Author Topic: Long Term Psychic User OUTCOMES  (Read 37856 times)

Offline PrettyLittleLiz

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Re: Long Term Psychic User OUTCOMES
« Reply #15 on: July 10, 2017, 03:10:24 PM »
Also, one thing I don't want to leave out which begs the question "what are psychics seeing?" - not one psychic picked up a girlfriend before I knew about her besides Cookie. And Cookie really only told me he had other women around him and that eventually I would find out about one that seemed important. Additionally, as I was receiving readings things were progressing with my ex and I. I didn't really ask consistently about other women in his life because for all intents and purposes, we were dating, he was showing up and telling me that he loved me, and nobody in their right mind would have suspected that he had a girlfriend that he lives with.

that's really crazy that no one picked it up.  Kind of scary tbh!

the guy I was calling about, many saw the third party, but always gave the "he's unhappy, will be leaving the relationship" stuff....never happened though.  and it's all for the best, honestly.

Totally scary  and yes, all readers told me the same thing about him being unhappy in his relationship except for Ness, Julie, and Anne.

Offline bstalling

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Re: Long Term Psychic User OUTCOMES
« Reply #16 on: July 10, 2017, 08:57:12 PM »
A few years back, the only readers that were right, were right about small things, not the bigger picture. Only one reader explained why I wouldnt get back with my ex-fiance and WHY. And it all unfolded. She saw my husband before I met him..and at the time I thought she was a bit cooky. This reader wasnt a regular, she was a one off and she is not on Keen round-the-clock. Barbara saw an engagement, relocation and a HAPPY marriage. The first two developed, the latter one would have been impossible; he was just not emotionally there for several reasons.

I will say that LadyP was the most consistent about getting emotional stuff right, why they do things what to expect etc.  I think if I had started calling Leanne Halyburton earlier, she would have nailed my ex situation. Her predictions come to pass 8/10, but not in any order and its not always about stuff you care about.

All in all, I read more for entertainment. I've accepted that you can have a glimpse, a small glimpse into the future and thats it. You can't rely on what these psychics say, and you shouldnt really. And I say this as someone that has had predictions happen about various things. Its bittersweet, because I believe in psychic ability...but as a consumer product it is dissapointing in general.

For now, I get an occasional read here or there, just for fun or curiosity..maybe hoping to be wowed by a new reader. It never really happens, and I've accepted that ultimately.

I will say that psychics can provide some sort of emotional comfort, especially if you dont feel that you can talk to someone about your issues. Therapists are nice, but they can't have intimate
insight about your life like a gifted psychic can...thats the appeal of using them instead of talking through your issues with a therapist. I DO think its important to take a step back and look at any patterns or emotional issues we developed, even during childhood. And take steps to increase your self esteem in can help you weather the storm, no matter what youa re going through in life.

« Last Edit: July 10, 2017, 09:03:34 PM by bstalling »

Offline hope4love

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Re: Long Term Psychic User OUTCOMES
« Reply #17 on: July 16, 2017, 05:05:33 PM »
As a veteran caller, I've come to realize that no one can really predict anything long term. 
Yes, a lot of them are great at getting the present and maybe predicting the short term but long term, nah.  There are too many variables and I've learned not to give my power away to readers and that's very easy to do when you're feeling very vulnerable.
I've tried a few readers based on the raves from this board and they ultimately disappointed me in the end. 
In the past while, I've come across situations which readers said were 'over and done' but it was anything but the case.  I was annoyed that I had paid money for inaccuracies more than anything else in those situations.

Will I still get reads? Yes but only occasionally because I've learned that too many reads make for hugh inaccuracies. 
If I get a read with the same person after a six month haitus, the energy is much clearer and the accuracy is far greater. 

LOA has been discussed on this board a lot and whether or not you agree with it, we are able to navigate our destinies and our subconscious thoughts do create our realities.
So I'm learning to re-program by subconscious to manifest the greatest future for myself. 

Offline Sunshinegirl

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Re: Long Term Psychic User OUTCOMES
« Reply #18 on: November 14, 2018, 08:43:09 PM »
Hello All!   I'm one of the originals here but I stopped coming here as most of my predications had come true and I was in a happily ever after relationship with my guy....  NOT.    So they were right so as to his personality and what would happen short term but most of them predicted we would get married.   Well 7 years later, we are still not married and for the most part, we are not even together any longer.    Things have gotten worse not better.   He refused to change some big things so were are now separated from each other.    This has been hard on me so, of course, I wanted to call for updates.     I've been calling CP mostly and speaking with Tatiana, who seems to get a lot of his personality right on the head again!    She even knew about a medical condition he is having.      She tells me he will come around toward the end of the month because he loves me and will finally start making small changes.    We will see!   I'm torn as to whether I want this or to move on with someone new so no one can really give me an answer!   Ugh... struggles.    I'll let you guys know if it happens or not.   Reading your notes here, I may try Ness from Keen which will be new to me, to see if another site gives different answers.    I can't help it but I question if they get to keep notes on us that they can review.   LOL!

