Author Topic: My Warning To You All  (Read 3201 times)


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My Warning To You All
« on: June 23, 2019, 06:34:53 AM »
I've been crying all day and night.  The POI I got into a fight with has not spoken to me in 2 weeks.  All the psychic readings kept saying I will hear back from him in a couple days and then they would say next week and now next month.  Only one lady said I will never ever hear from him again.  I feel so stupid for listening to the negative readings about our relationship.  One psychic accused me of not liking her because she gave me bad news but actually I believed what she said and what the others said. 

THE POI got so angry when I kept asking him if he is seeing someone else and he assured me more than once that he is not talking to anyone else and that I am the only one he is dating. Even when he introduced me to his friends, I was still so suspicious.  But because of the negative psychic readings and the advice from 2 people  (one being secretly attracted to my POI)  I was so insecure and could not relax in the relationship.  It all went to hell.  We had a nasty fight when I asked him if he is sleeping with other people and he assured me for the 4th time that I was the only one.  But i kept pushing him , those negative readings circulating in my head ... and finally he said enough was enough and has not responded to my last text.  IT doesnt help that he lost his job and other things in his life.

I am so exhausted that I cannot even pray to God anymore.  I slipped and called psychics again and after reading with them, I feel PHYSICALLY TIRED AND DRAINED AND DEPRESSED.  It is hard to describe this type of exhaustion.  It was the same exhaustion i felt when i would do readings for people years ago. I didnt think that getting readings would make me feel exhausted as well. 

I dont think  I will ever hear back from my POI.  I feel so sad... and I have been crying a lot and regretting all the psychic readings and talking to this jealous person around me about my relationship.  These psychics say it is for entertainment only but they take it seriously if you doubt them or dont agree with them. 

I HATE GETTING READINGS AND I WANT TO STOP BUT I GET SO LONELY AND THEN I CALL THEM.  Even if it was not meant to be with this guy , I dont like this ending. I feel like i gave control of my life to other people and it ruined things with him.  I hope that God can give us another chance. 

I want to pray but I have no faith now and I am so spiritually drained after the readings that I cant reach out and pray and I dont feel like talking to my friends about it as i hate texting as it takes forever  lol

I wish i never called psychics about my POI and I wish I never talked to the jealous BASTARD about my relationship either. \
The psychics who i called back and said it has not happened yet, they said the same tired line... "FREE WILL" 

Please pray for me. 

Offline Jili1945

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Re: My Warning To You All
« Reply #1 on: June 23, 2019, 06:41:10 AM »
WinterElf! thanks for sharing your experience. My story is very very similar. I was in the same situation (calling Psychics and then crying days and nights) for over one year. They kept pushing out the timeframes and nothing has happened yet (15 months passed). I totally understand you and so sorry that you went through all of these things.

Offline ArcherBullFish

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Re: My Warning To You All
« Reply #2 on: June 23, 2019, 11:02:29 AM »
I truly hope one day you understand that a man isn't the begin or the end all of your life. That the most important relationship you can ever have is with yourself.  When you finally realize that and understand that you are the living embodiment of all things celestial then you will heal. Let me tell you something a reader cannot know your person as well as you know your person so if you felt there was infidelity then its a good chance there was. 

It will get better and one day you'll stop crying.

Prayers and Blessings


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Re: My Warning To You All
« Reply #3 on: June 23, 2019, 05:08:48 PM »
From a guys perspective ( And I don't know how bad this blow out was)  Maybe just call, ask to go for a drink and apologize, again I dont know how bad it is. But I got tired of waiting to hear from someone so I reached out and it seems to have put things on track.   Sometimes it's good to put the power back in your hands.  And if he's not receptive, fuck him! Find someone more awesome who makes you happy all the time and doesn't make you doubt things.

Just my two cents.

Offline SomethingBetter

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Re: My Warning To You All
« Reply #4 on: June 23, 2019, 05:23:05 PM »
WinterElf, with all due respect, and I’m not trying to attack you, but why are you picking fights with someone based upon what a psychic told you? Has any thing in his behavior warranted you to feel you need to accuse him of things?

If he hasn’t then the constant accusations would push me away too. Someone has done that to me and they have pushed me away. On the flip side, I have also been in the situation where I needed constant reassurance that I was the only one until a couple of men said “eff it,” and just walked away from me.

It seems like you’re in between a rock and a hard place. You go to these psychics for reassurances and you run and tell this guy or accuse him, then you DO create the conflict and now he’s not talking to you.

And you admitted yourself you call because you’re lonely.

I don’t want to overstep my bounds but have you been to therapy? I have. It helped me much more than any psychic. Do I still call? Yes. I fell off the wagon. Do I get anxiety still? Yes. But it’s much better to talk to a professional who can help me regulate my emotions and think a bit before I take action. You sound a lot like I use to and impulse control was an issue for me (still can be ) like not picking fights, needing to know certain info even if I have already been reassured. Etc and using these people as an outlet when you’re lonely is not a good idea.

I’m not trying to pick on you, I’m just saying maybe these readings are just hindering and hurting you when someone else can be empowering you and helping your self esteem.

And as Archer Bullish said, these men aren’t the be all end all of our lives. We are. We can be sad, depressed, discouraged, whatever, but no one man is worth the hell you are putting yourself through right now.

