Relationship Psychology Discussions > Connect With Others

Christie Marie Sheldon (energy healer)

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Has anyone gotten a session with her or attended her events/bought her programs?

No but I'm interested in looking at what she does and her sister coaches too.
I registered to download the freebies and some of the prices aren't bad.

I might be turned off if she mentions a lot of things from the secret like visualization (which doesn't work) or writing out 1000 mantras per day.


--- Quote from: HornetKick on June 26, 2019, 07:48:23 PM ---No but I'm interested in looking at what she does and her sister coaches too.
I registered to download the freebies and some of the prices aren't bad.

I might be turned off if she mentions a lot of things from the secret like visualization (which doesn't work) or writing out 1000 mantras per day.

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I think its mostly guided meditations, she mentioned something about how her words are "programmed" with conscious energy so its different from others meditations in that she is actually transmitting energy to you through the recordings.  Visualizations work if you can feel the energy. And I agree, writing mantras 1000 times a day is annoying.

I want to check out her sister's coaching too, the prices arent bad at all if it actually works. She is crazy rich too so she must be a pretty good manifester herself...i am wary of LOA teachers that are broke or can't get clients themselves lol.


--- Quote from: candiednut on June 26, 2019, 08:07:08 PM ---
--- Quote from: HornetKick on June 26, 2019, 07:48:23 PM ---No but I'm interested in looking at what she does and her sister coaches too.
I registered to download the freebies and some of the prices aren't bad.

I might be turned off if she mentions a lot of things from the secret like visualization (which doesn't work) or writing out 1000 mantras per day.

--- End quote ---

I think its mostly guided meditations, she mentioned something about how her words are "programmed" with conscious energy so its different from others meditations in that she is actually transmitting energy to you through the recordings.  Visualizations work if you can feel the energy. And I agree, writing mantras 1000 times a day is annoying.

I want to check out her sister's coaching too, the prices arent bad at all if it actually works. She is crazy rich too so she must be a pretty good manifester herself...i am wary of LOA teachers that are broke or can't get clients themselves lol.

--- End quote ---

I don't look into LOA for how many clients a person has. If they aren't as put together as they teach others to be, then its questionable. I've started reading a lot of her stuff already and it isn't the usual stuff so far. I want to skip the meditations though.

I remember way back learning that she is an ex-wife of Kevin Trudeau. I believe she had that scrubbed from the web. Ive searched and I dont really see any objective feedback about her work.


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