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Re: Long Term Psychic User OUTCOMES
« Reply #19 on: November 14, 2018, 08:49:23 PM »
Hello All!   I'm one of the originals here but I stopped coming here as most of my predications had come true and I was in a happily ever after relationship with my guy....  NOT.    So they were right so as to his personality and what would happen short term but most of them predicted we would get married.   Well 7 years later, we are still not married and for the most part, we are not even together any longer.    Things have gotten worse not better.   He refused to change some big things so were are now separated from each other.    This has been hard on me so, of course, I wanted to call for updates.     I've been calling CP mostly and speaking with Tatiana, who seems to get a lot of his personality right on the head again!    She even knew about a medical condition he is having.      She tells me he will come around toward the end of the month because he loves me and will finally start making small changes.    We will see!   I'm torn as to whether I want this or to move on with someone new so no one can really give me an answer!   Ugh... struggles.    I'll let you guys know if it happens or not.   Reading your notes here, I may try Ness from Keen which will be new to me, to see if another site gives different answers.    I can't help it but I question if they get to keep notes on us that they can review.   LOL!

I hope your man wakes up and smells the coffee, best of luck.

Offline bonbon

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Re: Long Term Psychic User OUTCOMES
« Reply #20 on: January 28, 2019, 02:03:11 PM »
For the last two years I've been on the hellish roller coaster that is a twin flame relationship. I really didn't know what know what that term really meant until I came across a random Facebook article that explained it in simple terms that I could understand. There was a check list of 10 things and I answered yes to every one of them. I have had some amazing readings with several psychics on Purple Ocean/Purple Garden. Although time frames have been way off in some cases comedy outcomes have been correct. I will update you all in the next month or two since several of my advisers have predicted that I'm nearing the end of this crazy journey. based on the accuracy thus far, other than timelines which we know are very difficult to predict, has been really good. Based on everything that has occurred and is currently occurring, I don't have any reason to believe that the final outcome won't be correct.


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Re: Long Term Psychic User OUTCOMES
« Reply #21 on: January 28, 2019, 09:32:56 PM »
As a veteran caller, I've come to realize that no one can really predict anything long term
Yes, a lot of them are great at getting the present and maybe predicting the short term but long term, nah.  There are too many variables and I've learned not to give my power away to readers and that's very easy to do when you're feeling very vulnerable.
I've tried a few readers based on the raves from this board and they ultimately disappointed me in the end. 
In the past while, I've come across situations which readers said were 'over and done' but it was anything but the case.  I was annoyed that I had paid money for inaccuracies more than anything else in those situations.

Will I still get reads? Yes but only occasionally because I've learned that too many reads make for hugh inaccuracies. 
If I get a read with the same person after a six month haitus, the energy is much clearer and the accuracy is far greater. 

LOA has been discussed on this board a lot and whether or not you agree with it, we are able to navigate our destinies and our subconscious thoughts do create our realities.
So I'm learning to re-program by subconscious to manifest the greatest future for myself.

Sure they can. I've had things happen long term. Big outcomes as well.

Offline K88

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Re: Long Term Psychic User OUTCOMES
« Reply #22 on: May 28, 2019, 12:42:02 AM »
Great post. Do you have any updates? Cookie is good, but like you said mixes up energies as well as the past and present. I just purchased a reading with Ness, but I haven't set up an appointment yet. I also scheduled something with Yona. Idk, it gets exhausting trying to find that one psychic you know is going to be consistent for you. Before I met my POI I was told he would come into my life and was long term and blah blah blah blah and now that he's here it's always someone else around the corner and the next guy is the one. I just don't get it. Why can't you just tell me what I need to do to fix the relationship I'm already in?

Hi guys  ;D

Wanted to do an outcome breakdown for you guys and a quick synopsis of the situation I got into that started me calling psychics 6 or so years ago.

I started reading with PsychicSource and then moved onto California Psychics. I was very naive at the time and assumed that the individuals on these sites were "vetted" and "ethical" or would just plainly tell me the truth. I had recently gone thru a breakup of a longterm relationship and had started hanging out with my ex again. After finding the board in 2012, I came across Keen - which is where I found most of the advisors I currently read with.