I implore you to go out and do something fun, pamper yourself, keep praying and know life will happen as it’s mean to.

Feel better.

Oh and please don’t call a reader back to tell them they were wrong? What’s the point they were wrong AND you are spending more money on them to tell them that. Don’t throw good money after bad.
« Last Edit: June 23, 2019, 05:25:14 PM by SomethingBetter »


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Re: My Warning To You All
« Reply #5 on: June 23, 2019, 05:40:21 PM »
thank you all for the responses. I do feel like going to therapy.  I know i messed up and it is because of my anxiety. 

In the last fight, some gay guy (this guy mostly have crushes on straight men who cant stand him)  who has a crush on my POI really got to my insecurities and accused my POI of being a fckboy.  I didnt know at the time just how much he liked me POI and how he  didnt want to see us together.  I just will never forget the look of satisfaction on his face when he heard about me and the POI breaking things off.  The gay guy who gave me the awful advice is evil and was doing a lot of stuff behind my back that i have just found out about. I trusted him. 

I reacted on what he said and also with the psychic readings, it made me really insecure.

I asked him some stuff and then it blew out of proportion.  But on his end, he never put as much into the relationship as i did which made me suspicious.  Even if my POI was not right for me, I feel powerless. I at least wanted things to go based on my judgement and not have allowed myself to be influenced by others.

All I can say now is that i messed up in 2 ways

Taking the advice of psychics
Taking the advice of people who i should not have trusted in the first place

Offline helloworld

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Re: My Warning To You All
« Reply #6 on: June 23, 2019, 07:28:39 PM »
From a guys perspective ( And I don't know how bad this blow out was)  Maybe just call, ask to go for a drink and apologize, again I dont know how bad it is. But I got tired of waiting to hear from someone so I reached out and it seems to have put things on track.   Sometimes it's good to put the power back in your hands.  And if he's not receptive, fuck him! Find someone more awesome who makes you happy all the time and doesn't make you doubt things.

Just my two cents.

@THEDUDE great advice! One of the best ever. I cannot agree more.

I do the same - after a blow out happens I first wait for a few days (say 2-3 for things to cool down) or if the guy hasn't communicated with me in 2-3 days, then I reach out to the guy, apologize if it's my mistake and if it's not my mistake, I ask to meet or do a call (I don't like texts since things get lost in translation over text) to talk about what's going on. By doing so, almost always, I have received closure.

Whether the guy responds or not, it's a win-win for me because I feel liberated. In most cases, I must say the guy responds and we hash out things amicably and decide if we want to move forward. In the case a guy doesn't respond, I sign him off as a classless guy who is not worthy of my time. It's hard initially but this strategy has made my life so much better.

I think the more we wait for a guy to reach out (I have been there done that), the more we think about what we could have not said, done better, etc. We over analyze the situation and thereby create anxiety for ourselves which in a weird way gets us more attached to the guy despite the lack of contact. By reaching out within 2-3 days to get answers/closure, emotions don't get out of control as much. It still hurts if the guy doesn't respond but I would rather know sooner than later so I can deal with the pain and move on.


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Re: My Warning To You All
« Reply #7 on: June 23, 2019, 09:11:45 PM »
I finally reached out to him.  He apologized and said he was sorry and that he didnt remember calling me that name and said that he is in the hospital now and will be back in my area tomorrow. He apologized a lot which i appreciate and i feel better about BUT I dont like how i had to reach out to him and how he said he doesnt remember saying that. 

I am getting tired of this mess though.

Offline pisceandream

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Re: My Warning To You All
« Reply #8 on: June 25, 2019, 11:07:34 AM »
I finally reached out to him.  He apologized and said he was sorry and that he didnt remember calling me that name and said that he is in the hospital now and will be back in my area tomorrow. He apologized a lot which i appreciate and i feel better about BUT I dont like how i had to reach out to him and how he said he doesnt remember saying that. 

I am getting tired of this mess though.

This eats me up because you have so much power but you're too energetically drained to see it. You're actually WITH this person. He didn't call because he was in the hospital, and he apologized to you. Sounds like you're still with him too despite picking fights.

Relax, this was meant for you. That's why it's still happening. Focus on other things for a while and regain your power. You're exactly where you want to be, you just have to see it.


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Re: My Warning To You All
« Reply #9 on: June 25, 2019, 07:13:02 PM »
i wish i had seen this earlier. i am drained seriously.  it is so bad.  after every reading i feel more tired .... and then i got so insecure that i did something stupid but he is still talking to me. however not sure if he will s till be talking to me when he finds out what i did. ouch

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Re: My Warning To You All
« Reply #10 on: June 25, 2019, 09:05:38 PM »
Have confidence in yourself psychics only tell you possibilities on a neutral ground. Pois are only intterests to keep us going. Look forward to what truly matters and that is ones happiness on a longer term. As humans we are too fixated on the current. Think of the lessons for tomorrow and we will all find peace and attract the right people in our lives. Take it from an unconditional lover.

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Re: My Warning To You All
« Reply #11 on: June 25, 2019, 10:08:44 PM »
No thanks needed thank yourself you are the creator. You will get ur hearts desire just let go....