WinterElf, with all due respect, and I’m not trying to attack you, but why are you picking fights with someone based upon what a psychic told you? Has any thing in his behavior warranted you to feel you need to accuse him of things?
If he hasn’t then the constant accusations would push me away too. Someone has done that to me and they have pushed me away. On the flip side, I have also been in the situation where I needed constant reassurance that I was the only one until a couple of men said “eff it,” and just walked away from me.
It seems like you’re in between a rock and a hard place. You go to these psychics for reassurances and you run and tell this guy or accuse him, then you DO create the conflict and now he’s not talking to you.
And you admitted yourself you call because you’re lonely.
I don’t want to overstep my bounds but have you been to therapy? I have. It helped me much more than any psychic. Do I still call? Yes. I fell off the wagon. Do I get anxiety still? Yes. But it’s much better to talk to a professional who can help me regulate my emotions and think a bit before I take action. You sound a lot like I use to and impulse control was an issue for me (still can be ) like not picking fights, needing to know certain info even if I have already been reassured. Etc and using these people as an outlet when you’re lonely is not a good idea.
I’m not trying to pick on you, I’m just saying maybe these readings are just hindering and hurting you when someone else can be empowering you and helping your self esteem.
And as Archer Bullish said, these men aren’t the be all end all of our lives. We are. We can be sad, depressed, discouraged, whatever, but no one man is worth the hell you are putting yourself through right now.
I implore you to go out and do something fun, pamper yourself, keep praying and know life will happen as it’s mean to.
Feel better.
Oh and please don’t call a reader back to tell them they were wrong? What’s the point they were wrong AND you are spending more money on them to tell them that. Don’t throw good money after bad.