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Mental wellness

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--- Quote from: SomethingBetter on June 19, 2019, 03:48:32 AM ---I hope I’m not offending anyone by starting this topic but I think it’s important and not even about the psychics.

I stopped reading almost a decade ago and lived a totally fine life taking each day as it came. I still had anxiety about things but I do have a diagnosis of GAD so that’s to be expected. But it wasn’t reading related.

Through my observations many (not all) but many who get readings tend to have issues with anxiety, wanting control, feeling out of control, wishing to steer life their way, what have you.

I have seen some posts that have startled me. Posts where people have been suicidal, had suicidal ideation, couldn’t get out of bed, etc. I am not judging. If anything my heart goes out to those individuals and I totally empathize.

So I wanted to start this thread about mental wellness and thought we could share some things like a group therapy session. I will admit I’m too embarrassed to talk about my psychic calling to my T or P-doc.

I DO NOT want to make this thread about readings or psychics or anything like that.

I want to make this about US and how we can encourage each other and even suggest things we do in our personal lives that ground us.

Remember, no talk of readings or psychics. Just us and our wellness.

I’ll start off. I love affirmations. I use to hate them and found them hokey. But you know what? Seeing on my mirror “Nothing is permanent, you can always leave or change,” encourages me. Telling myself that I had a shitty day but I’m a bad ass and one bad day doesn’t change that actually helps.

So what say you? What do you or can you do for your own mental wellness?

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I'd agree with this assumption! We often go to psychics to find a way to "get a grip" on the "out of control" areas of our lives, and find answers. And when things are out of control, there's often anxiety and stress from it. Now of course, like you said, i cannot say that every single case leads to psychic-sprees. (How about a birthday party? Haha) But I'd say the majority factor is this.

I love this idea for a thread. It makes me happy to see such care!

What helps me when I'm really stressed? I watch a comedy show to movie. I do have some very unhealthy coping mechanisms such as drinking a lot, due to the worries, but, another thing that actually can help is trying to convince myself to not only live in the moment, and recognize that I'm present, but also to meditate, and literally "feel" the anxiety, and "make room for it". Accept that it's there. Not trying to fight it because when we obsess over it, or argue back toward that anxious part of ourselves, or try and figure things out, it comes back stronger. So just even allowing that anxiety to be there, and recognizing it as "anxiety" can do wonders (: Also mediation.


--- Quote from: josh34 on June 19, 2019, 09:17:23 PM ---
--- Quote from: SomethingBetter on June 19, 2019, 03:48:32 AM ---I hope I’m not offending anyone by starting this topic but I think it’s important and not even about the psychics.

I stopped reading almost a decade ago and lived a totally fine life taking each day as it came. I still had anxiety about things but I do have a diagnosis of GAD so that’s to be expected. But it wasn’t reading related.

Through my observations many (not all) but many who get readings tend to have issues with anxiety, wanting control, feeling out of control, wishing to steer life their way, what have you.

I have seen some posts that have startled me. Posts where people have been suicidal, had suicidal ideation, couldn’t get out of bed, etc. I am not judging. If anything my heart goes out to those individuals and I totally empathize.

So I wanted to start this thread about mental wellness and thought we could share some things like a group therapy session. I will admit I’m too embarrassed to talk about my psychic calling to my T or P-doc.

I DO NOT want to make this thread about readings or psychics or anything like that.

I want to make this about US and how we can encourage each other and even suggest things we do in our personal lives that ground us.

Remember, no talk of readings or psychics. Just us and our wellness.

I’ll start off. I love affirmations. I use to hate them and found them hokey. But you know what? Seeing on my mirror “Nothing is permanent, you can always leave or change,” encourages me. Telling myself that I had a shitty day but I’m a bad ass and one bad day doesn’t change that actually helps.

So what say you? What do you or can you do for your own mental wellness?

--- End quote ---

I'd agree with this assumption! We often go to psychics to find a way to "get a grip" on the "out of control" areas of our lives, and find answers. And when things are out of control, there's often anxiety and stress from it. Now of course, like you said, i cannot say that every single case leads to psychic-sprees. (How about a birthday party? Haha) But I'd say the majority factor is this.

I love this idea for a thread. It makes me happy to see such care!

