She accurately predicted the month and vaguely the circumstances of when my SO would finally tell me that he loves me. She wasn't super specific but she said something like "He does love you and I see him telling you this in September, it's almost like it just slips out." That's what happened. That September he asked me what I was going to do all weekend while he was working and I said "I'm gonna binge watch Game of Thrones." He said, "See, this is why I love you." Then he just started talking about the show and almost acted like he hadn't said it. So yeah, it was exactly like it just slipped out. He did eventually just say the three words, intentionally lol, but it was months later. Anyway, she has gotten a couple other things right for me too, but she's just pretty general. I only read with her a few times. She is very sweet and her price point is reasonable. I would probably use her again if I ever went back to using chat. Hoping not to though.