I have read with almost every single advisor mentioned on this board and they seemed correct. My ex and I were dating very steadily after our major breakup in January 2011 from June 2011- March 2012 until I found out he had a girlfriend. That he moved into his home in October of 2011. Nobody picked up on her. NOT ONE PSYCHIC. Truthfully, the only psychic that sorta picked up on her was Cookie - and she minimized it considering they were living together. I was also reading with Kisha (Aries) and Anne (QofC) at this time and those are the only three readers I would still read with out of the list for different reasons prior to finding out about the gf, which I will get into. I have probably read with 300 psychics and spent tens of thousands of dollars, and my list is about 5 now.

After I found out about the girlfriend, which of course sent me on a complete binge, I started reading with a couple readers that I still use and trust. Ness21 and NorthStarJulie. So, here is a breakdown how the readers I trust have been right:

Kisha - incorrect on the outcome for a relationship or that he would leave his gf. He's still with her. It's 2017. I am definitely open to the possibility that he may have left if I continued to stay in the situation but I waited for a year and he made zero progress. He also was telling me he was going to leave her but had become consistently more disconnected. Kisha correctly predicted countless exchanges with us and things that would happen. She also correctly predicted when my next relationship would start. I have read with her recently and she seems even better at picking up things and incredibly consistent. She is one of the most ethical and legitimate readers on Keen but she was incorrect on the outcome related to the ex and his gf and myself. Read with her on a new situation and she picked up a lot on her own and provided timelines that seem feasible.

Ness21 - I cried and hated Ness. I talked so much crap about her. I read with 10 other psychics to try and "prove" she was wrong. Ness knew he was in another relationship and told me he would NEVER leave her for me. As I said above, they're still together. I still use Ness but she won't provide tons of details and it's probably good she doesn't. I have recently read with her on a new situation and have been provided a pretty positive outcome that matches Kisha's.

Cookie - Wrong about my ex and gf. Correct on things as the relationship was happening with my more recent ex. Wrong about a guy I dated/liked over the last year. Right that I would start dating someone in work capacity and knew exactly what we did. She mentioned this man coming in for two years. I haven't had follow up readings with her because I think she skews positive. I have been lucky with Cookie but I don't think you go to her on outcomes as she mixes up energies often.

Julie - Right a solid 85% on feelings and how things would play out in the near future. I didn't start reading with her on the ex and gf situation until after I knew, but she knew he had a gf, knew about his feelings, and pretty much knew everything that would happen as it was happening. Now, here is where it gets tricky. She ultimately saw him leaving her but I chose to move on. I have been reading with her on a current situation and she's been correct on most things involving feelings, etc, so far. I realize she's hard to get ahold of and doesn't come on often - so here are a list of readers that I have read with recently that are aligned with those three mentioned above.

-MysticRaven11 - not sure if she will be correct but consistent with readers I trust above. She is not a "wow factor" reader by any means.
-Sweethearts Tarot - same as above. Has definitely gotten some minor predictions (hanging out, etc) correct for me and was able to confirm feelings/issues.
-Queen of Cups18 - she has been flat out wrong for me before - but she has also been completely right. I would space your readings out 2weeks or so with her and just ask your main question with very minimal follow up questions. She has gotten a lot correct in current situation for me. She also assured me a man I was involved with wasn't cheating on me and she was wrong wrong wrong.

I did read with Kelly Callaghan this time around and I wasn't blown away. She reminded me a lot of Cookie, and although her predictions were aligned in certain aspects, I didn't find her very "predictive" or really telling me much I could substantiate for the future. She did know about some things in the past that were impressive though.

Hopefully that helps. I have a long list of incorrect readers that people are reading with now that I'm happy to answer any questions on. So that's it guys. 6 years and thousands of dollars and I would only recommend Ness, Julie, Kisha, Anne, and Cookie with caveats on all. That's pretty intense given the monumental list of readers I went to in order to navigate the relationship I was in.

Love you guys.


Offline MotherOf3

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Re: Long Term Psychic User OUTCOMES
« Reply #23 on: June 26, 2019, 06:09:28 PM »
Has anyone read with Dave from CP? I’ve been thinking about getting a reading, but first would like some feedback before I pay that much. Does his predictions happen?

Offline journalmuse

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Re: Long Term Psychic User OUTCOMES
« Reply #24 on: June 26, 2019, 06:17:50 PM »
Has anyone read with Dave from CP? I’ve been thinking about getting a reading, but first would like some feedback before I pay that much. Does his predictions happen?


Offline MotherOf3

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Re: Long Term Psychic User OUTCOMES
« Reply #25 on: June 26, 2019, 07:28:59 PM »
Has anyone read with Dave from CP? I’ve been thinking about getting a reading, but first would like some feedback before I pay that much. Does his predictions happen?


Well, there’s that! 🤣
Lmao thanks for the feedback!