What helps me when I'm really stressed? I watch a comedy show to movie. I do have some very unhealthy coping mechanisms such as drinking a lot, due to the worries, but, another thing that actually can help is trying to convince myself to not only live in the moment, and recognize that I'm present, but also to meditate, and literally "feel" the anxiety, and "make room for it". Accept that it's there. Not trying to fight it because when we obsess over it, or argue back toward that anxious part of ourselves, or try and figure things out, it comes back stronger. So just even allowing that anxiety to be there, and recognizing it as "anxiety" can do wonders (: Also mediation.

--- End quote ---

Thanks Josh! I’d like to keep this thread reading/psychic free.

I love the Calm app and binural beats. The sounds soothe me for some reason.

When I’m not being lazy, a good run helps too.

Self care is so important and we constantly neglect it.

Fluttershy, has DBT worked for you in the past?

As far as leaving angry messages....leave them. On your phone. Type out whatever you want to say in notepad. Say whatever you want in voice memos and you can play it back.

I am feeling like shit today. I’m teary, I’m anxious, I’m sad, I’m bloated and fat feeling (thanks for giving me a heads up, Cookie) I want to drink, I want to spend, I want to do all the things you want to do.

I just sit here reminding myself that these feelings are temporary. Everything is temporary, everything has its season and this is just one I have to make my way through. But I will and so will you.

--- Quote from: FlutterShy on June 21, 2019, 01:43:42 AM ---What am going to do?

After another binge, as a love addict, a codependent, borderline personality disorder... will I ever get better?! 😭😖😭

I thought if I deleted everything on here I’d take bigger steps in not contributing to my drama life, or calling psychics - and i haven’t. In fact I feel like I am failing... again. (Obsession with perfection over here)

The positives : I haven’t cut myself (but I still struggle with that a lot and painfully do dream about it), nor drank myself to a bingey hangover (too broke to buy alcohol, so um that one good thing about being broke). I only called one hour off work as “sick” instead of the whole day. Nor have I borrowed more money from my sister, nor taken out a payday loan, nor maxed one possible credit card. Nor have I left a lot of angry messages on my POI phone... ok well I may have left a total a four angry ones in a span of two days... But definitely not enough to create harassment/stalker case... yeah uh ... let’s talk about how these are goals as someone with mental illness and addiction to psychics

And despite all this- I still wish I could read more with advisors- so I can be confused by imaginary/or real third parties, so I can repeat and muddle more about what wrong I’m doing or not doing enough off. I wish I could let go, if I could and wanted to! But clearly I’m still repeating a broken pattern.

I do believe in LOA, yet right now I want say 🖕to all that!!! Especially since my predictions got pushed further back.

I honestly don’t know anymore- at this point... I struggle with getting better and letting go. At times I feel like my mental illness is a death sentence of being single forever and unable to ever recover from any broken relationship and addicted to psychics without taking full responsibility for my decisions... Right now I hope there are ppl who have gotten better with their mental illness and we’re also addicted to psychics, but for me and today it feels like I’m barely functional.

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It's not even so much about predictions.

It's about trying to 'feel' his aliveness in my life.

I felt this. To my core. It’s just that feeling of trying to recapture or hold on to something that was so fleeting and in hindsight, so delicate and impermanent.


--- Quote from: FlutterShy on June 21, 2019, 03:13:22 AM ---Something again and again I have to remind myself when I’m feeling a binge but can’t act out: it will pass

I currently don’t like being with people because I’m afraid I’ll snap at them, and not be “perfect”. However, I’ve had to face this fear and false perception, for now it’s better that I am WITH people and it’s ok to be a bitch than being alone with my thoughts, because my thoughts do and can lead to more harmful actions... still though I feel like I could spit poison and the floor would melt.

Breathe: it’s ok to be a bitch in recovery

The song by one republic counting stars really speaks to me right now: make that money watch it burn sink in the river the lessons I learned

--- End quote ---

Fluttershy, I get you. Impulsivity is my THING. Psychics, sex, alcohol, shopping...all my favorite vices. I constantly have to remind myself as well that it will pass too. But I’m the moment, idk if you feel this way, but it is like ants crawling under my skin. I HAVE to do something and it takes all my might to stop myself.

And yes, be with people. I suffer from black and white thinking. And part of that is I feel I need to be one SB that is good, perfect, knowledgeable or whatever or I’m the SB I don’t like, bitchy and impulsive and moody. But like you said, it’s better to be those things with people and they may forgive you or understand than to live in your thoughts which can unfortunately be distorted.

You’ll be ok.


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