve let go as much as I can because I did not deserve this and do not want someone who would treat me like this. I guess I’m just confused as to WHY I’m treated with so little respect. It’s tough.

And somethingbetter, thank you girl! I agree with the middle finger LOL but in all honesty, I’m mostly to blame. If I’m having to call to psychics to see if someone loves me, I already have my answer. I have completely come to a point where I find his actions disgusting, so hey that’s some closure for me!

Offline lp1111

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Re: Having a rough week
« Reply #11 on: July 02, 2019, 05:18:08 PM »
Sawthelight, you are absolutely correct. I would never sit and wait for someone who didn’t see me as worthwhile. I don’t see myself accepting any apology or explanation even if I ever get one. I’m just having a hard time picking myself up at the moment, BUT I’m sure the reason behind all of this will present itself soon enough. I’m just so ready to finally understand the meaning for it.

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Re: Having a rough week
« Reply #12 on: July 02, 2019, 05:20:33 PM »
Sawthelight, you are absolutely correct. I would never sit and wait for someone who didn’t see me as worthwhile. I don’t see myself accepting any apology or explanation even if I ever get one. I’m just having a hard time picking myself up at the moment, BUT I’m sure the reason behind all of this will present itself soon enough. I’m just so ready to finally understand the meaning for it.

I understand, I truly do..hugs to you..time will make it better.  In the meantime, I would block all forms of communication..don't look at the social media with the new girl or whatever..why torture yourself.  You deserve better.   :D

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Re: Having a rough week
« Reply #13 on: July 02, 2019, 05:38:55 PM »
Luckystar, I’m sorry you went through this. I’m not at a point that I’m holding on to hoping for him anymore. I’ve let go as much as I can because I did not deserve this and do not want someone who would treat me like this. I guess I’m just confused as to WHY I’m treated with so little respect. It’s tough.

And somethingbetter, thank you girl! I agree with the middle finger LOL but in all honesty, I’m mostly to blame. If I’m having to call to psychics to see if someone loves me, I already have my answer. I have completely come to a point where I find his actions disgusting, so hey that’s some closure for me!

I think we all need to get good and disgusted. That is where I am trying to get to. You mentioned a while back when you first found out about this girl how you were taken aback and felt grossed out and I remember thinking I needed to feel the same.

I am doing everything in my power to feel repulsed by this guy lol. I hope it works and I hope we can all get to that level.

We all deserve that closure.

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Re: Having a rough week
« Reply #14 on: July 02, 2019, 05:42:21 PM »
I honestly don't even want to know if my first POI is with someone else, I really don't.  I just take his lack of communication and behavior while I knew him as closure...that's just me though lol. 

If he is with someone else though, she has my sympathies LOL.